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Contest: Real Leaf Word Master Challenge

We’re back with Real Leaf and doing another contest. This time, it’s gonna be like a treasure-hunt game running on a Facebook App. Check out the details of the Word Master Challenge below.

The contest will run in conjunction with several other blogs (FlairCandy, Pinoy Travel Blog, Starmometer, Kubiertos and GMTristan).

Each day, a new question will be posted on the Facebook App (here). The answers to the questions are found in the blogs (just have to search for it). Once a question is correctly answered, you earn a letter which you use to solve the puzzle. There are a total of 23 letters but you only need the missing 20.

For the complete mechanics, go to the FB App here and click on the Contest Mechanics button on the top right corner.

Once you compete the puzzle, you’re qualified to win the top prizes: 1 male winner and 1 female winner with a Sony Bloggie HD each plus 6 months supply of Real Leaf Green Tea. Did I say you will also win a date with Erich Gonzales or Enchong Dee?

But wait, there’s more!

I have 2 cases of Real Leaf Green Tea that I can giveaway to my readers/commenters here. To make things more exciting, we’ll raffle each case as follows.

One case goes to a random Tweet with this message:

Thirsty for more contests? Check out the YugaTech-Real Leaf Word Master Challenge. Win a Sony Bloggie HD & more! – http://bit.ly/cqYdm2

Another case goes to the best comment that answers this question:

If you’re stuck thirsty in an island with your mom and your girlfriend/boyfriend and you only have a case of Real Leaf Green Tea, how would you split the 24 bottles and why?

Gimme me your funniest, wittiest answer.

While the Word Master Challenge on Facebook will last for 4 weeks, I’ll be picking the winners of the 2 cases of Real Leaf by end of September 3, 2010 (next Friday).

Abe Olandres
Abe Olandres
Abe is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of YugaTech with over 20 years of experience in the technology industry. He is one of the pioneers of blogging in the country and considered by many as the Father of Tech Blogging in the Philippines. He is also a technology consultant, a tech columnist with several national publications, resource speaker and mentor/advisor to several start-up companies.
  1. nice sali ulit ako dito hehe

  2. Thank you, sir, for that wonderful question. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.. good evening, Interneeet!!!

    You know what, sir, in my 22 years of existence there’s nothing major, major..(can you hear me, over?) I mean, no problem giving all 24 bottles to my Sweetipie. Because I am very confident that my mother is hiding even more bottles of Real Leaf tea under her dress. So, thank you thank you so much that I’m here!

  3. @abeolandres Sir, may nanalo na dun sa Western Digital?

    • @cheftonio meron na, di lang nabibigay saken ni WD yung list.

    • @abeolandres ah ok. hehe. excited na ako malaman sinu nanalo. sumali din kasi ako. hahahaha

  4. I’d give them 8 each then I’d drink the other 8. After consuming all the bottles, I’d then make a makeshift boat from the Real Leaf Green Tea bottles then send my mom away;p Hehe.

  5. I thought Sony would be offering the Bloggie MHS-CM5 (the model I got now). Their local website still offers only the Bloggie MHS-PM5K/P

  6. For me, if I would stucked thirsty in an island with my mom and my girlfriend/boyfriend and I only have a case of Real Leaf Green Tea, I would split it by dividing it into three so that all of us can survive from thirsty, after that I will collect all the used bottles and I will make a boat or anything that can be used to leave that place. Or I will make a note on the sand using the bottles to be able to the rescuers if there are rescuers see our situation in the island. Thank you!

  7. @warfab – maybe Real Leaf is sourcing the Bloggie somewhere else.

  8. @uhohrommel – lol

  9. ill leave the 24 bottles in the shore and spy if anyone besides us three would be there to get the cold real leaf drinks i would then seize him and use him as an instrument to leave the island

  10. – 6 bottles of Real Leaf Green Tea goes to my girl friend
    – 6 bottles of Real Leaf Green Tea goes to me
    – 12 bottles of Real Leaf Green Tea goes to my mom

    Giving the majority (12 bottles) of the Real Leaf Green Tea to my mom will show respect to an elderly especially to my own mother. Also, as a senior citizen, she’s not strong enough to look for sources of water unlike my GF and me in an unfamiliar island. I’m sure my GF won’t mind if I will only give her 6 bottles because I will also have the same quantity. I’m quite sure also that she will do the same if she will be asked to do the splitting. But knowing my mom, she will not think twice of giving an extra bottle of Real Leaf Green Tea to anyone who runs out of it first. In the end, no one will get thirsty until the last drop of the Real Leaf Green Tea is consumed. But when that time comes, I will take my mom and GF back to civilization by following a sign which I saw while peeing a few meters away from our camp which says “THIS WAY TO D’MALL”.

  11. Tweeted already http://twitter.com/EihdraG/status/22068462905

    12 bottles goes to mom
    6 bottles goes to boyfriend
    6 bottles for me

    I’d give more to my mom of course, because she’s old and would be a lot thirstier than me. Suffering hot flashes due to menopause (lol)and old age would make mom consume the bottles faster than my boyfriend and me.
    If she already finished all 12 bottles and still thirsty, I would gladly share mine.
    The boyfriend, being a guy though we’re in a deserted island and would die of thirst, should find another way to quench our thirst and hunger (lol). And he is willing to share some of the bottles to me and/or my mom, I’ll marry him as soon as we get of the island.

  12. Twitted: http://twitter.com/JersonMari/status/21976914621

    Here’s the sitch:

    I’ll give all the bottles to my mom. She’s already old and she would definitely need them to revitalize herself. After all, Real Leaf contains real honey which is good for her health. ;) Then my girlfriend and I will go search in the island for food and the “hatch”. (If you’re a Lost fan, you know what I mean. Hehe!) Hopefully, inside the “hatch” are boxes and boxes of Real Leaf and preserved foods! :D I just wish “the others” won’t capture us. XD

  13. thanks for this promo :)

    tweeted this promo http://twitter.com/maricarlosantas

    If we we’re stuck thirsty in an island with my mom and my boyfriend with a case of Real Leaf Green Tea I will divided the 24 bottles equally that means we have 8 bottles each just to be fair for all of us ^_^

    maricarlosantas (at) hotmail (dot) com

  14. Tweeted: http://twitter.com/slither1004

  15. If you’re stuck thirsty in an island with your mom and your girlfriend/boyfriend and you only have a case of Real Leaf Green Tea, how would you split the 24 bottles and why?

    I will split it equally:
    12 for my mom
    12 for my boyfriend

    If I’m thirsty I will just ask for a sip from one of them

  16. tweet :D

    Well… 10 for my mom, 8 for my hubby and 6 for me. My Mom is more important than my hubby. My hubby is more important than me. And I’m sure if I get thirsty my hubby and specially my mom would give me some of their bottles.. :D :D Because they’ll love me :D :D

  17. tweet :D sign2010up

    Well… 10 for my mom, 8 for my hubby and 6 for me. My Mom is more important than my hubby. My hubby is more important than me. And I’m sure if I get thirsty my hubby and specially my mom would give me some of their bottles.. Because they’ll love me

  18. Hi I’m joining! =)

    tweeted: https://twitter.com/michelleame/status/22239573295


  19. I’ll major, major divide the 24 bottles for the three of us

    8 bottles for my mom
    8 bottles for BF
    8 bottles for me

  20. I’m joining!

    tweeted this giveaway-

  21. Tweeted: http://twitter.com/jameelamalicdem/status/22243049857

    If you’re stuck thirsty in an island with your mom and your boyfriend and you only have a case of Real Leaf Green Tea, how would you split the 24 bottles and why?

    – I will not. We’ll play hep hep hooray (we’re all good at it) and whoever wins gets 1 bottle. Then we’ll do another round and so on until all the bottles are divided (equally or not equally, it depends). How we missed wowowee, haha. At least, we’ll not get bored.

  22. I tweeted about your giveaway on the 24th. Forgot to post it here waaah:

    Here’s my new tweet:

    My answer to your question, I’ll give 10 to my mom, and 7 each for me and my partner Mai. I know my partner would agree to give my mom more since she’s older and would be thirstier. But, if ever my partner and I end up needing more, I know my mom would share her part. She’s a loving and caring mother. :)

    And, we’ll use the empty and the unopened Real Leaf bottles for our SOS signal. :D

  23. tweeted: http://twitter.com/myfjordz/status/22260162940


  24. Tweet! http://twitter.com/nonoy/status/22282761054

  25. I’m joining!(^_^)



  26. Q: If you’re stuck thirsty in an island with your mom and your girlfriend/boyfriend and you only have a case of Real Leaf Green Tea, how would you split the 24 bottles and why?

    A: First- they are both important for me of course.
    I’m lucky to have a cool and on-the-go Mom, so for me we will play a game and I will call it as a “FINDING A REAL LEAF GREEN TEA DRINK in the ISLAND”. :)
    If who can find more then lucky she/he is!
    But of course at the end, whoever got most for sure we will share it equally. My Mom can’t forsake me as well as my bf/hubby too.
    At least we didn’t got bored while waiting for a rescue team! (^_^)

  27. Forgot this:

    My TWITTER: http://twitter.com/esvi_chloe_aven


  28. https://twitter.com/chiulien

  29. If you’re stuck thirsty in an island with your mom and your girlfriend/boyfriend and you only have a case of Real Leaf Green Tea, how would you split the 24 bottles and why?

    Well the best way to go about it so I won’t be called selfish (’cause I want it all for myself as it is my favorite drink) is to distribute it equally to my mom, my honey and myself – in that way I can share that real leaf is what my green tea could be! Awesome!

  30. Well the best way to go about it so I won’t be called selfish (’cause I want it all for myself as it is my favorite drink) is to distribute it equally to my mom, my honey and myself – in that way I can share that real leaf is what my green tea could be! Awesome!

  31. If you’re stuck thirsty in an island with your mom and your girlfriend/boyfriend and you only have a case of Real Leaf Green Tea, how would you split the 24 bottles and why?

    Well the best way to go about it so I won’t be called selfish (’cause I want it all for myself as it is my favorite drink) is to distribute it equally to my mom, my honey and myself – in that way I can share that real leaf is what my green tea could be! Awesome!

  32. tweet http://twitter.com/TERESAHUNDANA/statuses/22339913449

  33. http://twitter.com/chelle26 – tweeted

  34. If you’re stuck thirsty in an island with your mom and your girlfriend and you only have a case of Real Leaf Green Tea, how would you split the 24 bottles and why?

    12 for ME
    8 for MOM
    4 for GF

    HELLO?! It’s Real Leaf Green Tea! >:)
    Well, I’m just kidding. Of course I’ll give it equally. :D
    Let’s be kind to each other. Because there is something more to come than what you expect. :D

  35. tweet

  36. 20 for my mom because I love her so much and I don’t want her to get thirsty
    3 for my boyfriend it represent I love you
    1 for me because one bottle of real leaf is enough revitalize my thirst

  37. Tweeted :

  38. Tweeted: http://twitter.com/minnie_madz/status/22440546945

    We’ll be having 2 bottles each. Why? Because I’ll be using the other 18 bottles to write HELP!

  39. tweet

  40. http://twitter.com/millette05/status/22500519760

  41. I will give 10 to my mother. 8 bottle goes to my partner, and remaining 6 to me.

    Knowing how my love cares for me and for those whom I love, I’m sure he will agree and would even give a part of his real leaf allotment to me.

    I’m betting on my lucky stars that I’ll even end up with the most number of bottles as my mother would readily give some of her share to me. It is in givng that we truly receive, right?

  42. http://twitter.com/cornelio03/status/22506656349

  43. – 6 bottles of Real Leaf Green Tea goes to my girl friend
    – 6 bottles of Real Leaf Green Tea goes to me
    – 12 bottles of Real Leaf Green Tea goes to my mom

    Giving the majority (12 bottles) of the Real Leaf Green Tea to my mom will show respect to an elderly especially to my own mother. Also, as a senior citizen, she’s not strong enough to look for sources of water unlike my GF and me in an unfamiliar island. I’m sure my GF won’t mind if I will only give her 6 bottles because I will also have the same quantity. I’m quite sure also that she will do the same if she will be asked to do the splitting. But knowing my mom, she will not think twice of giving an extra bottle of Real Leaf Green Tea to anyone who runs out of it first. In the end, no one will get thirsty until the last drop of the Real Leaf Green Tea is consumed.Then,I will collect the used bottles and make it a boat so that we can leave the island and were going back to civilization.When we get home we will buy more Real Leaf Green Tea.

  44. it’s been a long since the last time i visited this blog. I bet i missed a lot of cool contests here. But i’m back with a new domain name.

    For me: I will make the situation something more mind-cracking(but not that really). I just pose a question for both of them? – What’s the best drink that could really quench our thirst?

    Any of them that can give the correct answer(Real Leaf) will receive 10 bottles of Real Leaf. In case my girlfriend guess it right then she will receive the 10 bottles. 8 bottles for my mom and the remaining 6 bottles for me.

    I’ve been into survival training like BSP(Boys Scouts of the Philippines) so instead of having 6, i will give the other two to the one who has 8 bottles to make it fair. Only 4 are left for me.

    My Tweet: https://twitter.com/frixter2000/status/22534183433

  45. Twit twit

  46. 4 me i divided it into 3 so 8for me 8 for my mom and 8for my switty .because i love them both..

  47. If you’re stuck thirsty in an island with your mom and your girlfriend/boyfriend and you only have a case of Real Leaf Green Tea, how would you split the 24 bottles and why?

    -Para sa akin, 7 each, 7 for me, 7 for my mom and 7 for my gf.

    Sa natitirang 3 bote, ibabaon ko sa tabi ng dagat upang doon ay itabi at palamigin. un ang magioging reserba kung sakaling lumagpas ng 7 days (1 bote ng real leaf kada araw).

  48. well for me, the three of us will drink all the real leaf equally for the bottles to be used as a improvised floating device so we can all be saved and drink more of it.

    thank you

  49. i think i would divide it in 3, each of us would get 8… and if ever my mom or my bf/gf would still need more,id be willing to share what i have little by little for our survival… its a sacrifice for me but i dont want to live in the island or leave the island without one of them..

  50. tweeted: http://twitter.com/laocee/status/22770900172

  51. tweeted na: http://twitter.com/laocee

  52. the previous post is incomplete, here it is

  53. tweeted:

    i will give my mom 10 bottles, since she really love green tea! thats her prize…

    my bf 10 bottles, i will test him, if he really loves me, he will share to me the green tea.. if not sorry na lang ako, break kung break! hehehe…

    for me 4 bottles only… i will try not to make hingi to them, and titingnan ko kung sino sa kanila ang mas mahal ako at hindi ako matitiis by sharing to me their Real Life Green Tea….

  54. uupo kami sa harap ng 24 bottles real leaf green tea and then drink all you can ….

  55. I love this promo!

    I Just tweeted! https://twitter.com/jovil21

    The three of us will just get one and drink the Real Leaf Green Tea and never mind counting on how many bottles we are consuming. We will just satisfy our thirst and be revive! Each of us will just enjoy the moment with this delicious drinks we have and maybe some rescuers will come to save us!

  56. when will the admin post the result of this contest?

  57. Great tea is effective in increasing immune system and losing stress. It is great for skin, hair and nails so we must drink green tea daily.

  58. I constantly emailed this blog post page to all my contacts, as if
    like to read it next my contacts will too.

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