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Instagram adds new tagging options to credit creators

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Image: Instagram

Due to the increasing number of creators in the IG world, Instagram wants to ensure that everyone is credited fairly, especially Black people and other under-represented creators.

“For many Black and underrepresented creators, crediting is an entryway to building a sustainable career as a creator, while combating cultural appropriation and ensuring the world knows who is driving culture,” Instagram says in its announcement.

In celebration also to International Women’s Day, this feature was created by three Women of Color namely Alexis Michelle Adjei, Meta engineer Cameryn Boyd and Meta data analysts Alexandra Zaoui. They saw that there needs to be a better crediting system in the Instagram Application.

The enhanced tagging feature shows the users additional information on “People Tags” on their posts. The tags will also highlight the creators’ self-designated profile category (rapper, fashion stylist or photographer) as well as the title and their full name

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I'm a frustrated stoic, generalist and tech enthusiast. Service to humanity is the best work of life.

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