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Pinoy Top Blogs

This page will serve as an ad-hoc blog for the Pinoy Top Blogs Project .

What do we hope to accomplish with all these?

Well this is a two-pronged project and I hope most of the pinoy bloggers would agree with me on these points.

For Individual Bloggers:

  • Provide an independent public metric system to compare blog traffic among fellow pinoy bloggers.
  • Enable a feedback system independent of the individual blogs.
  • Promotion and additional exposure.
  • Independently verified bragging rights. :D

For the Blogging Community:

  • We can show everyone that the pinoy blogging community has the numbers and traffic.
  • Enable us to collect verifiable metrics to profile the average pinoy blogger.
  • Provides an avenue for commercial exposure and potential local revenue for bloggers. (under study)

What you need to do to be included and tracked by the system?

You need to register first, then add your sites. You can have as many as 10 blogs as entries to the system. Generate the HTML code to paste in your blog. Remember, that only pages that have the code will be tracked so it is possible that your own stats will differ with our published stats.

On the technical side, here are some explanations about the rankings.

  • Rankings are based on unique hits or visitors. This is tracked by the system using the IP and the cookie. The same goes for voting or ranking a blog.
  • Rankings are refreshed back to zero on midnight at the end of each month. This will allow potentially popular blogs that have only been included later have the chance to get on top of the list. Thus, the time you joined the system will not be a factor in your rating.
  • Rankings will monitor all blogs but will only display the rankings of the Top 100.
  • Ranking cycle at the moment is set monthly. Once the number grows, we can reduce it down to a weekly reset.
  • All blogs are allowed a banner of 234 x 30 pixels to be displayed along with the listing. Maximum file size is 30 KB.

What do these stats mean?

Votes – number of votes made by the public by clicking the PinoyTopBlogs button from your blog. This is refreshed monthly.
Total Votes – total number of votes made by the public by clicking the PinoyTopBlogs button from your blog.

Unique Hits Today – number of unique visitors on your blog for the month cycle.
Hits Today – number of (non-unique) visits on your blog for the month cycle.
Total Hits – total number of (non-unique) visits on your blog for the month cycle.
Total Unique Hits – total number of unique visitors on your blog since start of tracking.

Out – referrals from PinoyTopBlogs to your blog. Refreshed monthly.
Total Out – total referrals from PinoyTopBlogs to your blog.

Rating – blog rating made by the public on your blog.

For private communication, email me at [email protected].

Abe Olandres

62 Responses

  1. Avatar for sporlun sporlun says:

    Широко известный интернет магазин СпортЛюкс предлагает большой выбор различных спортивных товаров: силовые тренажеры, гребные тренажеры, товары для бокса, бильярдные столы и палатки по доступной стоимости.

  2. Avatar for Guian Yeo Guian Yeo says:

    hey…nice space.. cool

  3. Avatar for peachy peachy says:

    hi abe! how do i delete one of my registered sites? its says suspended and i realized i cant have it registered coz basically its just a duplicate of my main blog?

  4. Avatar for Ike Seneres Ike Seneres says:

    hi pls send instructions on how to join

  5. Avatar for nep nep says:

    HELLO, JUST NEW HERE. mind if i ask how to get the Pinoy Top Blog button? i registered and i don’t know where to find its code?

  6. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

    This is for all suspended blogs in PinoyTopBlogs: What IS valid traffic?

  7. Avatar for talksmart talksmart says:

    Hi. Just wondering why traffic exchange is not allowed here. Isn’t it a dream of every blogger to gain traffic to the site, at least on its first weeks of launching? I think this has to be resolved because lots of members are in fact into traffic exchange.

    My plan is to stop this traffic exchange (you know how troublesome it is to surf sites to gain credits) once i gain regular audience from other bloggers.

  8. Avatar for Reyna Elena Reyna Elena says:

    Ey, wonder boy!

    What does this mean?


  9. Avatar for jhezper jhezper says:

    ey, i registered a week ago, but i can’t log-in again … checked my registration details and im entering the correct username and pass but i can’t get it … is the server down or was my registration blocked? … ahuhuhu

  10. Avatar for airwind airwind says:

    i registered my blog just a few days ago. today, i found out that my blog has been suspended from the system. i’m relatively new to the blogging community. may i know the possible reasons for such suspension? if so, can you please lift the suspension so i can be counted in the rankings? what do i have to do to remove the suspension of my blog? hoping for your immediate reply to the above queries. you can email me at the above address. thank you in anticipation and god bless..

  11. Avatar for Pinoy BigBrother Fantasy Game Season 2 Pinoy BigBrother Fantasy Game Season 2 says:

    Pinoy BigBrother Fantasy Game Season 2

  12. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

    All new blog submisisons will have their entries suspended. I am manually checking each one and approving them if they qualify.

  13. Avatar for Michele Michele says:

    This a great project! Sana sumikat kayo!

  14. Avatar for MAGIcAL MAGIcAL says:

    Hi! I just joined.

    When I checked the User CP, why is it my site is suspended? That is, I don’t have an active site.

  15. Avatar for nico-tiro nico-tiro says:

    hi i just registered!
    but i cant seem to generate or find any code to put in my blogger template! is it because i am on a mac? when i go to log in and go to my user cp,i hit on HTML and the blox is blank! is that where i am supposed to get it? i dont get it :(

  16. Avatar for she she says:

    me too my sites are suspended, why? i’ve added two new blogs, my old blog is active while my new ones are suspended..

  17. Avatar for euian euian says:

    I’ve just joined and it says that my site is suspended. Does this mean my site is under review or is in violation of something?!??

  18. Avatar for jeff jeff says:


  19. Avatar for ReyJr ReyJr says:

    what happened to the page stats?

    great thing u have going here though. :D rock on pinoy!

  20. Avatar for BBkuya BBkuya says:

    Pinoy BigBrother Fantasy Game

    Come to BigBad Kuya’s blog.
    Read the escapades of the Fantasy Housemates.


  21. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

    To remove your site, just delete the HTML codes from your blog and the system will automatically detect it and delist you on the next round.

  22. Avatar for snow snow says:

    how do i remove my site from the list?

  23. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

    This is just a temp formula. I realized that for low-traffic sites, unique hits are a better gauge but for hi-traffic sites (like the Top 10), total page hits are a better measure of site stickiness and repeat-readership.

    I am still undecided as to what and how the rankings should finally be measured with though i have been always leaning towards unique hits.

  24. Avatar for vonjobi vonjobi says:

    i just noticed that ranking is being done on the basis of “hits today” instead of “unique hits.” was this always the case? wouldn’t “unique hits” be a better gauge of number of visitors?

  25. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

    Bugs have been fixed from the latest upgrade I did last night. Rankings will show for the Top100 now.

    Please leave a comment if you experience any more problems.

  26. Avatar for anonymous anonymous says:

    Thanks for returning the rank on the button, but they’re only up to 50 now, not the old 100. Will that be the case now, only the top 50 will have the rank on their buttons?

  27. Avatar for dhoy dhoy says:

    yup, cant upload anymore my banner, papalitan ko sana….

  28. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:


    There’s a file size limit of around 16KB.

  29. Avatar for jepoy jepoy says:

    hai… there’s an error when I try to upload a banner picture :)

  30. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:


    Some bug in the system. Still finding a way to get it back.

  31. Avatar for anonymous anonymous says:

    What happened to the rank that used to appear on the button of our blogs? Used to be if you were in the top 100, the rank would be there. That was the primary reason I joined, I liked the idea of having the rank appear on our blos… but now it’s gone… could you put it back please!

  32. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

    @ jp

    You can login to the UserCP and you will find your Blog rank from there. Blog Traffic is really unpredictable. ;)

    @ perryv

    I will send email to everyone once we started tracking full blast. For now, a few random 5 minute runs is all I can do.

    @ michaeljosh

    We’ve temporarily disable blog tracking so the stats don’t show up. We do random 5 minute runs each day though so you might see them in a blip. :D

    @ vonjobi

    I checked your button image rank and it’s there. :)

  33. Avatar for jp jp says:

    I was sifting through the whole list. A month ago, I was in the mid-100s. Now, I couldn’t even find myself anywhere. Does that mean that traffic in my site is fluctuating like a person on a crash diet? :D

  34. Avatar for perryv perryv says:

    Would you announce to all of us via e-mail when the Pinoy Top Blogs is officially up?

  35. Avatar for michaeljosh michaeljosh says:

    Just wondering if you already resumed tracking and if you changed the way you do things this month. I’ve noticed that the stats don’t come up anymore next to the rankings.

  36. Avatar for vonjobi vonjobi says:

    good thinking! just wondering why no number appears in the logo on my blog? i thought that maybe it had fallen out of the top 100, but it turns out that’s not the case…

  37. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

    Hi Von Jobi.

    A veyr good question. The rankings were reset yesterday since it was the end of the month. I had to run the system for about 5 minutes at a time just to get a snapshot of the traffic.

    That’s the best way I could do to keep the rankings in almost the same order as it was last month.

  38. Avatar for vonjobi vonjobi says:

    if you’re not tracking now, why is it that the rankings are changing?

    anyway, keep up the good work! =)

  39. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

    I’ve temporarily suspended blog tracking while waiting for the final release of the top sites ranking script. CPU load was too heavy to effectively track all blogs.

    Blog registration is still open. Notice will be sent once we’ve upgraded and re-started tracking. Thanks!

  40. Avatar for Dylan Gozum Dylan Gozum says:

    Hi, i have 3 blogs registered here. While one of them has risen astronomically since it was first registered, the last two haven’t moved at all despite the many hits the sites get (using my own site meter). I think i messed up with the codes because I have a weird feeling I may have used the same code for both. How can i possibly DELETE the two sites from the ranking so I can register them again?

    Thanks for the help!

  41. Avatar for banzai cat banzai cat says:

    Hello, I’d just like to ask…

    … I’ve just registered and got the Pinoy Top Blog code to paste in my template. However, the picture just keeps showing up as a blank square x. What gives?

  42. Avatar for audienceone audienceone says:

    We’re setting up our own little project and list as well for Cagayan de Oro blogging community. It’s at http://cdobloggers.caizine.com – More or less one and the same goal but on a smaller scale. This post is the basis of our “About” section.

  43. Avatar for air milikay air milikay says:

    well this could be a great freebie web / blog booster and for sure i am gonna take advantage for a free publicity

    this idea is awesome. more powah to ya

  44. Avatar for nazer nazer says:

    lets just enjoy blogging! visit mine http://nazerlubay.blogspot.com

  45. Avatar for The Ca t The Ca t says:

    did you receive my e-mail about porno ? Did you check already the logo?

  46. Avatar for KnOizKi KnOizKi says:

    I followed instructions but there isn’t any “delete” option in it except for the “edit” only.

    No Big deal really but I thought I’d let you know.

  47. Avatar for kenji kenji says:

    I already posted the trackback… thanks for helping the bloig community…:)

  48. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

    @ KnOizKi

    Login to userCP, go to Manage Sites, click on delete button beside your blog list.

    @ E.J.

    It’s a factor inherent to the system. We’ll just assume that the net total effect of such factor is levelled down for each blog on the list.

    @ roni bats

    We’ll install the latest version of the script in two weeks.

    @ tania

    It’s a paging bug. Should be fixed in the next release.

  49. Avatar for KnOizKi KnOizKi says:

    Thank you for this service but I need my site be de-linked. How would I do that?

    Thank you.

  50. Avatar for KePu KePu says:

    Dude… Pinoy should Blog! Tnx for your site!

  51. Avatar for E.J. E.J. says:


    Potential glitch/loop-hole(?) : Dialup users (whose IPs change all the time & who have expired cookies) visiting their own website(s) have more chances to self-generate a higher ranking than broadband users (static IP). The same goes for authors who use different workstations to publish their blogs (ie. at public terminals).

    A couple of sites listed aren’t really “blogs”. Like PinoyBlog is good, but it’s a site made up of other blogs so does it count? Of course it gets tons of hits. Maybe rankings should be categorized then?

    Then there’s visiting other sites listed means giving them hits. So visit only those with a much lower ranking than your site?

    Maybe I am thinking too much. :) You have a potentially good thing going here. I hope it keeps improving.

  52. Avatar for czar czar says:

    Oh, got it na. What’s a webring?

  53. Avatar for czar czar says:

    There’s no HTML code generated. How can I get it?

  54. Avatar for Tania Tania says:

    Hi Abe,

    There seems to be a problem. The second page of the bloglist starts at “1” again. Also, my PTB image on my site says “0”. What does this mean?

  55. Avatar for roni_bats roni_bats says:


    The HTML code you require owners to place in their respective sites is not valid mark-up. Would you mind fixing this? Thanks.

  56. Avatar for ka edong ka edong says:

    Congratulations abe! you’re on to something here.

    ka edong

  57. Avatar for Kamiyu Bidan Kamiyu Bidan says:

    Interesting! I think we Pinoy bloggers will benefit greatly from this idea… I’m signing up! I’ll refer my other blogger friends to do this as well.

    Onward, Pinoy bloggers!

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