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Bing, Google to do Twitter Search

Today, Bing and Google announced that they have set an agreement with Twitter to do integrated search. This means you can see Twitter updates on both Bing and Google search pages.

And mind you, these are real-time search from all Twitter updates.

twitter search

Microsoft came out first with the announcement and has already implemented the search via http://bing.com/twitter:

However, upon inspection, the Twitter search on Bing doesn’t seen to be working. Now, that’s an epic fail on launch date.

On the other hand, Google’s announcement of the Twitter search integration is just an announcement. No specific date when this will be implemented and how the integration will be done.

So, why would Twitter want to give the search data to Bing and Google when they can do it on their own (which they’ve been actually doing already):

  • Computing Powersearch requires a huge amount of computing power (just ask administrators of very large forums on how their internal search is choking the servers). Google and Microsoft already has that technology so it spares Twitter from spending more on servers.
  • Search Discovery – Twitter is already mainstream but it looks like its growth has plateaued (stagnant) for the last 3 months (according to Compete). Getting more traffic from search engines could help boost its growth.
  • Monetization – Twitter could be developing a much better API and selling it as a premium to 3rd parties like Google and Microsoft. The search engines, in turn, can monetize the search traffic. It’s a win-win deal.

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Avatar for Abe Olandres

Abe is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of YugaTech with over 20 years of experience in the technology industry. He is one of the pioneers of blogging in the country and considered by many as the Father of Tech Blogging in the Philippines. He is also a technology consultant, a tech columnist with several national publications, resource speaker and mentor/advisor to several start-up companies.

10 Responses

  1. Avatar for Gio Gio says:

    This is great news, I’m for it, everything for the advancement of technology, but who would go to bing just to look for somebody on Twitter, I’d rather just go directly to Twitter and look for that person there.

  2. Avatar for Cheftonio Cheftonio says:

    Agree! I was contented with the twitter search already but, who’s complaining?

    I love how everything evolves very fast!

    101 Funny Twitter Images

  3. Avatar for Atlanta SEO Atlanta SEO says:

    We’ve been waiting for this, but surprised to see it this soon…
    I still have a love/hate relationship with this in the fact that I don’t need to have 140 character updates from people about what they’re eating, and I swear it’s making people stupid. There’s no doubt that more and more people are using it, though most can’t tell you why or what the heck it is…

  4. Avatar for Reel Advice Reel Advice says:

    Well, I actually do not see any use in searching in Twitter. Trending Topics for me is enough already. :)

  5. Avatar for RTFVerterra RTFVerterra says:

    This comment is out of topic.

    I hate (very much) shortened URLs used rampantly in twitter. It makes me hesitant to click for any link except for links made by people I trusted like Yuga ;).

  6. Avatar for Amy Amy says:

    I can’t believe how popular Twitter has become.

  7. Avatar for reidan reidan says:

    Why do you want to search Twitter? What do you think to find?

  8. Avatar for allan allan says:

    nice post……keep up the good work…by the way…can you suggest any good webhosting site?…that suitable for us(FILIPINO) the cheaper one…Thanks…


  9. Avatar for Gino Gino says:

    what will the impact for this for SEO’s?

  10. Avatar for asero asero says:

    Real time Bing search works for me. Although not that REAL Time. A couple of minutes late for Bing.
    I bet soon, twitter will be under google…

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