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Malu Fernandez gunning for Master Link Baiter of the Year

I’m amused with people who speak their mind and exercise their freedom of speech whether or not they’re correct, morally upright, or just plain misguided. At least, they stand and own up to their words.

In the case of Malu Fernandez‘s recent article in Manila Standard {via Connie}, I think because of her previous experience with the alleged “internet mob”, she knows controversy can draw a lot of traffic.

The difference between a journalist and a blogger is that journalists have to adhere to certain guidelines that govern the freedom of speech. And whatever a journalist chooses to write about—be it popular or unpopular—we do not hide behind an anonymous name and are resigned to the fact that we have to take as much as we dish out.

You have to give it to her. She knows this piece with get some tons of flak. What’s a single article in exchange for hundreds of raw back links and millions of page views? ShoeMoney and Jason Calacanis became top bloggers and master link baiters because of their controversial stance on sensitive issues.

And, for an online commercial publication like the Manila Standard, that traffic can be converted to ad revenues.

So, as early as now, I’d like to nominate Malu Fernandez as the 2008 Master Link Baiter. Let’s see how much raw links and pageviews MST will draw in after all these pans out. Besides, her previous scorching encounters didn’t leave her with 3rd-degree burns — she’s still writing for the newspaper, right?

And I’m even beginning to think she’s secretly doing freelance SEO for the publication.

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Avatar for Abe Olandres

Abe is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of YugaTech with over 20 years of experience in the technology industry. He is one of the pioneers of blogging in the country and considered by many as the Father of Tech Blogging in the Philippines. He is also a technology consultant, a tech columnist with several national publications, resource speaker and mentor/advisor to several start-up companies.

24 Responses

  1. Avatar for Philippine Updates Philippine Updates says:

    I have a solution to that, Yuga.

    I have just created a site that quoted entire offensive articles that I suspected to be linkbaits. I then link my posts to the new site.

    Manilastandard knows the importance of site optimization, the way google ads are placed in their site. By the way, Google ads? Are they lacking in regular advertisers?

  2. Avatar for spanx! spanx! says:

    hey yuga!

    sinadya mo ba ito?

    if you remove the word “link” from
    “Master Link Baiter”, you get…

    bad boy! hehehe

  3. Avatar for rochelle rochelle says:

    she’s just a shock jock. nagpapakontrobersiyal.

  4. Avatar for edwin edwin says:

    you have to hand it to her. Totoo naman yung sinabi nya na

    The difference between a journalist and a blogger is that journalists have to adhere to certain guidelines that govern the freedom of speech. And whatever a journalist chooses to write about—be it popular or unpopular—we do not hide behind an anonymous name and are resigned to the fact that we have to take as much as we dish out.

    Kung nasaktan man ang mga bloggers sa sinabi nya eh masyado naman sigurong mayabang ang mga nasaktan na yun. Porket me blog ka ba e at par ka na sa mga nagsusulat sa diyaryo? Amazing what an adsense account will do to your perception about yourself.

    Although hindi ko gusto yung sinulat nya about sa mga OFW pero lumalabas lang na kaya galit tayo dahil political incorrect kasi yun eh emphasis sa “Political Incorrect” :)

    Pero yung pagiging link bait nya parang ganun nga. Napaclick tuloy ako sa link papunta sa column nya.

  5. Avatar for Ambo Ambo says:

    I’d rather optimize janina san miguel instead of nobody in the blogosphere lols

  6. Avatar for Kiven Kiven says:

    Thought about it but: nope, sorry. not worth it.

  7. Avatar for TARUGOMAN TARUGOMAN says:

    Hehe I actually just copied the photos of her article from someone else.

    ‘No links for you, fatso!’

  8. Avatar for Azrael Azrael says:

    bakit di na lang nya mag try mag blog?

  9. Avatar for otoyreyes otoyreyes says:

    amen to you sylv3rblade :)

    masyado mababaw substance nya and i think if ever she created a stirr it would only last 2 or 3 days

  10. Avatar for jhay jhay says:

    Who’s Malu Fernandez again? :P

  11. Avatar for BrianB BrianB says:

    sent you an email, Abe.

  12. Avatar for AZRAEL AZRAEL says:

    oh nooooooooooo.. she’s at it again huhuhu

  13. Avatar for Rico Zuniga Rico Zuniga says:

    All I can say is we are all guilty of bigotry one way or another. The only difference is we don’t write or talk about it, we simply keep it to ourselves. Does that make us any better?

    And I’ve read some really sick comments in reaction to her column last year. Does she really deserve that?

    “Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.”

  14. Avatar for GM T GM T says:

    Buti na lang babae… take away the “link” from her title and…


  15. Avatar for Eugene Eugene says:

    Despite her unfortunate column last year, this recent article of hers on blogging does have several valid points. Kathy Sierra and death threats, anyone?

  16. Avatar for Dexter | Techathand.net Dexter | Techathand.net says:

    Ang lakas talagang mang alaska nyang si Malu ano ..

  17. Avatar for Jehzeel Laurente Jehzeel Laurente says:

    putek yan.. hehehe.. dinedma ko lang si Malu… gusto nya lang gumawa ng buzz sa blog sphere.. wahehehe :D

  18. Avatar for Mikko Mikko says:


    Nice idea Ederic. Hehe, gusto ko tuloy gumawa ng post pero ‘wag nalang.


  19. Avatar for sylv3rblade sylv3rblade says:

    She’s no Michael Arrington for that matter. Controversial yes but she needs more substance.

  20. Avatar for rara rara says:

    no comment.

  21. Avatar for Aiza Aiza says:

    Ahaha, and I took the bait. Attention HOG, diba Marhgil?

  22. Avatar for Ederic Ederic says:

    I-nofollow natin yung link when we write about her. :p

  23. Avatar for marhgil marhgil says:

    yeah! master link baiter. got a link from bryanboy, connie and you! :) that feat can only be done by a master link baiter. i’ve been SEOing my blog and I haven’t done such a feat yet. :)

  24. Avatar for noemi noemi says:

    i refuse to give her that attention.

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