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SIM Registration Law 2022: Frequently Asked Questions

R.A. Number: Republic Act No. 11934
Objective: An Act requiring the Registration of Subscriber Identity Module
Short Title: Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Registration Act

Editor’s Note: The original term “Card” in “SIM Card” was removed to include e-SIM into the provision.

Objectives of the Law

  • The State shall promote the responsibility in the use of SIM and provide law enforcement agencies the tools to resolve crimes and a platform to deter the commission of wrongdoings.
  • PNP: The benefits of SIM registration outweigh the perceived privacy issues and other concerns regarding the confidentiality of communications.
  • President Marcos: We will soon be able to provide law enforcement agencies with the tools needed to resolve crimes perpetrated with the use of these SIM Cards, as well as providing a strong deterrence against the commission of wrongdoing.

How to register your SIM

  • SIM registration period runs within 180 days from the effectivity of the law. Failure to register shall result to automatic deactivation of service.
  • Relevant government agencies and concerned PTEs shall facilitate SIM registration in remote areas with limited telecom access provided registration facilities in remote areas shall be established within 60 days from effectivity.

Requirements for Registration

  • Duly accomplished control-numbered owner’s registration form with full name, date of birth, sex, and address. Form to be provided by PTEs.
  • Valid government-issued ID or other similar documents with photo: passport, National ID, SSS ID, GSIS card, driver’s license, NBI clearance, police clearance, firearms’ license to own and possess ID, PRC ID, IBP ID, OWWA ID, BIR ID, voter’s ID, senior citizen’s card, UMID, PWD card, other government-issued ID with photo.
  • Assigned mobile number with SIM serial number.
  • For minors, the registration shall be under the name of the parent or guardian.
  • For foreign nationals, they shall register their full name, nationality, passport number, and address in the Philippines.
  • Registration shall be of no cost to end users (free).

Transitory provision: All prepaid SIMs for sale to the public shall be deactivated upon effectivity of the law.

Where will your data be stored?

  • All PTEs shall maintain their own database.
  • Verified list of authorized dealers and agents submitted to NTC, updated quarterly.
  • In case of a cyberattack on the SIM register, the incident shall be reported to the DICT within 24 hours of detection.
  • NPC: Discouraged the use of a centralized database as it carries greater risks if a security breach occurs.

  • In case of death of the end user, the immediate family, relative, or guardian shall report it to the PTE. The SIM shall be deactivated within 24 hours from the report.
  • Regardless of deactivation, relevant data and information shall be retained by the PTE for ten (10) years.
  • Any data obtained from the registration shall be treated as absolutely confidential, with the exception of compliance to subpoena issued by a competent authority.
  • PTEs are mandated to submit an annual report to the NTC, DICT, and both houses of Congress on the implementation of the law.


On PTEs upon failure to register SIM despite compliance of user

  1. First offense: not less than 100,000 pesos but not more than 300,000 pesos
  2. Second offense: not less than 300,000 pesos but not more than 500,000 pesos
  3. Third and subsequent offenses: not less than 500,000 pesos but not more than 1 million pesos for every offense

On breach of confidentiality by PTE

  1. Not less than 500,000 pesos but not more than 4 million pesos

On providing false or fictitious information to register a SIM

  1. Imprisonment ranging from 6 months to 2 years, fine of not less than 100,000 pesos but not more than 300,000 pesos, or both

On spoofing a registered SIM

  1. Imprisonment of no less than 6 years, fine of 200,000 pesos, or both

On sale of stolen SIM

  1. Imprisonment ranging from 6 months to 2 years, fine of not less than 100,000 pesos but not more than 300,000 pesos, or both

On sale or transfer of a registered SIM without complying to registration

  1. Imprisonment ranging from 6 months to 6 years, fine of 100,000 pesos to 300,000 pesos, or both

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A public servant with a heart for actively supporting technology and futures thinking, responding accordingly to humanity's needs and goals, increasing participation of people in issues concerning them, upholding rights and freedoms, and striving further to achieve more despite our limited capacities. In everything, to God be all the glory.

1 Response

  1. Avatar for Anon Anon says:

    Please include that this is still waiting for the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR).

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