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iBlog 2 Problogging Notes

Some notes and links for my problogging presentation:

Download Powerpoint slide here.

Below are transcripts of my interviews with several professional bloggers sharing their experiences and stories on how they got into the problogging world. I hope their stories will inspire you as well.

Filipino ProBloggers

Melissa Atienza-Petri
Joachim Guanzon
Ruth Schaffer
J Angelo Racoma
Markku Seguerra
Gloria Gamat
Paulo Ordoveza
Stef Patag
Abe Olandres

Advertising Programs

The following are links to advertising programs and campaigns that have been proven to be effective for blogs.

Other Resources:

  • Complete List of 75 Blog Networks
  • Technorati Top 100 Popular Blogs
  • Pinoy Top Blogs
  • Philippine Top 100 Blogs based on Technorati
  • Top Blog Rankings by BlogNetworkWatch
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    Avatar for Abe Olandres

    Abe is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of YugaTech with over 20 years of experience in the technology industry. He is one of the pioneers of blogging in the country and considered by many as the Father of Tech Blogging in the Philippines. He is also a technology consultant, a tech columnist with several national publications, resource speaker and mentor/advisor to several start-up companies.

    11 Responses

    1. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

      Hi Mike,

      Nice meetin you there! Wait, did we chat ba? Forgot na eh.


      Can we do a BlogCon then?

    2. Avatar for Miguel Miguel says:

      Yes, Makati meetup! For people like me who have work and can’t attend events!

    3. Avatar for Mike Lopez Mike Lopez says:

      Hi Abe!

      Just wanna say I did get lots of information from your 15-minute talk during iblog2!


    4. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

      @ Janette

      Nice meeting you again! ;)

      @ noemi

      I was really looking forward to meet and talk to you. We should meetup one of these days along with the others here in Makati.

      @ Jayvee

      Kaya pala nawala ka bigla. May mga photo op and inuman pa kami pagkatapos.

      @ Manuel

      Manuel, great to finally meet you in person. And yes, passion should always be the primary driving force. :)

      @ Everyone

      How about a Philippine BlogCon? Less presentation, more Q&A.

    5. Avatar for Manuel Viloria Manuel Viloria says:

      Thank you, Abe, for being generous with your time and your knowledge.

      I was pleasantly surprised to meet a very down-to-earth person who is genuinely interested in helping other bloggers succeed. It’s quite rare to meet someone who possesses the “abundance mentality”.

      I’m not surprised with your success. Thank you for being living proof that in the long run, passion wins.

    6. Avatar for Jayvee F. Jayvee F. says:

      had to leave during charo’s talk. sayang would have wanted to be part of the photo op :D

      sa uulitin!!

    7. Avatar for noemi noemi says:

      Great to have met you Abe! Even if I missed your talk, I can always catch up by reading your blog.

    8. Avatar for Janette Toral Janette Toral says:

      Hello Abe. Thanks so much for your support to iBlog2. Great to see you again. =)

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