The eBay Affiliate Program is set to launch eBay AdContext real soon.
eBay AdContext is a new contextual ad tool by eBay. It will scan the content of a Web site and automatically return relevant eBay ad content. For example, a Web site about sports could use eBay AdContext to display ads for sporting goods listings or eBay search results for memorabilia related to a specific sports team. When a user clicks on the eBay ad, they are led directly to the eBay site (either to the listing, the category, or the search results page). {see AdContext Homepage}
The ads are in Text Only, Text + Image and then in Flash.
If you will notice, this is almost similar to what Chitika has been doing for months now. Their ads even have the uncanny resemblances. The only difference is that you get paid per click on Chitika while you get commissions per sale on AdContext.
Will it be a Chitika killer? Could be. Depends on the type of site you are running. I usually get around $0.08 per click on a Chitika ad while a single commission from Amazon for a digital camera sale got me about $6.50.
[tags]amazon, ebay, affiliates, associates, chitika[/tags]
I am quite certain I will learn lots of new stuff right here! Best of luck for the next!
any insider info on eBay affiliates?
well, this is still a more solid business model, based on sales, and not on speculation (Chitika!)
@ manuel
No, not yet. The one I made commissions with is thru Amazon Associates.
Have you successfully registered as an eBay affiliate? Good luck… :-)
For those in the US, though, you’ll probably find that this won’t be a Chitika killer. It does pay to have diverse income streams.