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10 Addictive FB/Smartphone Games We No Longer Play

There were a lot of games in the past that we’ve casually installed with the purpose of just passing time. We played the game for a few minutes, which turned into hours and realized that we’re hooked with it. In this article we look back at those games that pretty much took a small chunk of our lives playing them. Here are 10 addicting Facebook/smartphone games we no longer play.

The games listed below are arranged in no particular order.

Plants Vs Zombies


Kicking off the list is the iconic Plants vs Zombies. This game gave a twist to the usual tower defense games and got players hooked with its vibrant graphics, interesting gameplay, and lovable characters.

Candy Crush Saga


Candy Crush Saga was released back in 2012 and immediately gained popularity thanks to its simplistic gameplay. It was first available for Facebook only, but became accessible to smartphones through an app after a few months.

4 Pics 1 Word


Needed something to tease your brain? This was what 4 Pics 1 Word was all about. It was a word puzzle game commonly seen on our Facebook news feeds, with friends asking for help in solving for the words.

Fruit Ninja


If you’ve seen a kid holding a tablet and swiping the screen furiously like there was no tomorrow, then that kid was most likely playing Fruit Ninja. It was definitely an addictive game that tests your hand-eye coordination. Plus we personally believed we were some sort of a ninja with intense skills of cutting fruits. Fun!

Temple Run


Sliding, jumping, and running away from what looks like large mutated monkeys — what’s not to like about Temple Run? We remember riding a commuter van with about half the people inside playing this game.

Logo Quiz


How well do you know your logos? Some were easy but some required a little bit of remembering where you’ve seen it before. And if things got really hard, there was always the Internet to search for “Logo Quiz answers for all levels”.

Robot Unicorn Attack


This was one of the games that got people hooked not just because of its gameplay, but because of the background song that played during the game. It featured “Always” by Erasure that just added the magic it needed to make people play it non-stop!



Another puzzle game was Bejeweled which required players to match the tiles according to their shapes and colors. It was initially released way back in 2001 and was widely-available for different platforms — making it playable by almost everyone.

Angry Birds


Who knew throwing chickens at pigs could be so much fun? Rovio’s Angry Birds was so popular that it came out with different versions (Rio, Go, Space, Star Wars, Transformers, and more).

Flappy Bird


Last but definitely not the least, Flappy Bird. This controversial game was so hot that its creator, Dong Nguyen, took it down during its peak for the reasons that it was too “addictive” and “it has become a problem”. So if there’s a game that both received negative and positive comments, Flappy Bird easily comes to mind.

Those are some of the addicting games that we no longer play. Got something that you want to share?

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Avatar for Kevin Bruce Francisco

Kevin Bruce Francisco is the Senior Editor and Video Producer for YugaTech. He's a Digital Filmmaking graduate who's always either daydreaming of traveling or actually going places on his bike. Follow him on Twitter for more tech updates @kevincofrancis.

9 Responses

  1. Avatar for Ace Ace says:

    friends for sale!

  2. Avatar for gab gab says:

    How about Draw Something?

  3. Avatar for rafer rafer says:

    where the hell is taptap revenge? nobody plays that anymore

  4. Avatar for igniculus igniculus says:

    i still have 4 pics 1 word LVL:1400 (but compared to some of my friends 2k+) it still is a bit fun :)

  5. Avatar for Hentai Kamen Hentai Kamen says:

    Uhmmm.. Clash of Clans?

  6. Avatar for jenie jenie says:

    Not to mention that flappy bird created the most ridiculous pricing for second-hand mobile phone known to man xp

  7. Avatar for facebook games facebook games says:

    Facebook games, Farmville, Backyard monsters, Cutyville, Ninja Saga, Tetris and many more

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