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Spotify Daily Drive Playlist launches in the Philippines

Spotify rolls out its latest Daily Drive feature that combines relevant radio with on-demand and personalized streaming in the Philippines.

The Daily Drive playlist is a unique playlist to Spotify as it enables listeners to access news, preferred music, and talk audio all in one place, aimed to kickstart the user’s day. The playlist will be able to blend all three formats within one playlist:

Latest news – Get short, timely news updates from ABS CBN News Flash, ANC Market Edge, BBC Minute, and CNN 5 Things, throughout the day.
Personalized Music – Because of Spotify’s algorithms, it will recommend music the user likes with a few discovery tracks.
Discovering Fresh Content – Users can look forward to short-form (three to ten minutes) podcast content by BBC Minute, ANC market Edge, CNN 5 Things, Vox Quick Hits, Teka Teka, Think About it by Ted Fallon, Think Fast Talk Smart and TEDTalks.

The benefits of the Daily Drive playlist includes:
Staying up to speed with the latest news – ABS CBN and TV5 latest updates from reliable news sources.
Infinite Content – Access to 70 million songs and 2.2 million on-demand podcasts.
Daily Drive access throughout the day – Spotify’s unique algorithms and dedicated team will help curate a personalized mix of music and news without the need to toggle between multiple media channels.
Accessibility – Daily Drive is accessible to everyone, Free or Premium.

To access the feature, do the following:
1. Search “Daily Drive” Spotify.
2. Users can then access “Daily Drive” on Spotify via Home and Browse. Users can also search within the “Daily Drive” and “Made For You” hubs.
3. As the playlist loads, a blend of News, Music, and other Talk content will be available.
4. Hit play. Note that it is on-demand so users can toggle between music and podcasts selection, or replay the news.

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