Sony recently unveiled one of its latest products, the WF-1000XM3 wireless headphones. The WF-1000XM3 are the direct successor to the WF-1000XM1 wireless noise-canceling headphones as Sony skipped in producing an M2. With a sleek look that features an HD Noise Cancelling Processor QN1e chip and a Dual Noise Sensor Technology, the WF-1000xM3 also has a 24-bit audio signal processing, DAC with an amplifier, and Digital Sound Enhancement Engine HX (DSEE HX).
The specs look good on paper, but how does it really fare when in use? Watch as Joey, who got to attend the product’s launch in Japan, gives us a hands-on review of the earbuds.
Locally, the WF-1000XM3 is priced at PHP 12,999 and can be reserved from July 6 to July 28, 2019, at authorized Sony dealers. Claiming period of the buds begins on August 1, 2019 at Sony outlets listed in this article.