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Are you a big fish?

While we’re on the topic of links and link baiting, let me share this other one I just found out: Are you a Big Fish?

If you put in the URL to your blog and hit enter, it will check your site’s backlinks and rank it according to how big a fish you’re blog is. Here’s mine:

Certified Backlinks.
Site Class:Are you a Big Fish?

This is just like that “How much is your blog worth?” bait.

Here are the list of big fish ranks:

* Tiny Lil Guppy – Tiny Lil Guppies better watch out. They’re just too small to wander the Ocean alone.
* Small Smelt – Smelts aren’t big and tough. Only Guppies are smaller.
* Medium Herring – Not the scariest fish around, but not one who gets pushed around easily either
* Big Shark – Better not mess with a Big Shark
* Humoungous Sailfish – A fish this size is one to be reckoned with. You better have a big hook to catch this one.
* Freaking Whale – the largest of all creatures in the ocean. Only a few chosen websites can be whales

Unlike in nature, a Guppy can grow to become a Freaking Whale on the internet. Keep acquiring backlinks and your website will grow into the biggest Fish in the Ocean.

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Avatar for Abe Olandres

Abe is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of YugaTech with over 20 years of experience in the technology industry. He is one of the pioneers of blogging in the country and considered by many as the Father of Tech Blogging in the Philippines. He is also a technology consultant, a tech columnist with several national publications, resource speaker and mentor/advisor to several start-up companies.

5 Responses

  1. Avatar for Kelley Desue Kelley Desue says:

    What do you find is the most effective method to increasebacklinksto your website?

  2. Avatar for Dexter Zafra Dexter Zafra says:

    I don’t own a blog site, but yours is very impressive. Congrats bro for having a successful blog. I owned a Web portal only ranked 41,000 in Alexa. My site gets 110,000 daily page view. Google Ads monthly impression report is about 1.1 million. That’s why I need to place Ads to pay the three servers that cost me $900.60 a month.

  3. Avatar for Ron Ron says:

    tiny lil guppy…

  4. Avatar for AhmedF AhmedF says:

    Look its linkbait! :)

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