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SEO: Art or Exact Science?

There’s an ongoing debate at the SEO Philippines Yahoogroups about what makes a deserving Isulong SEOPH Contest winner.

Point #1: Contestants should not rely on blogs as an out-of-the-box solution. Make an effort to beautify your website entry. Isn’t the Philippine Web Awards doing that for the last 8 years?

Point #2: Do contestants need to be “clean” (read: white hat) in their strategy for Isulong SEOPH? If we were to promote SEO in the Philippines, is it okay if we award it to someone who stuffed his website with nothing but 1,000 isulong seoph keyword and another thousand in comment spams/trackbacks?

Point #3: What can we possibly learn from this exercise? What if the winner employed some gargantuan spammin’ and jammin? Are we telling everyone that it’s okay to spam and jam to get to the top?

Point #4: As one commenter who’s been doing some rounds, “who is benefitting from all these?”, pointing to the contest sponsors that require linkback to their own websites.

Point #5: Why the preference to Google? Personally, I would have gone with Yehey (poster boy for Philippine search?). Patriotic tayo di ba? *joke*

[tags]isulong seoph, seo contest, google ranking[/tags]

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Avatar for Abe Olandres

Abe is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of YugaTech with over 20 years of experience in the technology industry. He is one of the pioneers of blogging in the country and considered by many as the Father of Tech Blogging in the Philippines. He is also a technology consultant, a tech columnist with several national publications, resource speaker and mentor/advisor to several start-up companies.

6 Responses

  1. Avatar for qohlcbtb qohlcbtb says:

    ??? ???

  2. Avatar for Martin Martin says:

    Not true. The term “SEO is not an exact science” is using by Search Engines Marketers who do not fully understand how search engines works. Read the proof at:


  3. Avatar for lehman lehman says:

    SEO:Its a science which have been given to peoples through an Art.

  4. Avatar for seoluv seoluv says:


  5. Avatar for Alwell Alwell says:

    If you remember when we talked about this over YM. I mentioned that most contestants are using wordpress or uses their blog to rank the isulong seoph. That would be okay since wordpress is a tool which I think is one of the fastest way to rank your site since its google friendly but personally if there are people’s choice winner for this contest I would pick sites which are not blog in nature. Why? if you are going to seo business or sidelines after this contest lets not forget if ever there are companies who would pay you to rank their site expect its a corporate website or product listings and services not a blog site.

    Well, right now my non blog site as an entry to this seo contest just made it to the result page but its way way down there. I’m experimenting on how to improve its ranking without relying on blog tools.

    These are just my personal opinion nothing serious about it heehehe.

  6. Avatar for kzap kzap says:

    What wouldnt be ok is something that breaks the law, though which law we use would be up to the host of the competition. If a spammer wins, fine, but in the end its all an exercise to test out different forms of SEO, its not about promoting acceptable SEO or doing whats right. Its about bringing out all the Philippine SEO talent and getting them to show their stuff.

    And why Google? Last time I checked there was nothing wrong with Google. Its the norm, its the standard.

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