YouTube’s Erase Song feature just got an update, using a new AI algorithm that helps creators deal with copyright strikes.
The feature uses AI to mute presumably copyrighted music from your video while leaving the remaining content intact. It also gives users the option to mute all sound for the duration of a copyright protected song.
While it’s a neat addition for creators, it can’t be used proactively. Erase Song is only available if a video has been tagged for copyright claim.
To access this, go to the copyright claim summary page and click on Select Action. The button can be found on the lower right corner of the screen.
Again, the tool provides options to mute audio segments via an AI algorithm. Users can also opt to have the entire video muted if they aren’t confident in the feature yet.
Creators can preview their edited video prior to updating it. It’s also noteworthy that YouTube offers suggested timestamps if they mute audio in a copyright claimed segment.
YouTube is currently promising better performance with the update of this tool. However, this support page notes that it “might not work if the song is too hard to remove”.
The page also says “if all claimed audio can be muted, the Content ID claim will be removed from your video”. This means that creators may use this system as a quick fix to avoid complications with copyright representatives.
Overall, this should make it easier for creators to rid themselves of copyright claims to keep monetization efforts running. In addition, it also prevents problems with the platform itself.