realme is set to debut a brand new laptop in the market called the realme Book Prime. The realme book prime is set to launch in India first and then global markets soon after. Rumors says that it will be similar to the previously released realme Book Enhanced Edition.
The realme Book Prime is rumored to feature a 14-inch LCD screen that offers a 3:2 aspect ratio and a 2160 x 1440P resolution. It will be powered by an 11th gen Intel Core i5 CPU along with Intel Xe graphics. It will have 16GB of RAM and 512GB of storage, all powered by Windows 11 and a 54Wh battery w/ 65W fast charging.
It is expected to feature multiple USB Type-C Ports, a 3.5mm headphone jack, Wi-Fi 6, and Bluetooth 5.2. The laptop will also have stereo speakers, and a fingerprint scanner.
Official pricing and availability has yet to be revealed so stay tuned.
Source MySmartPrice