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Google Chrome now features a price tracker and new side panel for quick searching

Google Chrome has released a bunch of new features that include a new side panel for faster search results and also a new price tracking feature for desktops.

The new side panel helps quickly compare search results without the need to click the back button each time.

To open a search in the side panel, enter your search in the address bar and click on a result. Then click on the “Open search in side panel” icon to open other Google search results of the search you did to get to your current page on the side panel.

Google Chrome Search Side Panel

Other search results will now open in the side panel. Clicking on a result will in turn open it in your current tab.

This feature helps especially if you’re trying to compare different web pages to find exactly what you’re looking for without always having to go back a page.

Chrome Price Tracking

Google will also now be bringing its built-in price tracker to the desktop browser after introducing it on Android and iOS devices.

To track a price of a product, go to an online store and find a product. Click the “Track price” icon in the address bar and click “Track price” to start tracking the item.

You’ll then receive emails in the Google account you used to sign into whenever the price drops.

To stop tracking a product, click the “Tracking price” icon in the address bar and click “Untrack”.

Google Password Sync

Another feature introduced is the ability to use and sync your saved passwords when signing into websites and apps on your iOS or Android device.

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Avatar for Val Jose Mendoza

Hi! I'm VJ Mendoza! Although I just finished my Bachelor's in Nursing, I've always loved tech and to just to get an idea of me, some things I like are anime, video games, sports such as basketball, volleyball and fencing.

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