For about 2 months now, I’ve been running Google AdSense for Feeds on a couple of blogs, including this one. Unfortunately, the results aren’t as attractive as one would expect.
Though we cannot share actual figures like CPM or CTR, I think I can say the they are much lower than AdSense for Content Page CTR/eCPM by factors of 4 to 5.
Still, if you have a large RSS subscriptions, the monthly revenue can still be significant. Mine hasn’t broken the $100 barrier and I guess it will take many more months to get to that.
So I’m thinking, for publishers with a few hundred subscribers, this might turn out to be practically insignificant to almost useless. There’s noticeably less advertisers in the network as well.
Anybody out there getting significant results from their AdSense for Feeds?
Yes only high feed count blogs will have significant earnings. But still, a few cents is better than zero. Anyway I was kind of worried if there is an effect on the overall earnings of my blog if I enable adsense for feeds. Maybe it was just a coincidence because when I enabled it, my overall earnings dropped even with the same impressions, eCPM and CTR.
Hi Yuga,
I think probably only significant earnings/results for blogs with high subscribers. I haven’t used Adsense for Feeds on my blog, just Adsense for Content.
But its early days yet.
Same same :( may be this one’s focused on blogs with a high number of subscribers. oh well, gotta do more content to attract more subscribers! :D
I’ve had Adsense since 2005 and all I have got to show for it is $30.13 which I cannot collect because they only send checks for amounts above $100.
I think this really has more to do with my content/traffic rather than the ads themselves.
Cheers to all!
Same as your Abe.. It is not really as promising as other but i can see higher CPC than one on my site..
But CTR is low
i haven’t tried this. but it looks like it wouldn’t have been worth it after all.
Aw, I’m kinda guilty. I’m using AdBlock on Fx. :peace:
@Eugene – Google Adsense was actually promising CPM so there are no clicks needed to earn from AdSense for Feeds.
First of all, your feed subscribers aren’t likely to click on the ads on your website in the first place; it’s the Google search referals that do that.
Second, I don’t think the ill will your subscribers may feel upon seeing obtrusive ads in the feeds will be offset by the earnings.
Its obviously just for blog that have high feed count.
Nah. Same results as yours, Abe =(