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Palm Pre with new webOS unveiled

In a last-ditch effort to regain its footing in the smartphone market, Palm unveiled a new mobile platform and device — the Palm Pre.

Playing catchup with the iPhone 3G and the Blackberry Storm, the Palm Pre combines a wide touchscreen and qwerty keyboard in a multi-tasking environment and  new Palm webOS™ platform.

palm pre

Palm Pre
3.1″ touch screen (320×480 pixels) display
Slide-out QWERTY keyboard
GPS built-in
Ambient light sensor, accelerometer, and proximity sensor
Wi-Fi 802.11b/g
8GB internal storage

The design reminds me of some HTC Touch phones and is a little thick at 17mm (same as SE Xperia X1). Palm did not say what the retail price will be once it is released.

It’s only available via Sprint and runs on CDMA networks. Palm has not commented if a GSM version will be made for international release later. {via Palm Product Page }

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Avatar for Abe Olandres

Abe is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of YugaTech with over 20 years of experience in the technology industry. He is one of the pioneers of blogging in the country and considered by many as the Father of Tech Blogging in the Philippines. He is also a technology consultant, a tech columnist with several national publications, resource speaker and mentor/advisor to several start-up companies.

23 Responses

  1. Avatar for leemar leemar says:

    meron na ba nakaka alam kung available na ang gsm version ng palm pre dito sa pinas? where can i buy it?


  2. Avatar for Khan Tan Khan Tan says:

    Any news on the gsm version?
    I heard that a ‘Pre Plus’ is coming out late this month, but it seems they haven’t started working on a gsm version.

  3. Avatar for delcon delcon says:

    palm SUCKS!!!!

  4. Avatar for Lyn Lyn says:

    hmmm…I get to hear ung mga comment ng mga customers na may Pre because of my work. Biggest problem is the battery, looks like the batt life doesn’t match up sa features ng phone na ito. Two, minsan nagfi-freeze ang phone, but most of the time it’s because of too many apps running. Three, hindi ganoon karami ang available apps like the iPhone (kung may magagawa rito ang Palm, panalo ito, but do you know na it can hook up sa iTunes na hindi updated ang version. The newer version actually came out to block the Pre from accessing it). Four, ung comment nila about the keyboard, masyado atang maliit (o masyadong malalaki mga daliri ni kuya???).

    It’s a neat phone, un nga lang, no GSM versions pa, guys, but grapevine has it na baka magkaroon na nito in a few months (or years T_T). Problema kasi, Pre needs to have 3G network capability all the time na hindi naman readily available dito sa ‘Pinas.

  5. Avatar for nan nan says:

    is there anybody here knows the arrival of the PAlm Pre?..the workable unit and the distributor

  6. Avatar for soulrocker soulrocker says:

    Yes! Buhay na naman ang Palm.. They have a feature where you can still use the old open-source OS, I think it’s called Palm Classic feature – much like a separate app.. dunno how it works though.. if you would still play all the fun stuff only from palm (like SNES simulators and some yahoo games)..

  7. Avatar for darkestmon darkestmon says:

    the Palm-Pre has a very different OS than it’s predecessors right? What happens to the open-source OS of palm now?

  8. Avatar for jarod_0122 jarod_0122 says:

    Prior to reading from this post I bought some stocks from PALM. And figures were going down. After this was featured here I was optimistic that it would yeild a good result. And so it did. I earned $2,800 (28% up) after selling it.

    Now, if only I were’nt running a stock simulator. ^_^

  9. Avatar for Ren_C20054 Ren_C20054 says:

    Actually, Palm Pre is not the first Palm Smartphone that has wifi. They have added wifi to their CDMA phone Treo 800w running with Windows Mobile, though it’s not available in the Philippines since it is locked with Sprint. Other smartphones, like the Treo 700w|wx, needs a wifi card to be able to connect to wireless networks.

  10. Avatar for Mark T Mark T says:

    Palm is alive again huh? Looks like they finally released a smartphone that has WIFI. It used to be strictly no WIFI for Palm devices so it can harness Sprints data plans. Hehehe.

    Nice screen, cool keypad, but I am sure this will be minimum 25k.

  11. Avatar for Irvs Irvs says:

    This phone may yet pull me back to the Palm herd again.

    There will be a 3G version, but release date is not known yet.

  12. Avatar for Doug Proudman Doug Proudman says:

    Hi Yuga!

    Great review. I’m stuck right now between the iPhone and the G1…By the way, not sure if I’ve seen anything about Android from you? Is this a non-issue in the Philippines?


    Doug Proudman
    (Translator for Japanese blog service, Ninja Tools, working out of Japan)

  13. Avatar for Paul Andrew Pisig Paul Andrew Pisig says:

    I think this is only a Palm’s waste of technology. Sigh.

  14. Avatar for Gwapito.com Gwapito.com says:

    Delete the first comment, it’s spam/virus link.

  15. Avatar for Iko Iko says:

    huh? walang GSM version? pano naman tayo?

  16. Avatar for TechPinas TechPinas says:

    *look like (that is, hehe)

  17. Avatar for TechPinas TechPinas says:

    RIM pwns Palm. This one, sadly, doesn’t like it will help Palm in any way. :(

  18. Avatar for jhay jhay says:

    Palm is still alive? ;)

    I guess it’s better to be late than never.

  19. Avatar for Erwin Erwin says:

    Its great but it doesn’t have the buzz of RIM Blackberry. well its cool and lot of feature.

  20. Avatar for Snow Snow says:

    Nice phone, would consider buying it because of its sleek and gorgeous look. :)

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