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iPad2 coming to Hong Kong, Singapore in April

And misses the Philippines, again. April isn’t really that far so we might be seeing more affordable iPad2’s in the local grey market (cheaper than the 36k we’re seeing). No specific date in April was made but that should be under 30 days.

Hong Kong and Singapore was also ahead of the Philippines during the first international release of the first generation iPad.

If we follow the same “delay” as last year, it could get some 4 or 5 months after April before we see the official Philippine release to happen.

Here’s that important part of the press release from Apple:

Pricing & Availability
iPad 2 with Wi-Fi will be available in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK on March 25 for a suggested retail price of $499 (US) for the 16GB model, $599 (US) for the 32GB model, $699 (US) the 64GB model. iPad 2 with Wi-Fi + 3G will be available for a suggested retail price of $629 (US) for the 16GB model, $729 (US) for the 32GB model and $829 (US) for the 64GB model. iPad 2 will be available in Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore and additional countries in April, and in many more countries around the world in the coming months. Further international availability and pricing will be announced at a later date.

The iPad2 in Hong Kong will have an estimated retail price of HK$3,888 while it will be about SG$728 in Singapore.

We’re also running a poll here asking whether people are interested in buying the upcoming iPad 2. Head over there and share your opinions.

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Avatar for Abe Olandres

Abe is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of YugaTech with over 20 years of experience in the technology industry. He is one of the pioneers of blogging in the country and considered by many as the Father of Tech Blogging in the Philippines. He is also a technology consultant, a tech columnist with several national publications, resource speaker and mentor/advisor to several start-up companies.

33 Responses

  1. Avatar for JP33 JP33 says:

    Patience everyone if you don’t have an ipad yet wait to buy. Consumers drive the prices on these things. The original iphone3G came out and cost like $600 US dollars, and now you can get the original for free from wireless providers. With a two year contract of course, but still free. Point being this ipad craze will be the same principal. Ipad1 will drop even more, the Ipad2 will do the same when 3-4-5-6 is released. It’s such a racket technology, they sell a product Iphone everyone freaks out and stands in lines for days to pay top dollar for it. Don’t you realize if you wait a year or two you purchase the junk for a 50% marked down price. Let the rich people get the first couple and cover Apples cost for making the crap.
    Listen to yhabe wait save your money get Ipad1 for cheap, and in 3-4years that Ipad 10 will be out with full hologram images, or maybe even a teleport. Beam me up Scottie!!!!!!!

  2. Avatar for mix mix says:

    i am getting this one, i need a portable browsing media player, i prefer ipad feature than other ex galaxy, no flash? skyfire.

  3. Avatar for mambabakaw mambabakaw says:

    no thanks. il just wait for ipad 10. LOL

  4. Avatar for yhabe yhabe says:

    Not worth buying.. iPad 3 will be released by fall 2011..

  5. Avatar for schwabjec schwabjec says:


  6. Avatar for ankie ankie says:

    i will be in the philippines on april 2.. and i have an extra ipad to bring. 32gig wifi. contact me for an offer. im from canada

  7. Avatar for praksta praksta says:

    sa tingin ko they wont release a lot of ipad2 just to generate hype. hehe but still i want to get my hands on one..

  8. Avatar for Pao Pao says:

    i want the ipad2 badly! i had my mom personally hunt it in SF and LA but no luck in either best buys or mac stores. sabi three weeks pa daw maglalabas ng bagong stocks. hindi naman din pwedeng magpareserve. as long as apple make people wait for it, the bigger the chance these customers are likely to get other tablets. cant figure bat di nila maanticipate yung malaking demand for it!

  9. Avatar for boie boie says:

    kung nakaschedule lang ako makauwi ng pinas this month bibili ako ng maraming ipad2 dito sa US kaya lang for sure haharangin ako sa aiport ng mga buwaya sa NAIA

    • Avatar for Messie Messie says:

      pwede siguro mga 5, tapos sabihin mo pasalubong mo lang sa family. Although may limit na 2 per person ang pagbili ng ipad2 diyan, for sure naman magagawan mo ng paraan un :)

    • Avatar for Benchmark Benchmark says:

      hmmm I can smell Messie will be one of your buyer if you got extra Ipad2 to sell. hehehehe

      Anyway, have patience lang po. But then again, I am thinking of buying Samsung Tab instead of Ipad 1 for the reason I can send SMS through this gadget.

  10. Avatar for Kapitanbok Kapitanbok says:

    I have decided not to buy ipad 2 and retain my ipad 1
    1. I think the main difference between 1 and 2 are the front and back cameras, but reviews says it is inferior to other tablets.
    2. almost all apps run in ipad 1, and still no flash player.
    3. many tabs, (ie samsung, lg, asus) have better specs than ipad 2.
    4. Rumors of ipad 3 having far more superior specs than ipad 2which will be launched earlier than expected.
    5. Because of price slash on ipad 1, i cannot sell mine at a decent price.

    • Avatar for Messie Messie says:

      Dude, the main difference between 1 and 2 is the speed. Processing speed in ipad2 is 2x it’s predecessor, and GPU is 9x than that of ipad1 (this is somehow proven in benchmark tests conducted by other sites).

      As per the rumors of a new version of ipad2 coming out around 4Q 2012, then I have to say that this is quite sketchy. Mas likely pa na magrelease sila ng updated version like iphone 3gs before, or they will just release the ipad 3 on March of next year.

      Yep, masakit talaga iyung price slash for ipad1 owners, the most they can sell their old ipads now is at 15-16k (16gb wi-fi) and that constitutes 10k loss (maybe more) as to the price they bought their ipads, some of which are not even a year old.

      In a nutshell, di naman highly recommended magupgrade from ipad1 to ipad2. If you can wait for ipad 3 then that will be much better. Pero if you have money to burn, or if you haven’t bought an ipad yet and is planning to jump on the tablet wagon while sticking it up with Apple, then don’t be trapped with the cheaper ipad 1 and wait for the ipad2 to get here.

    • Avatar for Mike Mike says:

      Speed does not give that much difference it’s just 0.1 to 5 seconds waiting. Maybe you will notice it if there is an app release specifically for ipad 2 that utilizes the dual core and the new gpu. But most apps today are built for ipad 1 or compatible to it.

      It’s just like trying to browse the web with an Intel i7 and core 2 duo. You will notice only a very little difference unless you will use an app that is hungry for cpu

    • Avatar for Messie Messie says:

      “But most apps today are built for ipad 1 or compatible to it.”

      Key operative word – “today”.
      Definitely, app developers will soon be utilizing the processing and the GPU powers of the ipad 2, actually some of them are doing that now. Want an example? Take Epic’s Infinity Blade game. When the ipad2 is released, they released a patch for it and comparing it side by side, and the difference is certainly noticeable when compared to playing the game on the ipad 1.

      Definitely, other apps will do this, baka nga in the future, malilimit na ang apps na pwede iinstall sa ipad 1. Same with the iphone and ipod touch where many of the apps now can only be installed on the iphone 3Gs up, or the ipod touch 3rd Gen up.

    • Avatar for Messie Messie says:

      *When the ipad2 was launched, they released a patch for it and comparing it side by side with the ipad 1, the difference is certainly noticeable graphic-wise and performance-wise.

      — Sorry nagmamadali sa pagreply ahehe =D

  11. Avatar for Messie Messie says:

    Yo ho Apple! Bring the ipad2 here or else immago get a Galaxy tab 8.9! To the fastest goes the victory! (Or my mid year bonus, i guess =D)

  12. Avatar for dulfo dulfo says:

    I will definitely get an Ipad2 ASAP.

  13. Avatar for Benchmark Benchmark says:

    “iPad 2 will be available in Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore and additional countries in April”

    Philippines is included in the ‘additional countries’! Hinde na binanggit! Hehehehe so people, prepare for your mid year bonus! Ipad 2 will be coming to town…I hope! hehehehe

    • Avatar for Messie Messie says:

      +1 dito. Here is to hoping this will be the case. Kung hindi, I’ll find ways to get one din.

      Btw, ebuystore sold the ipad1 last year around may or june at only 1k premium over the SRP of apple. Sana ganun din ang selling price niya for ipad2.

    • Avatar for alwin alwin says:

      there’s still hope… keeping my fingers crossed dun sa statement na “additional countries”. LOL! would love to have an ipad2

  14. Avatar for Jeric Jeric says:

    As usual, hindi target market ng apple yung philippines. If only they open an official apple store here and sell ipads, including iphones unlocked, baka babaha pa yung gagamit ng iphones and apple products plus it would drive the prices lower. Ako I want an iphone pero due to its unavailability of unlocked ones I have no choice but to just settle for other phones available here. (only globe post-paid is the carrier here which is not my option)

  15. Avatar for leeto leeto says:

    I will not definitely buy an Ipad2 for reasons that it was overhyped but the specs of Galaxy Tab 10 is much better. there are much more good tablets coming out with much better specs and price. plus i hate the sales staff at their center, mayayabang ang dating.

    • Avatar for Your mom Your mom says:

      Where did you get your information? From a garbage can? Specs are not the only thing that make a tablet great. It’s usability and software. So far no current tablet (despite their “high specs”)was able to touch the iPad in terms of these aspects and especially sales. The new iPad2 has improved in almost every way and set the standard for tablets. You probably wouldn’t know what to do with a tablet anyway.

    • Avatar for Mike Mike says:

      but no flash haha…

    • Avatar for John John says:

      hard to watch porn? skyfire is available my friend

    • Avatar for Mike Mike says:

      Videos are not the only flash app on the web. There are many useful interactive website sites that are written in flash.

      And some website convert their flash video to h.264 to play on ipad(citation from wiki)

    • Avatar for Your mom Your mom says:

      Hahahaha. Classic.

      How about porn on the Nintendo 3DS. hmmm… :p

  16. Avatar for rolly rolly says:

    Maybe Philippines is not yet an attractive market for Apple product and that’s why they always come late at local market.

  17. Avatar for Jonaflormicfren Jonaflormicfren says:

    So here it comes the one of the most awaited gadget, IPOD2. http://jonaflormicfren-jonah.blogspot.com/

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