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New HTC One Prime to get Snapdragon 805 and 2K display?

According to the Japanese blog HTCSoku, HTC is prepping a high-end phablet which will take roots on the success of the current One (M8). The alleged HTC One (M8) Prime is reported to be sporting a Snapdragon 805 processor and a display with 2560 x 1440 screen resolution. More details on its specs after the jump.

htc one prime

HTC One (M8) Prime specs according to HTCSoku:

5.5-inch quad HD display @ 2560 x 1440
2.3GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 quad-core processor
16GB internal storage
18MP version of its proprietary HTC Duo camera
USB 3.0 port

The processor mentioned above carries the latest MDM9x35 multi-mode modem and RF transceiver chip technology that Qualcomm says is the “first commercial solution to offer global 4G LTE advanced 40MHz carrier aggregation for FDD and TDD with download speeds of up to 300MB/s.”

Though it hasn’t been too long since the HTC One (M8) was released, the reason why the company is making this upgrade could possibly be due to the rumors that Samsung is well on its way to introduce a Galaxy S5 Prime with the same 2K display as well as a Galaxy Note 4. It seems like HTC is determined to compete with Samsung in the high-end phablet category.

The purported HTC One (M8) Prime is said to be slated for a September release. Although do take these with a grain of salt until HTC makes an official announcement.

{Via 1 , 2} {Source}

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Avatar for Kevin Bruce Francisco

Kevin Bruce Francisco is the Senior Editor and Video Producer for YugaTech. He's a Digital Filmmaking graduate who's always either daydreaming of traveling or actually going places on his bike. Follow him on Twitter for more tech updates @kevincofrancis.

9 Responses

  1. Avatar for aha aha says:

    saan kailangan yung 805 na processor at yung 2k display??

  2. Avatar for Zobel Zobel says:

    Let me guess. .0005 MP camera again?

  3. Avatar for awdog awdog says:

    LG G3, actually. Walang Optimus G prime.

  4. Avatar for vector vector says:

    If Samsung has Galaxy S5 Prime
    and HTC has One (M8) Prime
    then LG will make LG Optimus Prime

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