Incoming Windows 11 22H2 version possible fix for a bug that slows down PC

Based on Microsoft’s own Feedback Hub, there’s a bug inside Windows 11 causing the sudden high CPU usage and it’s slowing down the system. The Windows 11 22H2 which is coming in a couple of months is the possible fix for this issue.

Windows 11

Windows 11

The culprit of this is the process called ‘sihost.exe’ or known as Shell Infrastructure Host. For those who don’t know what sihost.exe is, every Windows has this core component that supports the Start menu, taskbar, and other graphical elements inside the operating system. A good example of this is the transparency effect which is supported by the sihost.exe at some point.

There are possible different reasons for the sudden high CPU usage caused by the Shell Infrastructure Host or sihost.exe and one of the possible reasons is Windows 11 itself. For some reason, the bug also hit clean installations of the OS, as stated by users that a simple file transfer can cause a spike of CPU usage on the sihost.exe.

Good thing that Windows 11 now has new updates inside the Windows Insider Program which will fix this high CPU usage issue.

The Windows 11 KB5016700 – is currently tested but it’ll be fully released with Windows 11 22H2 – resolves the bug that causes the issue. It was also noted in the release notes of KB5016700 that the patch has resolved the sudden spike in processor usage issue.


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I'm a frustrated stoic, generalist and tech enthusiast. Service to humanity is the best work of life.

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