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Netflix now helps you save mobile data while streaming

Netflix announces that it is offering a new tool to better control how much data you want to use when you stream on your mobile devices.


The company is now adding the default setting which, according to them, will “let you stream about 3 hours of TV shows and movies per gigabyte of data. In terms of bitrates, that currently amounts to about 600 Kilobits per second”. This results to a balance between having a decent video quality while using lower data so that users won’t easily exceed their limits and pay extra for it.

Of course, this is an option for those who are trying to save precious mobile data and for those with unlimited or higher data cap, you can always switch to the best resolution available.


The company reminds its users that only those who have updated their Netflix could use this feature so be sure you have the latest app version for both iOS and Android. Once inside, simply go to App Settings>Cellular Data Usage then you may freely select the kind of option that best works for you.

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Kevin Bruce Francisco is the Senior Editor and Video Producer for YugaTech. He's a Digital Filmmaking graduate who's always either daydreaming of traveling or actually going places on his bike. Follow him on Twitter for more tech updates @kevincofrancis.

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