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Huawei outsells Samsung and Apple for the first time in Q2 2020

Huawei has shipped more smartphones worldwide than Samsung and Apple for the first time in Q2 2020.

Worldwide smartphone shipments Q1 2015 to Q2 2020

This quarter, Huawei has shipped out 55.8 million devices. Although down by 5% this year, second-placed Samsung has shipped 53.7 million smartphones, which is down 30% compared to Q2 of 2019.

Due to the US government’s restrictions on Huawei, its overseas shipments fell by 27% in Q2 but have grown locally in China by 8%. Alongside China’s strong emergence from the pandemic, Huawei has kept a significant lead over its competition. Currently, 70% of their sales are to mainland China.

“This is a remarkable result that few people would have predicted a year ago,” said Canalys Senior Analyst Ben Stanton. “If it wasn’t for COVID-19, it wouldn’t have happened. Huawei has taken full advantage of the Chinese economic recovery to reignite its smartphone business. Samsung has a very small presence in China, with less than 1% market share, and has seen its core markets, such as Brazil, India, the United States, and Europe, ravaged by outbreaks and subsequent lockdowns.”

Additionally, Canalys Analyst Mo Jia pointed out the importance of taking first place is for Huawei, saying, “It is desperate to showcase its brand strength to domestic consumers, component suppliers, and developers. It needs to convince them to invest and will broadcast the message of its success far and wide in the coming months. But it will be hard for Huawei to maintain its lead in the long term. Its major channel partners in key regions, such as Europe, are increasingly wary of ranging Huawei devices, taking on fewer models, and bringing in new brands to reduce risk. Strength in China alone will not be enough to sustain Huawei at the top once the global economy starts to recover.”

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