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Google provides a Chrome extension for returning the backspace function

Are you one of the Chrome users who received the latest update and just wondered what happened to the previous page shortcut a.k.a. the backspace key? It’s pretty useful, isn’t it? We miss it and a lot do, so Google themselves provided an extension for its browser to bring back the said feature.


The Chrome extension is called Go Back With Backspace and it’s straightforward to what it does if installed on your browser. The description says, “Many people lost their progress while working online by accidentally pressing backspace and leaving a page — so we removed the feature from Chrome, and created this extension for those who prefer the old behavior.” It simply explains why Google opted to remove the feature with the Chrome 52 version.

You may download the extension through the Google Web Store here and install. But, keep in mind that the extension doesn’t restore backspace on certain special pages like the Settings and Extensions panel.

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Avatar for Daniel Morial

This article was contributed by Daniel Morial, a film school graduate and technology enthusiast. He's the geeky encyclopedia and salesman among his friends for anything tech.

3 Responses

  1. Avatar for zzz zzz says:

    Thanks for the tip Yuga! It was really disappointing when they removed the feature.

  2. Avatar for Karl Collantes Karl Collantes says:

    Or just go back by using ALT + left arrow key.

  3. Avatar for raidnoir raidnoir says:

    Wow thanks for this. Grew accustomed to backspace and was disturbed byu this change. useful for my controller configuration as well

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