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USB Massage Ball

This simple but odd looking gadget is called a USB Massage Ball. Don’t know if that’s descriptive enough but it could easily become a laptop owner’s best friend.

Plug it into your spare USB port, place it behind your back and against the chair, push the power on button and you’ve got a personal massage therapist (or something close to that).

massage ball

Great for backpains from all that crouching down onto the small screen of your netbook.

usb massage ball

This one I got as a token from Dell many months ago and only now have I found good use for it.

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Avatar for Abe Olandres

Abe is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of YugaTech with over 20 years of experience in the technology industry. He is one of the pioneers of blogging in the country and considered by many as the Father of Tech Blogging in the Philippines. He is also a technology consultant, a tech columnist with several national publications, resource speaker and mentor/advisor to several start-up companies.

19 Responses

  1. Avatar for parot parot says:

    undecover na vibrator

  2. Avatar for pacman pacman says:

    cool i need to have that one

  3. Avatar for jared jared says:

    perfect gift for the lonely internet crew :D

  4. Avatar for jojo jojo says:

    waiting for the usb microwave oven and ref = )

  5. Avatar for Andre Marcelo-Tanner Andre Marcelo-Tanner says:

    now its a good thing this wasnt a paid advertisement :)

  6. Avatar for aeyer aeyer says:


    this device is awesome! this is great for watching p*rn videos on my laptop! hahaha!

  7. Avatar for troy troy says:

    wow nice..interesting!..

  8. Avatar for JohnLloy JohnLloy says:

    I think this is for HIM not for HER (judging by the looks of it) *ok I die now haha

  9. Avatar for Jay Jay says:

    nice one!

    hmm.. a USB powered Pleasure Gadget for Girls 0_o

  10. Avatar for Unknown Soldier Unknown Soldier says:


    what kind of features does this device have? is it for PRESSURE or for PLEASURE? wahaha!

    vibrators looks kinda creepy nowadays! wahaha! :P

  11. Avatar for Lezuric Lezuric says:

    …. im thinking how to

  12. Avatar for Erin Erin says:

    Basically the classier cousin of this Php100 whim item from cdrking: http://www.cdrking.com/local/products/index.php?action=submnu&temp=2&typeno=3569746-414252-526557111-3596369&prod=USB%20Lifestyle&prodcode=1792551-326496-793945284-3346793



  13. Avatar for pipodelrosario pipodelrosario says:

    Now this is the coolest “toy” you have here yuga! Haha!

  14. Avatar for Andre Marcelo-Tanner Andre Marcelo-Tanner says:

    yes imagine the drain considering “other possible” massage purposes.

    Best connect this to a home pc

  15. Avatar for iRon iRon says:

    i would rather not recommend that kind of USB gadget for laptop. an additional power usage and will drain your battery fast, if you’re in a battery operation mode.

  16. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

    Okay, this is exactly the kind of reaction I was expecting before I wrote this. So why did I still pushed the publish button?? hehehe

  17. Avatar for Wind Boi Wind Boi says:



    intresting.. lol

  18. Avatar for Darren Darren says:

    LOL, I’m imagining “other possible” massage purpose

  19. Avatar for Jomark Osabel Jomark Osabel says:

    I guess, it can also be used for other massaging purpose.

    Hmm..never mind.

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