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YugaTech Contest #1: Merry Tweetmas

Note: Round #1 ends 5pm today, December 21, 2009.

Starting this week, we’ll be doing a series of different contests for our “YugaTech Great Gadget Giveaway” with a major theme around it. It will be really simple and have easy mechanics. Our contest for this week is called “Merry Tweetmas”.

Round 1: Our theme for this week will be Twitter. Here’s the mechanics:

1) Follow @abeolandres and @talk2globe on Twitter.

2) Post a tweet “Just entered to win a Modu Phone. Quick! Go follow @abeolandres and @talk2globe and retweet: http://bit.ly/6e2q7O #thanks2yugatech”

We’re giving away a Modu phone, 10 Globe Tattoo and 20 Php500 prepaid call cards randomly. That’s 31 winners in all for the Twitter giveaway.

If you don’t have a Twitter account but own a blog, here’s another way for you to join in this week’s giveaways:

1) Blog about the “YugaTech Great Gadget Giveaway”. Include the photo I posted here and link to this contest page.

2) Don’t forget to include in your post the mechanics for the Twitter contest above.

3) Leave a comment here with the URL of your entry.

For this one, we’ll give away another Modu phone, 10 Globe Tattoo and 10 prepaid load cards worth Php500 each. That’s 21 additional winners for a total of 52 winners this week.

Lastly, for our YugaTech readers who don’t Twitter or blog, here’s one for you:

1) Leave a comment on this contest page with the answer to this question — “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

Ten most witty or creative answers will each win Php500 worth of prepaid load cards from Globe.

You can join in any of the 3 separate giveaways above but you can only win once for this round. If you win twice or on all 3, you get the bigger prize.

globeThat’s a total of 62 lucky winners this week alone. This is just to warm you up for that grand prize. Go and start spreading the word!

Our giveaways won’t be this huge if not for our sponsors. Go thank Globe in your own little way.

Note: Anyone can join in the contests as many times since we’ll have more rounds in the coming weeks and months. Items will be shipped anywhere in the Philippines for free.

Note: Round #1 ends 5pm today, December 21, 2009.

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Avatar for Abe Olandres

Abe is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of YugaTech with over 20 years of experience in the technology industry. He is one of the pioneers of blogging in the country and considered by many as the Father of Tech Blogging in the Philippines. He is also a technology consultant, a tech columnist with several national publications, resource speaker and mentor/advisor to several start-up companies.

687 Responses

  1. Avatar for Aisah Aisah says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call a broadcasting network. By doing so, it will not only inform my immediate family about my situation, but it will also reach all the concerned sectors who could give me the appropriate help and save me. I also have the chance to have every loved one hear my message, instead of just calling one of them. If help comes, they can also check the area to see if there are other survivors, etc. :)

  2. Avatar for Randolph Montero Randolph Montero says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    Answer: I would call the cost guards then tell them about my situation and what are the things that i can see in my field of vision while of course crying like a little girl to be more convincing.hehe

  3. Avatar for Dhey Dhey Soriano Dhey Dhey Soriano says:

    Q:If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    A:my mom, ill ask her to load me, then ill use that load to save my location using my phones GPS. ill just put my location where my family can see it.

  4. Avatar for Jim Jim says:

    Merry Christmas mga ka-YugaTech! Hope myself to win.. :)

  5. Avatar for Phyll Phyll says:

    Here’s my run

  6. Avatar for Charley Arnesen Charley Arnesen says:

    Hey you, just became aware of your site through Google, and I find that it’s truly informative. I’m gonna check out for new posts. I will appreciate if you keep posting this in future. Lots of people will be benefited from your articles. Cya!

  7. Avatar for Crystal Lagman Crystal Lagman says:

    followed on twitter as crystahal
    twitter post: http://twitter.com/#!/crystahal/status/113438959631208449

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.
    I will definitely call my nanay kasi pag naririnig ko na boses nya kahit anong problema ko pakiramdam ko inaako nya lahat ng problem ko pag kausap ko sya.sya lahat gumagawa ng way o solusyon.My mom is the best

  8. Avatar for ugg euro ugg euro says:

    Question: If you were stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    My Answer: My father! I want to tell him and my mother that I am happy with friends, after that I will go home soon, please don’t worry.

  9. Avatar for Nadzkie Ville Nadzkie Ville says:

    Question: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Answer: Maybe I will call my swittie then sasabihin ko s knya na na-trap ako sa isang island then drama konti na baka huling tawag ko naun and I’ll say I love her so much and Merry Cristmas..hope she will pray for my safety..:(

  10. Avatar for sherwood sherwood says:

    Question: If i you were stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    My Answer: My mother!, I will told her to cook for our lunch and for the dinner also to celebrate my comeback and after she cooked i will told her to stop by the police station and report my situation.

  11. Avatar for Maria Angelie Oro Maria Angelie Oro says:

    twit here

  12. Avatar for Mathias Samson Mathias Samson says:

    Yutech contest. hope to win soon.


  13. Avatar for Lor Lor says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    My mom, paalam muna ako na ma-stustuck ako sa isang isla ng ilang araw kasi walang pang rescue. Para di ako mapagalitan :D. Madami akong kasama sa isla na ‘to kasi ang dami sumagot ng tanong na ito eh. Kaya sila na bahala sa rescue :D.

  14. Avatar for Mariellen Cruz Mariellen Cruz says:

    Question: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    answer: I will call my husband – Jake. I want his voice be the last voice that I will hear till the help comes along. I will call him because whenever I’m stuck with a problem or in a situation, his voice is the most reassuring voice that I’ve known. He’s very optimistic in the most undesirable situation.

  15. Avatar for janncris janncris says:

    so who won? ^_^ hehe pls post thanks!

    sana may part 2 na! ^_^

  16. Avatar for Tim Tim says:

    If i were stuck on an island, with only one call left…

    i would call USA’s 911, i’d ask for help and have them track my call. So that they can get my location and save me! :))

    thanks for this contest Yuga..

    Happy New Year y’all! God bless!

  17. Avatar for Jeffrey Villamora Jeffrey Villamora says:

    Question: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Answer: I’ll call ABS-CBN’s XXX to help save me. This public service show is one of the fastest when it comes to emergency responses. I’ll definitely be seen on TV by my family or my friends and might even become an overnight celebrity. Hehe…

  18. Avatar for Rosselle Rosselle says:

    Question: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I would call a radio station so that they could also rely to their listeners on-air that I need help using my globe number (dahil dito, ABOT KO ANG MUNDO)

    Nyahahahaha! :D

    ♥ Love this site so muuuuch!

  19. Avatar for Rosselle Rosselle says:

    I have posted this contest to my blog http://panulatnirosselle.blogspot.com

    Hope, I could also win :D

  20. Avatar for Rosselle Rosselle says:

    I have posted a link :D

  21. Avatar for Ferdinand Angeles Ferdinand Angeles says:

    Question: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Answer: God? No. I don’t have His number. I also heard the saying “Nasa Diyos ang awa, nasa tao ang gawa.” I guess I have to try my best to be rescued by “ordinary people” or even swim my way out of that island before deciding to call Him when everything else fails. The President? No. I’m not from Pampanga so she won’t waste her time looking for someone who cannot vote for her as Congresswoman this coming 2010 election. My mom? No. She has a weak heart and a bad news like this will surely kill her. My wife? Of course not! She cannot even swim! The Philippine Navy? A big NO! Their WWII vintage sea craft will surely get stuck and I don’t want to share with them the limited resources of my island. My 8-year old daughter Stefanie? YES! I saw her spent a whole weekend, day and night, looking for “Muning”, her adopted puskal or pusang kalye. She even planned to reproduce a missing cat flyers (using our color printer!) if Muning didn’t arrive in time from a 2-day courting marathon. If she does that for a cat I’m sure she’ll do everything for her “castaway” dad.

  22. Avatar for Eunice Yao Eunice Yao says:

    If I was stuck on an island with one phone call left, I’ll call the Philippine equivalent of 911 so they can send a chopper and fly me outta there!

  23. Avatar for Diana Vee engracial Diana Vee engracial says:

    i will call my mother, mgpapaalam ako baka kze hanapin ako hehehe,.and saying gudbye&love u..dko pakze nsasabi sknya eh.mwahhh

  24. Avatar for Diana Vee engracial Diana Vee engracial says:

    Yuga merry christmas and new year to you, go and give the people enjoyable products, giving happinest is the most value of all. thnx to you and have a best product and services u:) THIS CONTEST RULED BEST!!.pls i want to have 1,pls..

  25. Avatar for Lyza Joyce Montejo Lyza Joyce Montejo says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    Maybe call a love one so he can come and join me? hehe. .. no kidding side, I will be contacting someone who I know will not panic, someone who has a cool head, and someone who always has her phone with them and will surely reply to my call or even call me back. That would be my aunt. Yes, even if she’s my aunt (a relative), she’s really good at handling things gracefully. Given that give complete details of my location and circumstance. She’ll get to me in no time. ;p

  26. Avatar for parsiphal agana parsiphal agana says:

    Hello Abe Olandres!

    Joined it by blogging on this site…


  27. Avatar for pauline garcia pauline garcia says:

    Question: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    that last call will be for my husband and two kids… just hearing their voices give me a whole lot of strenght and will to survive and get off that island because i know that the first that i will hear from them is when you are coming home …we need you to cook our meals dont want to eat fastfood meals anymore…

  28. Avatar for jami jami says:

    Just tweeted about your contest and blogged about it! ^^ here’s the link!

  29. Avatar for ritz ritz says:

    wala pa bang winner nito? When ba i.announce ung winner?

  30. Avatar for ma.victoria m. cinco ma.victoria m. cinco says:

    hahahaha! i would rather call a network that could give me more load/s to make a call to my loved ones & tell them how wonderful it is to be stucked in an island alone doin’ an adventure!!! wuhu!!!

  31. Avatar for demetrio demetrio says:

    Question: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Answer: I will call Globe para sabihin na ang bilis ng Globe tattoo sa Dagupan City, lalo na pag nanalo ako ng 500 worth of load, ilo-load ko sa globe tattoo ko…..
    ala na kasi akong load ehhhhh………

  32. Avatar for parsiphal agana parsiphal agana says:

    Hello Abe Olandres!


    This site rocks!
    So how do we know who the winners are?..
    Can you somehow post the winners of this
    cool great contest?..great site!

  33. Avatar for aulie aulie says:

    hi yuga Merry Christmas:)

  34. Avatar for abigail abigail says:

    “Just entered to win a Modu Phone. Quick! Go follow @abeolandres and @talk2globe

    I would like to compare the Modu phone against my Nokia and Sony ericsson.

  35. Avatar for aie aie says:

    saya naman nito :d sali ako next time hehehe :D

  36. Avatar for Ella Javier Ella Javier says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?”

    Answer: I will call Yugatech to give me the Php500 worth of load so I’ll have more call minutes to call the rescuers and save me :)

  37. Avatar for Mizpah Capina Mizpah Capina says:

    kelan magstart ang round 2??

  38. Avatar for bien bien says:

    I hope I can join the next contest.

  39. Avatar for Tine Tine says:

    Question: If you’re stuck in an
    island with a phone and
    only have one call left,
    who would you call and

    I’ll call Manny Villar and invite the whole NP to party in the island. He can bring in some media people too and show the rescue operations – to be shown during the evening news. Then all of us can have fun. Perhaps he would even let me ride his private jet.

  40. Avatar for jm aquino jm aquino says:

    why would i call for a help?? i can manage myself and leave the island through my special ability! and that’s SWIMMING! hehe

  41. Avatar for Florence Sontillano Florence Sontillano says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.


    I’d call Oprah Winfrey. Why?

    1. I’d get rescued for sure. It’s Oprah, come on.
    2. I’d get to be featured in her show, with more than a million people watching.
    3. I’d be one of the first few Filipinos in her show *wink, wink.
    4. I’d get the chance to tell all Filipinos of your awesome promo. Nyahahahaha!

    Merry Christmas everyone!

  42. Avatar for mark mark says:

    @sir yuga excited na ako sa special prize koh ^_^

  43. Avatar for regil r. solon regil r. solon says:


    If you’re stuck on an island with a phone and only one call left, who would you call and why?


    i call my wife, i will informed her that i’m stuck on the island,needed ELOAD ASAP ,since i’m globe user , i request to my wife to load me for 150 for unli call.so that i can talk more to give my exact location where i am.

  44. Avatar for mars mars says:

    Kung mastustuck ako sa island at may isang call lang ako tatawagan ko si Santa Claus..
    Tutal christmas na at naging mabait naman ako sasabihin ko na ang christmas present ko ay isang A)helicopter B) Yacht C) Iphone na maraming load…

    Di ba may regalo na makakauwi pa ko sa bahay namin :)))

  45. Avatar for Simon Cervantes Simon Cervantes says:

    If I were stuck in an island and have a phone on my side for one phonecall… I would definitely call my father so my family would know where in the world I am as well as instruct him ttack my location and of course inform the media so I’ll become famous in my own little way… =D

  46. Avatar for allyn allyn says:

    If stuck on an island and if my celphone still has the battery and the signal is okay, I will contact my husband, my kids, my sister — and find comfort in their voices while I am away from them. Next, I will call the police so that they can track my call, locate where I am, start the search and rescue operations and bring me home to my family.

  47. Avatar for Maria Luisa Dy Maria Luisa Dy says:

    1) Leave a comment on this contest page with the answer to this question — “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    Comment: I will call my mother to tell her where I am and what the situation is at my location. I will also ask her to seek some help from the government authorities to search my location the best they can.

  48. Avatar for Vivian Vivian says:

    If I’m stuck in an island the first person I’d call would be my husband, of course. So that he knows where I am and maybe he could do something about it…he could always pretend to want to save me.

  49. Avatar for Vivian Vivian says:

    blogged about this —


  50. Avatar for Vivian Vivian says:

    I just blogged about this —


  51. Avatar for Vivian Vivian says:

    I just blogged about this. Here’s my URL —


  52. Avatar for Vivian Vivian says:

    I just blogged about this. Check out my URL: http://vvaguilar.multiply.com/journal/item/18/The_YugaTech_Great_Gadget_Giveaway

  53. Avatar for blankPixels blankPixels says:

    Good luck to everyone!

    I’m keeping my fingers crossed. I hope I’ll be one of the lucky ones… :)

    Thanks Abe for the giveaway! And thanks Globe! :)

  54. Avatar for Vicente I. Ferrer Vicente I. Ferrer says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call my wife because she’s the first person who has the right to know where I am and what’s happening to me… and I trust that she’ll do the rest for the next step.

  55. Avatar for Noel Noel says:

    sana maka-isa, kung hindi man ngayon, sa susunod….hehehehehe :D

  56. Avatar for sprakanitezz sprakanitezz says:

    i am excited about the new contest! sana manalo ako dun sa 1st blog ko.. jejeje :) add nyo naman me sa facebook ko jun****@****.*** thanks thanks

  57. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

    We’re ending contest submissions now. The hardest prt really is the collection of the hundreds of entries and picking out the winners.

    Stay tuned as we’ll announce it very soon.

  58. Avatar for Downloader Downloader says:

    Hi sir yuga! Here is my blog entry:

    hope i’d get the chance to grab those tattoos! hehe

    Thanks a lot!

  59. Avatar for Downloader Downloader says:

    my entry:

    hope i’d get the chance to grab the tattoos! hehe

  60. Avatar for benj benj says:

    I would call GMA7 or ABS CBN so I could have my own reality show!

  61. Avatar for Claude Claude says:

    Q: “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?”

    A: Assuming I am on post-paid service, I would call my carrier to ask if they can extend my credit limit!

  62. Avatar for Liezel Liezel says:

    If I would be stucked in an island …

    Tatawagan ko yung tindahan sa amin para bumili ng 500php Globe prepaid load sabihin ko papalitan naman yun ni Mr. Yuga. haha! And saka ako tatawag kung kani-kanino para humingi ng tulong. XD

  63. Avatar for jz jz says:



  64. Avatar for janine janine says:


  65. Avatar for janine janine says:


  66. Avatar for Jet Jet says:

    If I am stucked in an island with just a single call left I would call the coast guard and give my coordinates and I would ask them to call my family and I’ll give the number to them so that my family would know that I am okay.

  67. Avatar for janine janine says:

    Happy Holidays! =)


  68. Avatar for Raymund Raymund says:

    Tawagan ko yung Boss ko, iinform ko lang na aabsent ako ng mejo matagal. Baka kasi memohan niya ako. Ganito for sure ang magiging takbo ng call…

    Raymund: Ahhh, Sir, gud morning po. Si Raymund po ito. Baka po absent ako mamaya.
    Boss: BAKIT NA NMAN? #$%^* naman Raymund, ABSENT KA NA NMAN.
    Raymund: Sir, unang absent ko po ito this year.
    Boss: At utang na loob ko pa iyun?
    Raymund: eh kasi sir na stuck po kasi ako sa isang island.
    Boss: Saang island?
    Raymund: Kung alam ko po eh di sana, nakauwi na ako.
    Boss: Eh #$^&^*(*^^&^ ka pla eh. Pinipilosopo mo pa ako. Papaano ka ba napunta jan?
    Raymund: HIndi ko din po alam. Si Yuga po ang may kasalanan ng lahat ng ito.
    Boss: Ewan ko sa iyo. Kelan ka papasok?
    Raymund: Di ko din po alam. Baka po pag narescue na ako.
    Boss: Basta pasalaubong ko ah? May buko pie ba jan? yung Collette’s?
    Raymund: Sir, wla po ako sa Laguna.
    Boss: Wala ka talagang pakinabang. Babantayan ko Facebook mo ah. Pag ikaw nagpost lang ng pix na nagouting ka, lagot ka sa akin.
    Raymund: OK po.
    Boss: Yung pasalubong ko ah? Basta ayaw ko ng keychain. Ahhh… sino to ulit?
    Raymun: Si Raymund po.
    Boss: O bakit ka natawag?
    Raymund: Di ba nga po, aabsent ako.

    ito ang dahilan kung bakit naka superunli ako sa Globe. Mahaba habang usapan. (O ayan ah, may promo pa!)

    at ito rin ang dahilan kung bakit, siguradong mag-eenjoy ako sa island.

    P.S. Boss, peace!? Merry Xmas po.

  69. Avatar for Raymund Raymund says:

    Tawagan ko yung Boss ko, iinform ko lang na aabsent ako ng mejo matagal. Baka kasi memohan niya ako. Ganito for sure ang magiging takbo ng call…

    Raymund: Ahhh, Sir, gud morning po. Si Raymund po ito. Baka po absent ako mamaya.
    Boss: BAKIT NA NMAN? #$%^* naman Raymund, ABSENT KA NA NMAN.
    Raymund: Sir, unang absent ko po ito this year.
    Boss: At utang na loob ko pa iyun?
    Raymund: eh kasi sir na stuck po kasi ako sa isang island.
    Boss: Saang island?
    Raymund: Kung alam ko po eh di sana, nakauwi na ako.
    Boss: Eh #$^&^*(*^^&^ ka pla eh. Pinipilosopo mo pa ako. Papaano ka ba napunta jan?
    Raymund: HIndi ko din po alam. Si Yuga po ang may kasalanan ng lahat ng ito.
    Boss: Ewan ko sa iyo. Kelan ka papasok?
    Raymund: Di ko din po alam. Baka po pag narescue na ako.
    Boss: Basta pasalaubong ko ah? May buko pie ba jan? yung Collette’s?
    Raymund: Sir, wla po ako sa Laguna.
    Boss: Wala ka talagang pakinabang. Babantayan ko Facebook mo ah. Pag ikaw nagpost lang ng pix na nagouting ka, lagot ka sa akin.
    Raymund: OK po.
    Boss: Yung pasalubong ko ah? Basta ayaw ko ng keychain. Ahhh… sino to ulit?
    Raymun: Si Raymund po.
    Boss: O bakit ka natawag?
    Raymund: Di ba nga po, aabsent ako.

    at ito ang dahilan kung bakit, siguradong mag-eenjoy ako sa island.

    P.S. Boss, peace!? Merry Xmas po.

  70. Avatar for Jagger Camungay Jagger Camungay says:

    Hi yuga this is my answer to your question

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    A poem… :-)

    “Stuck on island and got only one call
    This person will answer one ring at all
    My partner in life will really miss me
    Will call everyone and surely find me”

  71. Avatar for joy is joy is says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    I will call Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala, the CEO of Ayala Corporation. He certainly has no busy line, no call waiting, and a world-wide full of alipores to get me out of the island — or better yet, get me the island! hahaha!

    Thank you YugaTech and Globe!

  72. Avatar for hobo hobo says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Hmmm..definitely, I’ll call my bestfriend, telling him to invite more friends to drop by and have some party!

    Common! Yohooo!!!

  73. Avatar for Yani Yani says:

    Yey! Merry Christmas! A first timer for contests like this so i’m keeping my fingers crossed! very cool prizes by the way.

    I blogged about your give away and you can check it out at my blog site:


    or try the direct link:


    thanks all! I hope I win!

  74. Avatar for aldwin aldwin says:

    if stuck in an island?

    For sure, i’ll gonna call 911. That’s the emergency hotline of davao city. 911 rocks, super galing and talagang pang world class. :D

    urban search and rescue unit nila…hehe :D

  75. Avatar for Paul Paul says:

    My Blog Entry :


  76. Avatar for Nikki Nikki says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    I’m definitely going to call my thesis adviser and ask her to call me back and allow me to defend my master’s thesis OVER THE PHONE so I can graduate in March. If there’s a will, there’s a way – NO ISLAND WILL STOP ME FROM GETTING MY MASTERS DEGREE!

  77. Avatar for Joy Mesina-Bahia Joy Mesina-Bahia says:

    hi. this is a really cool contest! i blogged about this here:


  78. Avatar for jay gochangco jay gochangco says:



  79. Avatar for jco jco says:

    i hope i’m not too late for the merry tweetmas contest.

    I am now following @abeolandres and @talk2globe and did a retweet.

    I posted a blog entry as well

  80. Avatar for jay gochangco jay gochangco says:

    Question: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?


    well…i have 3 step!! and i think its a sure ball! esp since its near 2010 waheheh

    1. register unli call at globe / unli text..

    2. ill contact my parents and/or friends to register me at….

    http://www.mannyvillar.com.ph/ofw.php (^_^)

    waheheh!…(browse the link 1st) yes, i know its like booking a ticket online!

    3. wait and relax..^_^

  81. Avatar for Kim Kim says:

    Question: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Answer: I would registered on GLOBE IMMORTAL CALL PLUS! so that I can call my girlfriend for 5 minutes and text my Globe/TM friends 50 times and asked for help.


  82. Avatar for deyv deyv says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    Ill call nobody. walang signal sa island yuga

  83. Avatar for Sahara D. Moralita Sahara D. Moralita says:


    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.


    It’s kinda funny but I will call my first love. I will confess my feelings about him 10 years ago and how much I care for him until now.
    And ask him if he had any feelings on me and ask him about what happened 10 years ago when he accidentally hold my hands, if he felt any “electricity” because until now I am still confused and I still remember the feeling of being in love on him.
    Truly, first love never dies.

  84. Avatar for l0rns l0rns says:

    Ill call my children so they can come and fetch me;)

  85. Avatar for zhignet zhignet says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    I’ll call my biggest creditor. I’m sure they will move heaven and earth so that I will be rescued.

  86. Avatar for joseph joseph says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Ill call my best bud so he can call our other friends to come and join me party at the island:)

  87. Avatar for fraulien fraulien says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    Ill call santa claus:) Ill tell him that my Christmas wish is to get out of the island and be with my family. Ive been good (or so i think) naman eh so I think he’ll grant my wish. Sasakay ako sa sleigh nya with his reindeers:D and perhaps sasama na din muna ako mag bigay ng gifts:D

  88. Avatar for silverscreensurfer silverscreensurfer says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call my boss and tell him, “I resign! Too-doo-loo!” and then I’ll run to the beach and play with the dolphins.

  89. Avatar for aulie aulie says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    perhaps, ill call yoda so he can use the force to bring me out of the island:) or maybe luke skywalker so he can use his xwingto fly me out of the island:D hmmmm since the force is also strong in me, then i can make more calls using the force ofcourse:D

  90. Avatar for halo halo says:

    bat wala na atang pinili si YUGA na panalo?….. me pinipili lang ata sya para manalo e… mga kakilala nya?

  91. Avatar for Carla Carla says:


  92. Avatar for Rommel Bartolome Rommel Bartolome says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call my ex. I’ll say how much I loved her. I’ll say how I am so sorry for all the things I did in the past. I would want her to know the she is still the person I love till I die.

  93. Avatar for beachbreakboy beachbreakboy says:

    Question:If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Answer:I’ll call my friend to send me my equipment (fins, mask & snorkel) so I can explore the marine life in the island. It could be our next diving and party destination. Life’s too short, we should always look at things in a positive way.

    URL: http://beachbreakboy.wordpress.com/2009/12/20/yugatech-christmas-contest/

  94. Avatar for beachbreakboy beachbreakboy says:

    Question:If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Answer:I’ll call my friend to send me my equipment (fins, mask & snorkel) so I can explore the marine life in the island. It could be our next diving and party destination. Life’s too short, we should always look at things in a positive way.

    URL: http://beachbreakboy.wordpress.com/2009/12/20/yugatech-christmas-contest/

  95. Avatar for Jevon E. Lumagui Jevon E. Lumagui says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    I would call Jeff Probst or even Paolo Bediones and tell that there is still a survivor left on the island waiting for another season of Survivor!!! Weee..sounds full of challenges on the island huh…

  96. Avatar for rbsoriano rbsoriano says:

    Whoo. Its already end of the week. Time to announce the winners!

  97. Avatar for Jevon E. Lumagui Jevon E. Lumagui says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    I would call Jeff Probst or even Paolo Bediones that there is another survivor left on the island waiting for another season of Survivor: UNKNOWN ISLAND~~~
    weee.. i love challenges..

  98. Avatar for MinnieRunner MinnieRunner says:

    I just joined via Twitter : http://twitter.com/minnie_madz/status/6855555202 *luck for me*

  99. Avatar for Millionaire Acts Millionaire Acts says:

    Here’s my entry to the question Yuga.

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    Answer: I will call my dad and I will give him access to my BPI Expressonline Account. I will ask him to use my bank account to load additional prepaid credits to my mobile phone (since I already linked my cellphone to my bank account). After that, I will use Globe’s various services such as “Sakto Calls” and “Tawag 236” to have more airtime for my prepaid credits. In that way, we can communicate more and I would be able to give him instructions as to how to help me to get out of that island.

  100. Avatar for Millionaire Acts Millionaire Acts says:

    I hope I’m not yet late here. Just tweeted as per instructions. I’ve been following you Yuga long time ago. :)

    Thanks to Globe. I’ve been a regular globe subscriber ever since I had a mobile phone.

  101. Avatar for Obed Obed says:



  102. Avatar for Obed Obed says:



  103. Avatar for aulie aulie says:


  104. Avatar for aulie aulie says:


  105. Avatar for aulie aulie says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    ill call amelia earheart so she can fly me out of the island:)

  106. Avatar for Alvin Alvin says:

    Blog post:

    Twitter entry:

    Merry Christmas to the 62 winners… and to everybody else! =)

  107. Avatar for Sanctuarian06 Sanctuarian06 says:

    Kailan po Iaanounce yung mga winner? And by the way, paano, maacknowledge yung mga winner? thanks thanks po! Happy Holidays!

  108. Avatar for jeffrey john imutan jeffrey john imutan says:

    if i was stuck on an island with a celphone with only one call left, i would definitely call my wife and kids to let them know where and how i am. whatever happens, at least i was able to say goodbye or hello to them and would be at peace. it would also take away my worries.

  109. Avatar for Guy Radaza Guy Radaza says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    I would call my brother for help who always have his cellphone like a batman gadgets hanged on his belt.

  110. Avatar for torque15 torque15 says:

    let me try my hand at the Q and A this time :)

    i will convert my GCASH (as i always have some spare in my globe HP, for emergencies, as this) to prepaid credits. yay!

    i will then call HUBBY to report the misadventure. this someone will go to the ends of the earth for me.

    lastly, i will use the FACEBOOK SURF-ALL-DAY service, that will tide me for 24hours, sans the games. wink!

  111. Avatar for parsiphal agana parsiphal agana says:

    I blogged about the “YugaTech Great Gadget Giveaway”

  112. Avatar for ars68 ars68 says:

    followed abeolandres and talk2globe. tweeted your gadget giveaway.

    blogged about it too. http://bit.ly/7d8kP0

    Q&A – i will call SEN. ENRILE – to report i’ve no missing prepaid credits since his lost load incident (20 seconds) and the MOYMOY PALABOY duo – to ask them to do a video of janet jackson’s “where are you now” with me as the lost character (40 seconds). when they shoot, and find me, i am saved.

  113. Avatar for Hanae Hanae says:

    Hello! I entered via Twitter: http://twitter.com/Hanaaae/status/6828311026

  114. Avatar for Melani Zarate Melani Zarate says:


    If you’re stuck on an island with a phone and only one call left, who would you call and why?


    I will call my sister because we are both holders of cellphones with GLOBE SIM. I will ask her to “pasa-load” to me or to load my cellphone with any amount using her cellphone so that I can make more calls to her or other members of my family to inform them of what I’m going through. That way they can help me anytime.

  115. Avatar for Cyrus Jester Catalan Cyrus Jester Catalan says:

    Just joined twitter!
    And first thing I did was tweet about the contest!
    It’s awesome!

  116. Avatar for Cyrus Jester Catalan Cyrus Jester Catalan says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call God. If that’s possible. God is my Only Savior. So why call others?

  117. Avatar for torque15 torque15 says:

    followed. tweeted.

    blogged and cross-posted in FB too.

  118. Avatar for Cyrus Jester Catalan Cyrus Jester Catalan says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call God. If that’s possible. Go is my Only Savior. So why call others?

  119. Avatar for sprakanitezz sprakanitezz says:

    Hi YUGA, i have a suggestion! hope you read this, can you please post all the winner for this week contest MERRY TWEETMAS kasi baka andun name ko e sayang naman (kapal e no) seriously pls post thanks po!

  120. Avatar for hidburn hidburn says:

    followed and tweeted about your giveaway – http://twitter.com/hidburn

    blogged about it too here – http://bit.ly/7d8kP0

  121. Avatar for Katherine Ong Katherine Ong says:

    Blogged about it here:


    Tweeted it here:



    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?”

    I’ll call my crush and tell him that I’ve liked him since the first time I’ve heard him speak about his thoughts during freshman year. I’ll tell him how much I value our friendship that I never took the risk of being anything else but friends. And lastly, I’ll tell him that he probably won’t see me again but I’ll always keep him in my heart and I just hope that he will keep me in his.

  122. Avatar for Kimberly B. Dela cruz Kimberly B. Dela cruz says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I would call Abe Olandres at 091849***** and ask him if I won.

  123. Avatar for parsiphal agana parsiphal agana says:

    BIGTHANKS also to our sponsor, Globe

  124. Avatar for parsiphal agana parsiphal agana says:

    and thanks also to

  125. Avatar for parsiphal agana parsiphal agana says:

    If I’m stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, i would check first if there’s a network signal and my battery gauge to determine my phone usage. If there is i would call my wife (since I’m married and she’s more caring for me than anyone else in the family)and would tell her where I am and explain everything if my phone permits or would tell her that whatever happens she’s always be in my heart…

    For making this promo possible, BIGTHANKS to Yugatech and

  126. Avatar for parsiphal agana parsiphal agana says:

    If I’m stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, i would check first if there’s a network signal and my battery gauge to determine my phone usage. If there is i would call my wife (since I’m married and she’s more caring for me than anyone else in the family)and would tell her where I am and explain everything if my phone permits or would tell her that whatever happens she’s always be in my heart…

    For making this promo possible, BIGTHANKS to Yugatech and

  127. Avatar for Obed of ImObed.com Obed of ImObed.com says:

    Already tweet about this contest.

    Here’s my Blog Post:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    My answer:
    I definitely call my dad, even though I am suborn he will do anything to defend me. That’s why I love him so much :)

  128. Avatar for aulie aulie says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    >> ill call my mama and tell her where I am:) para masundo ako:) tapos mag papashare a load na din para may pantawag ulit:)


    ipapafacebook ko na din pala na im stuck on an island:) hehe wala kasing pang FB phone ko eh:)

  129. Avatar for austenfan austenfan says:

    Btw, I tweeted too. (http://twitter.com/austenfanblogs/status/6820993875)

  130. Avatar for austenfan austenfan says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    – I’d definitely call the police or any organization/institution that can rescue me. I don’t have to be stuck there forever, right? :P

  131. Avatar for aulie aulie says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    >> ill call my mama and tell her where I am:) para masundo ako:) tapos mag papashare a load na din para may pantawag ulit:)

  132. Avatar for chill chill says:

    Hello… I want to join! I blog this already here’s the url http://ritzdiary09.blogspot.com/2009/12/yugatech-great-gadget-giveaway.html

  133. Avatar for LynParconFlorig LynParconFlorig says:

    heres a link to my blog:


  134. Avatar for Andrew P. Andrew P. says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    I’ll call a Globe’s 24hr Customer Service and talk to a CSR because with Globe, abot ko ang mundo!

  135. Avatar for LynParconFlorig LynParconFlorig says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    One call? Gosh its hard. Since i have a call for sure i still can text one message. If theres enough for a call then there would be enough load to text, so first i’d text my dad since he’s got a lot of phone cards most of the time, then i am gonna make my text message as detailed as i could to ask for load and the reason why, if he doesn’t send load then i am gonna think of what to say and be ready for my one time call.(i’ll try the promos globe currently have to have longer talk time then i’m gonna ask my dad to call me back if i still have enough battery but if not, i’ll tell him i’m stuck in an island. He’s very calm and smart so he should know who to call first.. Then i’d say bye so if he calls the authorities then try to call me back, i’d still have enough battery and i’d still be able to talk to him. I’m not gonna call my mom because she’ll never calm down and might even end up calling me a lot. I don’t want that to happen, i’m young and i not that i can’t survive in an island but i still enjoy the city life so i wanna be rescued fast. =)

  136. Avatar for Jeffrey Domingo Jeffrey Domingo says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?


    I’ll Call Bayani(BF) coz he’s my HERO… heheh

  137. Avatar for Paul Paul says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Tatawag ako sa himpilan ng sagip kapamilya at magpaparescue ako .

  138. Avatar for Moh Moh says:

    Hey YUGA! Here is my Blog post!!



    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    i will call my mom to reload my phone with 1000 pesos and surf the net, tell as much as possible all the people (also my mom) about the Merry Tweetmas promo/contest of Yuga. and by the way, i will tell my mom not to worry and just keep on reloading my phone. Let us spread the love of Yuga and also Globe. hehehe!

    can we post another answer or just once? hehehe.. when will the MSI Wind be given?

  140. Avatar for Bogcess Bogcess says:

    Hi abe! I’m entering via twitter.

    Twitter: Bogcess

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call globe hotline and ask the operator to call and tell Mr. Abraham Olandres that I need his help because I’m stuck on an island and desperately needs him to kindly send me a fully charged modu phone with lots of P500 worth of cellcards so that I can call different rescue groups to come and pick me up. Since he’s generous enough, an additional globe tattoo wouldn’t hurt. Hehe! While on my way back, I can use my laptop to connect and join the upcoming contests of yugatech blog. And if ever I do get stuck on an island again, It’ll be no problem because I have my globe tattoo with me. I could always tweet “Help abe! I’m stuck again!” :P

    Modu phone, I gotcha! lol

  141. Avatar for Chubbymommyme Chubbymommyme says:

    Hi blogged about the giveaway
    Here’s the URL
    good luck to every one


  142. Avatar for Chubby Chubby says:



  143. Avatar for Aaron JP Almadro Aaron JP Almadro says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’d call my brother. If I call my mom or dad, they’d freak out and wouldn’t know what to do either.
    So i’d rather call my bro who’s a lot more calmer and organized. I’d arrange a rescue by describing my location (if night, by the stars, if day, by the position of the sun and the shadows it casts).
    If the situation is worse (and my death inevitable), i’d tell my bro to reformat my HDD in my computer (for safety reasons), segregate all my comics and personal belongings and distribute it fairly to all our relatives and friends.

  144. Avatar for agentorenz agentorenz says:



  145. Avatar for Random Blog Contest Random Blog Contest says:

    Count me in!


  146. Avatar for Montsch Montsch says:

    Here’s my blog post http://www.techsterr.com/2009/12/yugatech-contest-1-merry-tweetmas/

  147. Avatar for christian philip iraola christian philip iraola says:

    if i’m stuck in an island with one call left in my phone, obviously i’m going to call 911 or 117 and beg them to GET ME OFF THIS ISLAND!! HELP!!

  148. Avatar for Gene Gene says:

    Already sent my tweet.

    And here’s my blog post:

  149. Avatar for Obed Obed says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    A: I will not call.. i will save my battery so that i have light at night…HAHAHAHAHA


  150. Avatar for Vergel D. velasquez Vergel D. velasquez says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“
    I would call our kapitbahay na may autoload. then mag papaload ako ng marami!!!! as in marami..so that i can make calls to my love ones..kaso utang muna..i’ll just pay the load. when i come back..

  151. Avatar for Vanessa June Balatero Vanessa June Balatero says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Well, i would call my mom telling her that I’m stuck in an island and i will be coming home late ☺, and i would ask her to look for some help on finding me and rescuing me on the island.

  152. Avatar for Michael Michael says:

    My answer is i would rather call my parents so that they will not be worried about me and tell where i am Send me pls michael_digamo****@****.***

  153. Avatar for K K says:

    here’s my blog entry:


    joined the twitter contest too!

    good luck everyone!

  154. Avatar for Adjanni Adjanni says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call my ever dependable mom to gather our relatives and friends to get me out of the freakin’ island! And also tell her to put the phone near my dog’s ear so that I can tell him I miss him. Before hanging up, I’ll tell mother to load my number and not to call me back unless it’s urgent because my phone might die.

  155. Avatar for Adjanni Arbon Adjanni Arbon says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call my ever-dependable mother to tell our relatives and friends to help me get out of the freakin’ island! And also ask her to put the phone near my dog’s ear so that he’ll react and I’ll hear him bark (I know I’ll miss his voice). Before hanging up, I’ll tell my mother to load up my number and not to call me unless it’s urgent ’cause my phone might die and they won’t be able to rescue me.

  156. Avatar for karlenma karlenma says:

    i would call globe and ask for more load so i can keep on checking on my very makulit and malikot little girl to remind her to behave. ;)

  157. Avatar for Ambo Ambo says:

    Blogged and Tweeted too! Thanks Abe!


  158. Avatar for kae kae says:

    I will call my mom and tell her:

    *To Send me load via autoload so that I can call more or let her call me back for a longer call.
    *Send someone who can save me in the island, or someone who can accompany me with lotsa survival stuff (it can be someone special, since I won’t mind being stuck in an island with a good and gorgeous man that i know) LOL

  159. Avatar for Nadine Tuazon Nadine Tuazon says:

    Question: “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    Situation: Stuck in a strange island for no apparent reason.

    Things to do before calling:
    1. Try not to panic.
    2. Make sure the phone is actually working.
    3. Wonder why I only have one call left. And then wonder how much load I have left. Note to self: inquire balance before calling, check battery.
    4. Look for a piece of paper (assuming that I have a pen) or a leaf or just anything that I can write on (that includes the sandy beach on the strange island).
    5. Write down everything that I want to say during my “one and only call.” That includes:
    – The last thing I remember before waking up on this strange island.
    – An incredibly detailed and coherent description of my surroundings
    – island survival tips
    – help

    The Call…ring ring
    MOM: “Hello?”
    ME: “MOOOOOOOOOMMMYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! Don’t panic. I’m stuck in a strange island. The last thing I remember is… The island looks like this… From my location, the sun is located at… How do you find water here… HELP…
    I’m calling you because I know that you’re the one who’s going to panic the most, and your husband will hear you, and then your husband, aka my stepfather, will call the authorities and do everything that he can to find me so that you’ll stop panicking.”
    ME: “Ok. I love you Mom. Don’t forget to tell your husband.”

  160. Avatar for Alvin Alvin says:

    If I’m stuck in an island with a phone and only one call left, I will call Vicki, my secretary, and tell her to cancel all my appointments because I don’t want to keep my associates waiting. And since she’s an uber-smart android, she’ll track my call and mobilize the rescue team, just like she did many times before.

  161. Avatar for carla carla says:

    I wanted to answer NDCC or NCRPO because they are the institutions with rubber boats (but am also afraid the boats might be defective lol.kidding) but then their numbers are too hard to remember so I’d just call “143”. THat’s Philippine NATIONAL RED CROSS’ hotline. THey should know all the necessary numbers to call to help me hehehe. I dont want my family to worry about me so I dont want to call them and give them the pressure. And I am sure my family and friends would definitely laugh at me when they learn I am stuck helplessly on an island.. :(

  162. Avatar for Michelle Michelle says:

    Blogged about it!


  163. Avatar for Ambo Ambo says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    “I’d call you so you can Twitter and blog my whereabouts! And of course i’d ask you to call Globe for more free calls! Yay!”

  164. Avatar for Michelle Michelle says:

    Hi! tweeted! :)


  165. Avatar for Michelle Michelle says:

    If I’ll be stuck in an island with 1 last call, aside from calling a store to get more load (haha! that’s philosophical), I would call my boyfriend. Since my sister has her phone in silent mode most of the time and the my parents doesn’t mind their phone much. My boyfriend will just be the one who will relay it to my other family members.

  166. Avatar for Kimeh Kimeh says:

    Hello! :-)
    I posted this on my blog, the URL of the post is http://kimeh.net/post/288265339/yugas-merry-tweetmas

    I also tweeted this. :-)
    Hope I win the GLobe Tattoo Prepaid Kit since I really need it.

    More power Kuya Yuga! :-)

  167. Avatar for rogelio erandio jr rogelio erandio jr says:

    question: “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    answer: it doesn’t matter to me who he/she is, i know anybody (especially friend or family) as long as I tell them i am lost and alive they will tried to help me. :)

  168. Avatar for carlo b. carlo b. says:

    If I’m stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would I call and why?

    Tatawagan ko yung kapitbahay naming tindera na nagpapaload ng Globe. Papaload ako sabihin ko utang muna. Tapos magreregister ako sa unlimited call/text promo, then pwede na ko tumawag ng tumawag, family… friends… relatives… at siyempre rescue. =)

  169. Avatar for darkstar13 darkstar13 says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    “I’ll call my friend who has enrolled me in his Globe Tracker friends that I am stuck in a no-where island and ask him to send a text to 7000 to track me, so that he’ll know where I am and come rescue me .. “

  170. Avatar for fjordz fjordz says:

    twitted the contest and followed them as you say.. hehehe

    here’s my entry on my blog:


    let me know if there are some corrections. Thanks po!

    God bless sa ating lahat na sumali!

  171. Avatar for fjordz fjordz says:

    twitted the contest and followed them as you say.. hehehe

    here’s my entry on my blog:


    let me know if there are some corrections. Thanks po!

    God bless sa ating lahat na sumali!


  172. Avatar for abegail e. fernando abegail e. fernando says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    If I’d just have one call left, i’d probably call GArci (as in Hello GArci), since his phone was wiretapped then probably if i’d call him then everyone would also no that i’m needing help..LOLs


  173. Avatar for wab-wab wab-wab says:

    Answer: I will call Globe para sabihin na ang bilis ng Globe tattoo sa Naguilian, lalo na pag nanalo ako ng 500 worth of load, ilo-load ko sa globe tattoo ko…..
    ala na kasi akong load ehhhhh………

  174. Avatar for TechPinas TechPinas says:

    Hi Abe!

    I want the Modu, a Tattoo dongle and a prepaid card! :P


    Merry Christmas, Abe!


  175. Avatar for TechPinas TechPinas says:


    I want the Modu ! And a dongle! and a prepaid card! :)


    Merry Christmas, Abe!


  176. Avatar for Lady Diana Mendoza Lady Diana Mendoza says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    I’ll call the person whom I’ve had a crush for ages…I’ll tell him that I really like him and that I’m really happy that I got the chance to talk to him for the very first and last time (I hope not). I’ll ask him to come and save me or send me via air mail Yuga Tech Gadgets. Send me laptop and another set of phones so I can chat, Email, Blog and Tweet. After that I’ll stay in a hotel and enjoy the rest of my vacation because nobody said the island was empty right? I’ll definitely enjoy my vacation with all the gadgets I have. Har har har…

  177. Avatar for Ichan N Ichan N says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call the police then I’ll mask myself as one of the MOST WANTED CRIMINALS. An AMPATUAN ASSASSIN perhaps. Imma tell the exact place I am in. They (the police) will be the least person who would ignore me.

  178. Avatar for Obed Obed says:


  179. Avatar for willbill willbill says:


    Tweeted it: http://twitter.com/willbill0412

    Blogged: http://closingablaze.com/2009/12/yugatech-christmas-treat/

  180. Avatar for Obed Obed says:

    twit twit twit
    twited…tama ba 2????


  181. Avatar for luirhys luirhys says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    BPI! to reload my globe credits through my savings account, and then I can call everybody I know to come and bring food and drinks so we can have a party on the island!
    It’s not everyday you get an island for yourself! Better make the most of it. I can always hitch a ride back with them after.

  182. Avatar for luirhys luirhys says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    BPI! para reload ng globe credits through my savings account, and then I can call everybody I know to come and bring food and drinks so we can have a party on the island!
    It’s not everyday you get an island for yourself! Better make the most of it. I can always hitch a ride back with them after.

  183. Avatar for curious_girl curious_girl says:

    Wow! Everyone’s feeling very generous this season! Hope I have a chance to grab a prize.

    Pls visit my blog:

  184. Avatar for Vincent Maclang Vincent Maclang says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?”

    > Tough question. But I’ll call the Charge Nurse of the ICU where I work. I need to tell them I’m gonna be absent for a while. It may sound stupid, but I need to do that so that our unit can make the necessary staffing adjustments so as not to risk a critical patient’s life because of my absence.


  185. Avatar for churwyn churwyn says:

    Here’s my blog post. Check it out Yuga!:



  186. Avatar for willbill willbill says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    I will definitely call my Dad. He will not let me down.


    Watch “Taken”

  187. Avatar for jomai jomai says:

    @jo123jo45 Whew

  188. Avatar for torque15 torque15 says:

    twitted about the giveaway. blog and comment later :)

  189. Avatar for Aji Aji says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call my friend Joko. Why? I’m practical. My friend has friends who have helicopters, yachts and hordes of surfer friends. I’ll be saved in no time thanks to that one phone call

  190. Avatar for HannahQuijano HannahQuijano says:



  191. Avatar for Hannah Hannah says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    -Definitely, I’ll call for my mother and tell her to load up my phone with 200.00, I’ll register for Unlimited call and call everybody close to my heart including my friends and my family. I’ll immediately tell them that I am stuck in an island.. and I want them to join me in that Island and we’ll celebrate Christmas there..I’ll also include the rescue team and the rescue teams family to join me and bring a lot of food..at least I am not alone and I get to enjoy the beautiful beach with my family.. and the rescue team will no longer be haggard and stressful since I’ll be inviting them to celebrate Christmas with me together with my loving family..

    and yeah, I’ll tell my friends to bring a solar charger with them so that I can still be online and I can be able to get my price.. ^_^ Cheers!!!


  192. Avatar for Dy Dy says:

    Finally tweeted..


    Btw , thanks in advance for the P500 load. I’m still hoping to get higher prizes though. hehehe.. :D

  193. Avatar for pop_beans pop_beans says:

    blog again :D


  194. Avatar for Gian Gomez Gian Gomez says:

    Question: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’d call any major news network and leave an emotional message. So that not only will I get rescued, it’ll be a major news event as well and I can be a quasi-celebrity. Possible get my own reality show as well. Might as well make it work, right?

  195. Avatar for Galil Gonzales Galil Gonzales says:

    Question: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Dahil nka GLOBE ako, at lahat ay POSIBLE, Tatawagan ko ang parents ko for 30 seconds (dahil naka sakto calls ako) at sabihin na nasa isang Island ako kailangan ko ng tulong nila,paki kontak nalang po yung mga rescuers, at yung naiwang 30 seconds ay itatawag ko po sa girlfriend ko,para malaman nyang okay lang ako at wag syang mg alala dahil help is on its way.

  196. Avatar for ceedee ceedee says:

    I’m gonna need to call my mom and tell her i love her so much, and ask her to just forgive dad and reconcile with him…for my sisters sake. Its really hard to be in a broken family so im gonna do anything just to put pieces together. I hope i win this contest so i can give my mom something for the holidays. ;(

  197. Avatar for cdame cdame says:

    If im gonna be stuck in one island and have to call yuga and tell her that i really need something (a gadget) for me to accomplish all my paperworks in school. hehehe…It’s so hard to go to a net shop or wait for somebody to lend me there laptop for a presentation hahaha..or a cam to record memories. hehe

  198. Avatar for rdnofera rdnofera says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?


    Instead of calling for help to pick me up, I think I’ll try to call Kuya Kim, and get a crash course on survival. You probably wouldn’t know where in the world you are if you were stuck in an island. Hopefully, I am not stuck in an island of cannibals…

  199. Avatar for Snow Snow says:

    I’m a twitter followers of yours way back. I’ve also twitted my Merry Tweetmas and followed @talk2globe :)

  200. Avatar for Gino Gino says:

    Q:If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    A:I will call the hotline of globe (211) to help me. I believe in the power of globe…

  201. Avatar for Gerald Gerald says:

    Q:If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    A: Syempre ang Philippine Navy or any Marital institution kung nasaan territory ako. Naniniwala ako na ang Navy ang best way to help people who are stuck in an island. Kaya simula ngayon kelangan ko ng ilagay sa phonebook ko ang hotline ng Philippine Navy. hehehe…

  202. Avatar for lloydb. lloydb. says:

    A:If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why

    A: Media again.. Extension to my previous answer:
    Syempre kapag na-rescue ako, maiinterview ako sa tv.. magpapasalamat ako sa Globe dahil buti nalang may signal sa island na yun at na-contact ko agad yung media… tapos magiging instant celebrity ako nun dhil pang Survivor daw ako at kapag nangyari yun, magiging endorser ako ng Globe dahil Globe ang gamit ko pangtawag! yeaaahmeeeeeehn! hehehe

  203. Avatar for Allan Reyes Allan Reyes says:

    I would definitely call GOD so he can advice me on what to do with my life in that island.

  204. Avatar for Denver Ramos Denver Ramos says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call 911. All said..

  205. Avatar for lloydb. lloydb. says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why:

    A: media. i would be rescued, i can be an instant celebrity, and mapapansin nako ng crush ko. pang Survivor!

  206. Avatar for Dan Gahol Dan Gahol says:

    i think i’ll call my girlfriend and tell her how much i miss her and love her and ask her to tell my family that i also miss them so much. i will also ask her to not give up on looking for me and tell her details on the place that i am :)

  207. Avatar for Angelo Riel Saberola Angelo Riel Saberola says:



  208. Avatar for lloydb. lloydb. says:

    Q:If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why:

    A: My secretary. i ask her to tell my boss im on vacation leave. it will be a looong vacation! (para may sweldo ako pagbalik. hehe)

  209. Avatar for Irene Beltran Irene Beltran says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    If I am stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, I would call a rescue team or a media like ABS CBN to let everyone know that I need help. I still want to live because I believe that there are still so many things that I need to do this world. God can still use me to bless his people in any way I can because I am still 25 years old. Besides, I have a family and friends who loves me so much. And of course, I still want to get married and I have dreams that still have not fulfilled. Life is so beautiful. I will really do the best that I can to get out of the island and live.

  210. Avatar for lloydb. lloydb. says:

    Q:If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why

    A: Pizza Delivery. may pizza nako, may masasabayan pako pabalik.=)

  211. Avatar for Angelo Riel Saberola Angelo Riel Saberola says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Para sa akin, ang aking tatawagan ay Bantay Bata 163. Marahil para akong engot na tatawag sa child abuse hotline pero mas mapapadali ang pagligtas sa akin kung sakaling seseryosohin nila ang aking daing at panawagan. Hindi ko pedeng tawagan ang aking pamilya dahil kahit na alam ko na nag-aalala sila sa akin ay wala silang gaaanung kakilala na may kapangyarihan upang mailigtas ako. Kung sa Media ako aasa, mas lalaki ang porsyento na ako ay masagip at makaalis sa isang isla.

  212. Avatar for Gepay Gepay says:

    My Blog Entry:


  213. Avatar for Marisa F. Morota Marisa F. Morota says:

    If I stuck in a island I would call my husband to ask for the help, because he’s always be at my side what ever happen in my life and to make some instruction for my kids.

  214. Avatar for Ervin Chuajoy Ervin Chuajoy says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Globe Telecoms, because i am sure that i can reach their Customer service anytime and anywhere from any place. :D

  215. Avatar for aeirin aeirin says:

    tweeted here: http://twitter.com/irisaeirin/status/6740953725

  216. Avatar for Heidi Lanzador Heidi Lanzador says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call ABS CBN News
    Pag tumawag ka kasi ng media
    At naibalita ka na
    Lahat natataranta
    Kung yung kidnap for ransom nga nakukuha nila
    ako pa kaya

  217. Avatar for ariel ariel says:


    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    I call to Abe Olandes, requesting to send me another load to get more chance calls.

  218. Avatar for Abegail Abegail says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call my mom and tell her to call me back anytime because I only have one chance to call them. I will also tell her to tell my friends and my dad or sister to call me anytime they want because I am available anytime, its just that I can’t call them.

  219. Avatar for rockycholeric rockycholeric says:

    I finally created a twitter account! Ang dami ng sumali.Masaya, great! ^_^

  220. Avatar for Jennifer Manangan Jennifer Manangan says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call PGMA, ask her to be nice, stop doing non sense and stop spending our money to stupid lunch or dinner or else I’ll do everything so she’ll be sent alone to another island too.

  221. Avatar for rockycholeric rockycholeric says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll do the last bravest act in my life. I will call my bestfriend and finally tell her that I LOVE her, at least before I die she’ll know my real feeling for her.


  222. Avatar for rockycholeric rockycholeric says:

    Hello Santa Yuga:

    You might want to read my post at this link:



  223. Avatar for apple apple says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call my sister and asked her to text everybody, I will give their numbers she’ll be the one texting or calling them. I will dictate my message to every person and she has to write it down and she will be like my assistant.

  224. Avatar for Sir Abe, Please Read This. Sir Abe, Please Read This. says:

    Sir Abe, Favor naman po, pa approve naman po yung pingback ko. PR 3 na po ung blog ko. makasambot man lang ng konting blessing sa nyo ni Lord…

    eto po ung URL ko: http://www.snsfox.com/new-cool-tech-gadgets/yugatech-great-gadget-giveaway/

    Nakapagcomment na po ako…magpi pingback po uli ako sa nyo,

    Salamat po Sir Abe, paki-delete na lang po tung comment na to.

  225. Avatar for roy aguila roy aguila says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call my mother and tell her i love her and not to panic. Then tell her to call rescuers because im stuck in an island. Im physically ok so no need to worry i just need to get out of this island and spend christmas with everybody.

  226. Avatar for Mikko Asis Mikko Asis says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call my brother. He will be the one most probable to believe my story why I’m stuck on the island, and will also be the one to know what to do to help me out :D

  227. Avatar for Bonifacio Hilot Jr. Bonifacio Hilot Jr. says:


    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    If I have one call, I would definitely call God and tell Him that “NO MAN IS AN ISLAND” so please bring forth all of my friends, fellow teachers, families to evacuate from their houses and moved to the island where I was stucked…
    If I can’t be with them, then they should be with me!

  228. Avatar for zirdaj zirdaj says:

    kawawang scroll bar, paliit na nang paliit. xD

  229. Avatar for Bonifacio Hilot Jr. Bonifacio Hilot Jr. says:

    Yugatech Contest #2: BLOG

    Here is the URL of my blog entry:


  230. Avatar for Bonifacio Hilot Jr. Bonifacio Hilot Jr. says:

    YugaTech Great Gadget Giveaway.. here’s my Multiply Blog entry:


  231. Avatar for kodigo kodigo says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call my Tita na may loading station and tell her to load me more credits for me to call other people as well. harhar..^_^

  232. Avatar for kodigo kodigo says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call my Tita na may loading station and tell her to load me more credits for me tall other people as well. harhar..^_^

  233. Avatar for ruby raymundo ruby raymundo says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll someone special whom i was never special to him. tell him the truth, that he indeed had an effect in me. a secret i can never tell him. then I will ask him for help :D

  234. Avatar for Juvie Juvie says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Tatawagan ko si Gerald Anderson. Bakit? Para languyin niya ang dagat at para magkaroon ng HAPPINESS sa island! ;)

    I’ve also tweeted!

  235. Avatar for anime cosplay anime cosplay says:

    Hello Master Yuga,

    Already tweeted to my 368 follower.


  236. Avatar for danilo danilo says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    Of course i will call my network customer service either Smart, Globe, Sun, etc. so that i can talk and talk that i can send him all the info about me and where i am and request that “im in help, please help me and inform all the people that im stuck here in an island”.

  237. Avatar for pauline garcia pauline garcia says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    almost everyone would have answered to call their mom or parents… but for me…that last call will be for my husband and two kids…it’s the only way that i can let them feel how much i loved them and to assure them that no matter what happens my love will bind the three of them together…my mother knows in her heart that i love her that much that eventhough i didnt give that last call she will understand me…

  238. Avatar for resly resly says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    this will be funny but i think the best answer is to call ariel hehehe my classmate ask for reload because he is just one txt or call away if you like to reload and ask for help. Then after that I can call any one for help if my battery is not dead.

  239. Avatar for Denz Denz says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    The first thing i will do is to ask God for help. You don’t want to insult God by calling someone first. then of course i will call my mom and not the rescue numbers as others are saying. What if in the middle of the conversation, you run out of your load? Can you expect the rescuer to give you a load or to call you back? You want to make sure that the first person you would call is someone that cares for you so much considering the last call left. The rescuers don’t care to much for you so don’t expect too much. But if it’s your mom or someone that cares for you, you can expect for a call back and beside they can call the rescuers themselves and they can think of 101 ways to rescue you. It’s like your last call has turned into unlimited call !!!

    Get get awwwwww. Nose Bleeds… That’s all…

    Blogged and pingback: http://www.snsfox.com/new-cool-tech-gadgets/yugatech-great-gadget-giveaway/

  240. Avatar for Stonibert Lim Stonibert Lim says:


    I would call my wife…. she will go through great lengths just to get me found, like when she found me on a club in Makati singing the night out with another ehem… you know… She can’t live without me, as I can’t live without her =)

  241. Avatar for Eunice Eunice says:

    Just entered to win a Modu Phone. Quick! Go follow @abeolandres and @talk2globe and retweet: http://bit.ly/6e2q7O #thanks2yugatech

    Just tweeted…

  242. Avatar for Denz Denz says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    The first thing i will do is to ask God for help. You don’t want to insult God by calling someone first. then of course i will call my mom and not the rescue numbers as others are saying. What if in the middle of the conversation, you run out of your load? Can you expect the rescuer to give you a load or to call you back? You want to make sure that the first person you would call is someone that cares for you so much considering the last call left. The rescuers don’t care to much for you so don’t expect too much. But if it’s your mom or someone that cares for you, you can expect for a call back and beside they can call the rescuers themselves and they can think of 101 ways to rescue you. It’s like your last call has turned into unlimited call !!

    Get get awwwwww. Nose Bleeds… That’s all…

    Blogged and pingback: http://www.snsfox.com/new-cool-tech-gadgets/yugatech-great-gadget-giveaway/

  243. Avatar for marvis marvis says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Well to be positive in life i would call my mom to get me a rescue if posible and if there a possibility that i can’t see her anymore then i just say i love her…

  244. Avatar for Eunice Cai Eunice Cai says:

    Here is the blog where I posted it.


  245. Avatar for JoanneGGonzales JoanneGGonzales says:


    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?


    If I’m stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, i will call my Mom, to tell her why I won’t be able to go home tonight because i’m stuck in an island, and to tell her to send me share-a-load in order for me to instruct her what to do.

    followed you on twitter and tweeted about this :)

    made a blog about this too : http://jongskie721.wordpress.com/2009/12/16/yugatechchristmastreat/

  246. Avatar for Adelen Festin Adelen Festin says:

    I would call my mother to thank her for everything she has done to us and may she always be happy and live life to the fullest. :)

  247. Avatar for cherry cherry says:

    Question: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call my bestfriend (a post paid subscriber) and give my coordinates with the help of GPS then I’ll also ask him to text everyone for help. Lastly, I’ll ask him to update me by calling me since he has all the credits. ;)

  248. Avatar for fedhz fedhz says:

    Followed abeolandres and talk2GLOBE using @babyfuzz. and tweet: babyfuzz
    Just entered to win a Modu Phone. Quick! Go follow @abeolandres and @talk2globe and retweet: http://bit.ly/6e2q7O #thanks2yugatech

    have a great week!

  249. Avatar for Crishielle Nero Crishielle Nero says:


    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    My lawyer, to distribute my Lost, House and CSI DVDs between my sister Sunny, boyfriend Marvin, and bestfriend Eyel. Eyel gets to remove all of those that are hers first and then everybody shall take turns to divide the remainder.

  250. Avatar for SpiderHam SpiderHam says:

    Posted a blog about the contest:


  251. Avatar for crumpy crumpy says:

    blog post http://crumpylicious.multiply.com/journal/item/11/11

  252. Avatar for crumpy crumpy says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    My bf because I know he will do everything he can to get people to find me.

  253. Avatar for lawrence lawrence says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    – maybe I’ll just use it to text people , like my friends and family.. ( if I can make it up to 8 sms, thats great ) or if not, I’ll call may mom and tell her I’m stuck in an island.. and its great here .. ” at dalian nila, punta sila lahat dito sa isla, walang tao, solo natin toh!.. bring all the food stuffs!!!” .. yeah, I’ll have my dream island party ATLAST!!! >>> or maybe ask sir yuga to just send me the load so I can call all my friends as well ^_*

  254. Avatar for Kristine - Freelance Writing Philippines Kristine - Freelance Writing Philippines says:

    Tweeted about it!

    But then, one call left? Hmm. My mom. I mean, that’s like 22 years of my life – all thanks to her. I’ve got my Bachelor’s degree, went to Europe, all because of her. And to be stuck in one island and calling my mom means she’d do anything to rescue me :D hehehe

  255. Avatar for Crazylawrenz Crazylawrenz says:

    Here’s my entry to blog:


    I’ve also tweeted. :)

  256. Avatar for Crazylawrenz Crazylawrenz says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    If this happened to me, I would call 911, because I would asked them for a help to reach me in the island where I am stuck. So that I can still have a chance to live with my love ones. :p

  257. Avatar for Lawrence Lawrence says:

    Here’s my entry to blog:


  258. Avatar for Elwyn Elwyn says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    -I’d call a friend with a large network in facebook and ask him to post my dilemna/situation and ask for help…at the same time asking his contacts to repost to be able to reach as many peeps as possible. I’m sure help would come in no time.

  259. Avatar for Sanctuarian06 Sanctuarian06 says:

    With this answer, I used to open my mind not to cover with the questions only, but to cover with the best solution with every situation that may vary. We need to explore our own capabilities to be ready with unexpected behavior in our life.
    If I were stuck in an island with nothing but my phone and it has only one call left. I would rather to choose, not to use the call to call for a help with my phone. I will wait a call to come in a few time. My parents would call me for sure, to ask me what is happening with me right then, my Mom is very generous, she knows and she feels, if I’m alright or in trouble, because I’m her son and we are very close to each other. She would call me as soon as possible. I will tell to her “Mom, I’m alright, don’t worry, everything is fine, I’m just stuck in an island, I’ll be waiting for an urgent rescue, would you call the Coast Guards for me Mom and report the situation with them? And give me their hotline.” I will call the, the COAST GUARD CENTER HOTLINE in order to detect and record a signal from how far the location where I am from their rescue center, with the use of Specialized Tracker or a GPS Device. I know that they have a hi-tech gadget in order to detect me with the use of signal waves coming from my phone. While waiting for a rescue, I’ll be preparing myself with some unexpected instances that may come out with the island. And finally, I will make a prayer, I will entrust my safety to God, I know he would never leave me alone. I still be strong enough and faithful always to Him no matter what would happen to me.
    Sir Yuga, I would like to greet you a Merry Christmas, and I wish you all the best with your very helpul site not only that but with your careers as well. Happy End of the Year also, and with the end of the year, I know that you may face the coming year with positive side of your life through your good or bad experience with the past year.
    God Bless Us All. 

  260. Avatar for jamie jamie says:

    Hi Yugatech,

    joined via twitter

    here is my blog post:

    and my answer to your question:

    Ans: I’ll use my last call to call for a fastfood delivery. I’ll order some food and then atleast when it gets delivered, I have some food ( as their motto goes: if its late, then its free :)) as well as I get to be rescued assuming I got stranded to that island. hahaha.

    more power Yugatech!

  261. Avatar for Jeremiah Jeremiah says:

    Followed! Tweeted!


    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Here’s my answer:
    I will call my fiancee. And I’ll tell her I’m gonna be late for our wedding =)

  262. Avatar for ambidextrous ambidextrous says:

    I’ll call my baby daughter to make sure she’s okay, and to hear her coo and gurgle–which should inspire me to think of ways to get out of that island quick so I can be with her!

  263. Avatar for badnobe badnobe says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    krista ranillo. ill ask her to leave manny and stay with me. manny already have jinky. i am alone. we’ll make babies and build a new community there.

    hey i tweeted and i blogged.


  264. Avatar for Demy Demy says:

    Q: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    A: I would call Nicholas Cage. Sasabihin kong may nakita akong very rare at historical treasure sa island at makikipag-deal sa kanya na iligtas ako at ang kapalit ay 80% of the treasure para sa kanya =) hahahaha

  265. Avatar for Richard Mamuyac Richard Mamuyac says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    My wife of course. Aside from the fact that she should know why I am not yet home, her words have been my source of strength in the many trials I have faced in the past.

    And I’m pretty sure, with years of experience handling different types of calls everyday as a preschool secretary, she knows the number to dial to rescue me.

  266. Avatar for Richard Mamuyac Richard Mamuyac says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    My wife of course. Aside from the fact that she should know why I am not yet home, her words have been my source of strength in the many trials I have faced.

    And I’m pretty sure, with years of experience handling different types of calls everyday as a preschool secretary, she knows the number to dial to rescue me.

  267. Avatar for w w says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    I’d call my wife and tell her not to rescue me from paradise! If she misses me, I’ll tell her to go visit me but I’m staying on that island! :)

  268. Avatar for Richard Mamuyac Richard Mamuyac says:

    1. I followed @abeolandres and @talk2globe on Twitter and twetted about this contest

    2. I also posted it on my blog:


    Thanks and more power!

  269. Avatar for Dann Yamsuan Dann Yamsuan says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    I will call the globe customer service and ask for my outstanding bill so that I can factor it in my budget for the holidays and make sure that I’m able to pay on time for the high-quality service they have provided me.

  270. Avatar for Michael Franco Michael Franco says:

    My answer the question, “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?” is…

    Call the shipping line that took me to the island in the first place and sue them if they won’t pick me up.

  271. Avatar for Archie Maraon Archie Maraon says:

    A: I will call my family and tell them I’m sorry for everything because I might not see them again…and tell them I love them so much!

  272. Avatar for Obed Obed says:


    ANSWER: 911

  273. Avatar for Mela Mela says:

    Hi there. i am now following you on twitter. my username is mnemosynetwin.

    to the question, here’s my answer

    if i will be stuck in an island, i will definitely call my husband because i will oblige him to rescue me (lol). can’t give that responsibility to anyone but him. don’t want to call my mom, because i don’t want to make her worry so much.

  274. Avatar for abigail abigail says:

    i will call my sister, she’ll be clever enough to think of a way to save me.

  275. Avatar for boy kuripot boy kuripot says:

    Here is my blog post Yuga!


  276. Avatar for aldrin aldrin says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    i would call a friend and ask him to send me more load so i can keep in touch with him while he finds way to rescue me.

  277. Avatar for rollie rollie says:

    Here’s Mine:


  278. Avatar for Joey Gilbert Bambico Joey Gilbert Bambico says:

    Question: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why

    Answer: Since I can’t contact the rescuer due to weak signal of other telecom company, I’ll just call Globe company to please contact the rescuer to rescue me, and I will tell the Globe Company to contact other telecom company and tell them to build more antenna towers in many different locations. of course I will thanks to Globe for putting tower in Naguilian, now I can download as fast as 210 kbps..

  279. Avatar for Manu Manu says:

    Here’s my entry…http://auctiondotph.blogspot.com/

  280. Avatar for Jennie Jennie says:

    joined your contest! followed both @abeolandres and @talk2globe via Twitter and retweeted this post too :-) http://www.marriageandbeyond.com/2009/12/16/merry-tweetmas-the-yugatech-great-gadget-giveaway/

    Merry Christmas! :-)

  281. Avatar for Pamela Castro Pamela Castro says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’d call my mother to tell her that I’ve forgiven her. For leaving us, my brother and I, and abandoning our family. And that I love her still. I’d also love to hear why she never tried to communicate with us from the time she left til now, which is like more or less 15 years, and then try to understand even if I really don’t.

  282. Avatar for MyMaria MyMaria says:

    Blogged in here:



  283. Avatar for MyMaria MyMaria says:

    Q: “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    A: First, it says nothing about being stuck alone or that it is a deserted island, so there’s nothing to fret about. As an island girl myself, I would probably ring up Claire who is in charge of texting/calling everyone (thanks to UNLIMITED TEXT AND CALLS) in our big circle of friends when there’s “action” going on and so she can tell everyone where I am exactly (or she can trace my call by getting the network to check which cell site my call originated or something) and then get everyone on the first trip (or if available, borrow a friend’s boat) for that island and get some mad party going… complete with firedancers, boomboxes, and bottomless margaritas! Well, one’s gotta think positive! :)

  284. Avatar for Kelvin Servigon Kelvin Servigon says:

    Tweet: http://twitter.com/KelvinServigon/status/6716046334

    Blog post: http://gadgetwonderland.blogspot.com/2009/12/merry-tweetmas-yugatechs-great-gadget.html


    If I’ll be stuck in an island with a phone with one last call, I would call my mom or my dad. Why? Because I know they won’t ignore me and will do their best just to save me from that island, unlike the rescuers, because they’re “too busy” with their “stuffs”, they might ignore me!

  285. Avatar for justin viudez justin viudez says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    I would call my girl and tell her something like this…

    Me : Hey i just called to say that i`ll be stuck in this island for a while, it will be hard not spending xmas with you and if you can just imagine what it feels like being stuck here like this…

    My Girl : Ummm what island did you say that was?

    Me : Ahhmmm Boracay?


  286. Avatar for Lawrence Lawrence says:

    Here’s my Post, dont have much Viewers though:


    Incase above fails


  287. Avatar for Lawrence Lawrence says:

    Q:If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why

    My Ans:

    I would call Yuga to give me php500 worth of load, so that i could call more, talk more, bore less from the island :-) and of course call out a rescue squad.

  288. Avatar for richard b. medrano richard b. medrano says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    dahil nakaGLOBE ako at lahat ay POSIBLE and one thing more nakaMODU pa the lightest phone in the UNIVERSE… i would call GOD and i will ASK FORGIVENESS FOR All MY SINS and SHORTCOMINGS and tell HIM that if HE would give me another chance to SURVIVE on this ISLAND i will truly be changed person when will i go back in the comfort of my home, family and acquaintances that i hope i HE will make me as an instrument of HIS LOVE, PASSION and MERCY among people… Merry Christmas! God speed to all

  289. Avatar for richard b. medrano richard b. medrano says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    dahil nakaGLOBE ako at lahat ay POSIBLE and one thing more nakaMODU pa the lightest phone in the UNIVERSE… i would call GOD for and i will ASK FORGIVENESS FOR All MY SINS and SHORTCOMINGS and tell HIM that if HE would give me another chance to SURVIVE on this ISLAND i will truly be changed person when will i go back in the comfort of my home, family and acquaintances that i hope i HE will make me as an instrument of HIS LOVE, PASSION and MERCY among people… Merry Christmas! God speed to all

  290. Avatar for JayL JayL says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call Yuga of Yugatech.com & beg to him to blog/twitter my current condition & with his popularity I will be saved in no time. How did i know his contact #? His number is already saved on my cp thanks to his contact form.

  291. Avatar for Mark Lagarile Mark Lagarile says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    I’ll definitely call my mom. She will always do everything to save me and be there with me when I needed her help. Calling her is like connecting to almost every person who are close to me. That’s why I love her so much. Mama’s boy? Yes, I am. We only have one mom.

    I retweet and also posted it here:

    Hope I win..thanks Yugatech!

  292. Avatar for JayL JayL says:

    here’s mine:
    http://jayelx.blogspot.com/2009/12/yugatech-great-gadget-giveaway.html ;)

  293. Avatar for rollie rollie says:

    followed! tweeted! blog post coming soon.. ^^,

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?


    My best bet would probably be to call sir Abe. He’d probably be the first person to know where this island i am right now and ask him to send me that MSI netbook together with that Globe Tattoo so i could still follow this blog/twitter and know whether i won this contest or not. ^^, or if i don’t win at least i don’t die of boredom in a desserted island right?…

  294. Avatar for Joy Joy says:

    Hey Abe!

    here’s my post on your giveaway. Love it! :)


  295. Avatar for HackrDaD HackrDaD says:



  296. Avatar for HackrDaD HackrDaD says:

    Sir Yuga, mag start na rin ako mag blog para makasali ako dun sa prices na para sa mga bloggers. Kaka setup ko lang ng wordpress ko. Yung yugatech giveaway ang magiging initial post ko!

    Nag register na rin ako sa tweeter para makapag retweet! :D

    Gumawa na rin ako ng facebook account para ready na for the next theme. :D

    Game Na!

  297. Avatar for JillyBelly JillyBelly says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“


    I’ll call my hubby, let him know im stuck in the island alone and can make just one call. from there he would know he has to trace the call so he could come rescue me. im sure globe can do that, they can trace my location from that one call, right? globe is my lifesaver, love, love, love!

  298. Avatar for Jay Edmir Jay Edmir says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call our office and let them know na inde ako makakapasok.

  299. Avatar for E E says:

    ill call my mom and tell her that im stuck in an island, explain to her where i am, kc others might think that im just kidding and might not belive in me… My mom belives me the most… that simple… if ever d na ko massave atleast i can tell my family goodbye.

  300. Avatar for bam bam says:

    I entered the contest too… I hope I win one of the phones..

  301. Avatar for Gerald Castillo Gerald Castillo says:

    just entered via twitter!


  302. Avatar for dante noe dante noe says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call my YAYA. at sabihin sa kanya na e contact nila ang lahat para ma save ako. YAYApower!!!!

  303. Avatar for Joe Joe says:

    pa join!!.. =)

    Q: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    A#1. Ill go 1st call “her”.. and ask to please harvest my crops in farmville.. >.<


    A#2. Ill rather call 911 to rescue me..

  304. Avatar for sight sight says:

    Q: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    A: I will call my mom. I would tell her that I’m fine but badly needs credit to my phone so we could talk longer and tell here where I am, that is if I know where I am. If not then at least I have enough credit to maybe call someone else and triangulate my location that is if I still have enough battery. If not then, I will need to fashion a prism type thingy just like what Mr. Baron used to sell, hoping that that will recharge my battery again and continue my quest of finding myself and getting rescued.

  305. Avatar for Lance Lance says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Screw the phonecall! Haha, So let’s say I have 6.50Php left. I’ll post an update to facebook and twitter. Let’s assume one message is equivalent to 1php, now I can spam my facebook friends and my twitter followers 3 times ea, give my coordinates (since my phone is equipped with built-in GPS), and ask for help.

    Then I’ll wait for my rescuers. lol

  306. Avatar for rbsoriano rbsoriano says:

    It seems comments will reach 1000th mark at the end of the week. :P Big traffic Yuga.

  307. Avatar for Dalton Fury Dalton Fury says:

    I’ll call God why Abe is very similar to Brad Pitt’s looks and physique like they were separated twins from birth.

  308. Avatar for Tisyu Paper Tisyu Paper says:

    If I were stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Pizza delivery. The dude would take forever to get there, more than 30min I bet, which means…free pizza!

  309. Avatar for lemonoid lemonoid says:

    For the Q&A portion:

    Question: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    i would call yuga and ask him to stay here with me so that he can relax,,, maghapon na kasing nakaharap sa monitor,, hehe

  310. Avatar for braindead braindead says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    (who do you call??)GHOST BUSTERS! tannantanan.. tananananan..


  311. Avatar for Dan The Beast Dan The Beast says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call Willie Revillame (via his yacht) and come to the island with Pacman, Krista Ranillo, his tons of chikababes and Camille Villar (who will bring Camella Homes in the island) and we’ll all settle there. Nice! :)

  312. Avatar for noemi noemi says:


  313. Avatar for Rach Rach says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    simple… I’ll call yugatech and ask him to mail me my prize ;) being stuck in an island can be less awful if I have a nice prize. ;)

  314. Avatar for Jerome Jerome says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Answer: I’ll call a real estate company and ask them to build properties on the island so I can stay there for good. =)

  315. Avatar for Menard Menard says:

    blog post at Yugatech’s Merry Tweetmas http://menardconnect.com/?p=2382

    tweet at http://twitter.com/Menardconnect/status/6664155434

    will re-tweet later

  316. Avatar for ugg outlet store ugg outlet store says:

    After reading this article, I realized that many of the shortcomings of their own, I think I still have to study hard engineering, my ideal is to do a mechanical engineer,haha.

  317. Avatar for Ian Ian says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call you, and I’ll wish if I could have a globe tattoo usb. So that I could use my laptop anywhere in the philippines. :)

  318. Avatar for jashe jashe says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    id call my nanay. tell her i love her and not to worry if id be gone for a while.

  319. Avatar for kenkoy kenkoy says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call my mom and then instruct her to activate the speakerphone of her cell so all in our home can hear me, then instruct someone to call my gf and rescue :)

  320. Avatar for Vince Vince says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    Im gonna call my wife and ask her to join this contest so she can win some load and send it to me so i can tell her exactly where i am so she’d stop worrying and stop texting me “where the are you?!” “why are you not texting back?! Siguro may kasama kang iba dyan no?!”

  321. Avatar for Ger Ger says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?”

    My wife and I will say “HI HON, MISS U, CAN YOU GIVE ME A LOAD”. This will give me more more call than required by your contest question.

  322. Avatar for ralph ralph says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    ill call superman to the rescue

  323. Avatar for sprakanitezz sprakanitezz says:


  324. Avatar for sprakanitezz sprakanitezz says:

    panu ko malalaman if yung blog ko ay napili???

  325. Avatar for Marco Paulo Rodriguez Marco Paulo Rodriguez says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    I would call her excellency president and tell her to declare a state of emergency….stating that an emergency rescue is needed to save me being stucked in an island… oh di alarmed na lahat ng tao sa pilipinas.. by that eh di mahahanap ako ng mabilis… may free publicity pa ako d ba??? jejeje..

  326. Avatar for Richard B. Medrano Richard B. Medrano says:

    Question: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and

    hmmm dahil naka GLOBE ako at abot na abot ko talaga ang mundo i would call GMA network para sabihin na SURVIVOR ako pero di ko alam kung nasaan ako. puwede bang matanggal nalang? bakit walang camera dito? anong camp ako kasali? huhuhuhuhu

  327. Avatar for Lauren Lauren says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?”

    I’d call a friend with a boat or connections to the Philippine navy so they can get me out of there!

  328. Avatar for Rem Rem says:

    If I were stuck on an island with a phone and only have one call left, i will call a construction firm and tell them to bring construction materials for a new project which is a resort. This island is actually a very good place to put up an investment. Soon tourists will come and I will not be the only one to be stuck to this beautiful exotic paradise.

    Blogged it here:

  329. Avatar for HackrDaD HackrDaD says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    A: I would call Sir Abe and ask him, “Sir, kasama ba ako sa mga winners ng YugaTech Great Gadget Giveaway?” :)

  330. Avatar for Jam. Jam. says:

    Blog entry here:


    =) Hope that I can win a Modu Phone!. Can’t wait for the netbook!

  331. Avatar for Marvin Marvin says:

    blogged your contest on http://clypidus.blogspot.com my POST URL is being marked as spam.

  332. Avatar for Marvin Marvin says:



  333. Avatar for Mary Mary says:

    I blogged about this giveaway. check here


  334. Avatar for teddy teddy says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“
    – I would call the balance inquiry hotline and see if i can make text messages to call for help. hahaha..

  335. Avatar for Marvin Marvin says:

    if you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’d call the NATIONAL DEFENSE SECRETARY and tell him that his wife is with me.

  336. Avatar for Marvin Marvin says:

    Blogged here : http://clypidus.blogspot.com/2009/12/yugatech-great-gadget-giveaway.html

  337. Avatar for Ernie Ernie says:

    If I stuck in an island with a phone I would probably call my mom to tell her that I am on vacation… I don’t want her to worry about be, I’m sure in time some one will rescue me — or not, or maybe I should tell her that I’ve found a job abroad and I am sorry if I have no time to say goof bye but I will be back once I have time.

  338. Avatar for goosebumps goosebumps says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    i will probably call my wife..not to rescue me..but to join me…till death do us part….awoootttt….

  339. Avatar for Edgar Edgar says:

    For the Q&A portion:

    Question: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Answer: My daughter. I’ll tell her that I love her so much and I’m looking forward to that UP diploma. And after this call, could she please send a rescue boat here?

  340. Avatar for Ernie Ernie says:

    Here’s the link of my blog post entry:


    I want the modu phone badly.

  341. Avatar for Gab Sanchez Gab Sanchez says:

    A: I will call the balance inquiry number and check whether I really only have one call left

  342. Avatar for necxz necxz says:

    blogged about it check it out:

    Here is my answer to the question “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    If I only have one call left I would call globe customer support and inform them that I am stuck in an island and they could track my location and ask someone to rescue me. It will bring globe good publicity and I will be saved. talk about hitting two birds with one stone ^_^

  343. Avatar for l2o1v1e l2o1v1e says:

    Forget Chuck Noland… I’d call CHUCK NORRIS!

    and don’t you dare ask me why…

  344. Avatar for Wyrlo Wyrlo says:

    Tweeted: Check @wyrloalbert

    Blogged: Check http://wyrlo.coffeeko.com/2009/12/14/yugatech-goes-tweet-giving/

    Question: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Answer: My wife. My daughter and My Son. I have one call (but you didn’t say how long the call was so I suppose it’s unlimited – it’s Globe, they have unlimited call). We live in one house and they are always together so they would have to pass around the phone. I will tell them how much I love them and I will be going home. Then after the call I’ll find a way to get out of the island – Cast away style. Whoohoo!!

  345. Avatar for Gleceper Gleceper says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?


    I will call you – YUGA!


    2 reasons:

    1) To tell you that I just (literally) joined twitter (http://twitter.com/gleceper) to follow you & Globe,and posted a tweet to win that Modu phone!

    – And –

    2) To tell you more that I am stuck in an island, having a great peaceful and quite time, and only have this call to remind you to send me that phone!! ;)

    Now how do you get to this island?

  346. Avatar for Kite Kite says:

    Twitted also! :)

  347. Avatar for Kite Kite says:


    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?


    I’d call Yugatech’s very own Abe Olandres and say
    “Hello dude! Can you spare me a 500 load for globe? Isa na lang kasi natitira kong call eh. Thanks bro”

    Need I answer why? haha! :D

  348. Avatar for Ann Ann says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    I would call my ex and say, “Get me a chopper and if you do, i’ll come back to you… promise…”


  349. Avatar for Martin Martin says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll reach out to Chuck Noland and ask for tip and tricks in surviving alone on an island. If anyone knows how to survive that situation, it’d be him.

  350. Avatar for Edgar Edgar says:

    I was out on assignment when this contest started, and the internet was unavailable where I was (calling the telcos to install towers in far-flung areas). However, my Congratulations to the winners!

    Merry Christmas, sir Abe – and to everybody!!

  351. Avatar for jomai jomai says:

    Q:If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    A:I’ll all my mom, and tell him to call the cops to get me out of HERE! :)

  352. Avatar for mAuiSaN mAuiSaN says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?.

    Answer: I’ll call my eldest brother, coz he is the fastest and easiest way to request for assistance. He know’s the urgency
    of my call and know me every time i’ll call him w/c either emergency or in further assistance. Thanks :)

  353. Avatar for mAuiSaN mAuiSaN says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    Answer: I’ll call my eldest brother, coz he is the fastest and easiest way to request for assistance. He know’s the urgency
    of my call and know me every time i’ll call him w/c either emergency or in further assistance. Thanks :)

  354. Avatar for mAuiSaN mAuiSaN says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    Thanks :)

  355. Avatar for edelweiza edelweiza says:

    Tweeted at

    http://twitter.com/edelweiss_19 (23 hours ago)

    Blogged at


  356. Avatar for Cafe-kun Cafe-kun says:

    Twitter : http://twitter.com/cafekun

  357. Avatar for Francis Francis says:

    hello globe customer service….. i need your assistance, sir yuga of yugatech got me in this situation, thanks to you for sponsoring this contest giving out tons and tons of stuff………….. yes yes in an island with one phone call left………… ah ganun ba, madami na tumawag sa inyo at nagpapa rescue din? parepareho ba ang drama? hmmmmmmm ganito nalang po, bakit hindi nalang si sir yuga ilagay nyo sa isang island din at para malaman natin kung ano gagawin nya…….. good idea sir!………… hello sir. are you still there? yes maam enjoying the sunset, bakit po? si sir yuga daw on the way na dyan to personally deliver your rewards! ikaw daw po ang top prize, yung iba meron din syempre yeheyyyyyy! para lahat masaya hehehe

    bagong gising na idea ito mga yugamites

  358. Avatar for joel joel says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“


    “Hello Abe, Joel ‘to. Ako yung nanalo ng Modu Phone sa contest mo. Paki ship na lang dito sa island. Free naman yung shipping di ba? Merry Tweetmas!”

  359. Avatar for roel yordan roel yordan says:

    If you’re stuck in an
    island with a phone and
    only have one call left,
    who would you call and

    i will call my friend and ask him/her if i have new a re-tweet in my twitter account haha

  360. Avatar for Vish Vish says:

    Question:“If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    I’ll call my GF and ask her to topup my mobile balance :P

    So that I can call more people :D

  361. Avatar for ivy ivy says:

    Blogged at:


    ***If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Since its Christmas (and I could wish to Santa), I would call Santa Claus kahit nasa north pole pa sya (making great things possible with globe kahit san man sya sa mundo) . For sure he knows every corner of the world,so he can find me easily and would save me. And I would ride on his sleigh. yehey! ^_^

  362. Avatar for cutemoboy cutemoboy says:

    Twitter > cutemoboy

    I Tweet


    & answer the question, since i dont have a blog.

  363. Avatar for cutemoboy cutemoboy says:

    QUESTION: “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    Since its a life & death stuation
    i’ll call my Dad…. tell him that i really wanted him to know that im different from others b4 i die on that island…

    but first i would tell him how i love him from the bottom
    of my heart.. & tell him im xori coz i cant give him “APO”

    —– HELLO DAD, musta po? this might be my last phone call.
    & i wanted it to be worth it.
    Dad.. you know much i love you, & how much i care for our family….
    but theres somthings that turned out to be different..

    I’m different Dad.. i dont choose to be like this.. & i dont want to be like this forever.. I want to have my own family, happy family like ours.. i want to have my own kids.. i want to give you “APO”


    im gay dad… im xori…


  364. Avatar for Lyndon Ligutom Lyndon Ligutom says:

    Question:“If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    I will call my biggest creditor. I’m pretty sure they will raise heaven and hell to rescue me.

  365. Avatar for rbsoriano rbsoriano says:

    Question: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Answer: I’ll call a Globe Representative to tell them

    “Thank you for sponsoring YugaTech.com Gadget Giveaways this year. Hoping that every year would be fun together with Globe and YugaTech

    Please rescue me, I’m lost T_T.”

  366. Avatar for Rona Co Rona Co says:

    I want a Modu


  367. Avatar for mike mike says:


    Question:“If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    I’d call my girlfriend and ask her to come over and bring some beer, Hungarian sausages, and mustard. Then we can roast the sausages by the shore , drink some cold beer and just chill.

  368. Avatar for JR JR says:

    Tweeted: Check (@randumbme)

    Blogged: Check ( http://randumb.me/2009/12/yugatech-great-gadget-giveaway/ )

    Question Answered: Check
    ( Q:If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?
    A: Well this could become a pretty deep seeded answer depending on a few key parameters (i.e. dead or living / would it mean i would get saved or was i doomed and this is goodbye / etc). But if we are going to play things close to the vest (and whats currently on my mind), i think i would call my 5th grade teacher. The reason being is because she was the one who kinda got me into the whole computer thing in the first place. I mean I remember playing Oregon Trails on a Mac Color Classic and thinking I was one special kid. Now look at me, just another big kid adult raising hell a little bit at a time through these interwebs. But on the reals if it had to be family, i’d call my sister. Since she would know how to take care of the situation, whatever it may be.

    w00t… Hopefully Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.

  369. Avatar for Jeffrey Jeffrey says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    I’d call Abe, Why so Abe can call my Mom, friends and everybody to inform them that I’m stuck on an island. Then Abe, can call all his “connections” so they can rescue me and then MR. YUGATECH can award to me the MSI wind and a new Modu fone so I can send email,chat, Immortal call and Immortal text.

    Thanks In Advance Abe


  370. Avatar for Ryan Ryan says:

    Here’s a 2:34AM Modu attempt haha:

    Question: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Answer: I’ll call any of Globe’s competitors and say Globe is putting up a service tower in that island. Smurt and San will probably be there in a jiffy to put up one of theirs.

    Punchline: We’ve seen it happen before–Globe leads and others follow =P

    LoL Need to sleep now and dream of my Modu.

  371. Avatar for Neo Neo says:

    Question :”If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?”

    Answer:”I will call my best friend and let her know what happened to me and ask her to download the ‘Loopt’ apps from her Iphone and locate where I am.”

  372. Avatar for Eithan Eithan says:

    Sir Yuga I got a question. If I won in this contest how can I claim my price if I’m not in the Philippines?

  373. Avatar for Eithan Eithan says:

    Sir Yuga I got a question. If I won in this contest how can I get my price if I’m not in the Philippines?

  374. Avatar for Eithan Eithan says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    i will call my wife and tell that im stuck in an island ask for pasaload. so i can txt her after i called her. sir yuga you didn’t tell that where not allowed for pasaload. hahahha

  375. Avatar for TeamPilipinas.info TeamPilipinas.info says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    I’d call my insurance agent about my life insurance policy!

    haha =)

    thanks Abe!

  376. Avatar for Olyver Digg Olyver Digg says:



  377. Avatar for efrenefren efrenefren says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I dont actually need to call. All I need is a text to @tweetitow.

    “I’m stuck in this stupid island. Help me get out of here so I can get that Modu phone from YugaTech. Now na! +(geolocation)”

    @tweetitow will post it to my twitter account. since my posterous account is linked to my twitter account, it will pick up the message and post it to all of my social networking accounts (jaiku, facebook, plurk, identi.ca, friendfeed and what have you)

    with just one text, everyone will know I need help (and that I should win that Modu phone).

    Hope this is clever enough. :)

  378. Avatar for superocky superocky says:

    Tweet at

    Blogged at

  379. Avatar for ROSS ROSS says:

    Q: “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    A: Call Mr. Yuga himself and ask him to send me a MODU PHONE! Desperado Mode na talaga manalo lang sa contest na ito! Hehehehe…

  380. Avatar for Kiven Kiven says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    My dad- “Pa, paki iwan bukas yung torrents ko. dinadownload ko pa latest episode ng House at big Bang Theory.

    Pasend na din load. kkthxbye”

  381. Avatar for wEEja wEEja says:

    here’s my blogged entry :)


    i don’t know if this is possible, but can i join in the Q@A too? (the geek in me is itching!)

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?”

    -I’d call Optimus Prime and have him send a transformer at sea…a boatabot to send me home. lol.

  382. Avatar for jopet cervantes jopet cervantes says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    – if i were stuck in an island the person whom i’m going to call is 911!… duh

  383. Avatar for enavaro enavaro says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    I will call my Suking Tindahan na nagtitinda ng Globe Autoloadmax. “Hello, Aling Ising na-trapik lang ako dito sa may isla pakuha muna ako ng 100 pesos Globe regular load babayaran ko mamaya pag uwi ko. Maraming salamat po!” Then I will call my wife to tell her how lucky I am with Globe, even from far distance I have a signal and ask her to send a boat for my rescue.

  384. Avatar for roma roma says:

    Followed both accounts on Twitter
    Tweeted: http://twitter.com/pinkroma/status/6661655726
    Blogged: http://pinkroma.blogspot.com/2009/12/yugatech-great-gadget-giveaway.html

  385. Avatar for Tiger Tiger says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    I’d call and order a box of Chocolates and a Wilson Volley Ball.

  386. Avatar for kira kira says:

    I want to win that phone… just donate it to me hahaha

  387. Avatar for Tiger Tiger says:

    followed you on twitter. Great site, great news, great infos.

  388. Avatar for Edward Edward says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?”

    -I’ll call this number, 0918.497.01.74 and tell him, “oh bkt SMART k? hindi mo ba alam walang sinabi yan dahil sa GLOBE lahat posible at wala pang metro!”

    *kya mag-GLOBE k n yuga… lol.

  389. Avatar for jonharules jonharules says:

    Interesting question, that made me think not only for the purpose of winning but what if it would really happen?

    For the past few days I’ve been so pissed with my internet connection and some other technical problems I am getting with my bundled internet and phone connection. The last thing I want to do is to call the operators. The moment I do I expect to be put on hold for ages and I guessed it right. When miraculously one operator answered, I routinely gave my details then wait for him to give his spiel too.

    In ever technical problem, the last people I’d trust would be the operators but what the heck, they’ve just proven me wrong!

    So to answer your question, I’d probably call the operator. They would have a recording of my call for easier tracing of my whereabouts. Besides, they’d be obliged to help me. Oh by the way, the operator and I mean the 911 or emergency hotline. They could better help me than my mom as the latter is not so familiar with the areas I could possibly be. Besides, I don’t want her to be worried. Now that may be peculiar but that’s the best thing I could think of in the midst of an emergency, emergency for 911. :)

  390. Avatar for Neil Adona Neil Adona says:



  391. Avatar for Marty Marty says:

    Hi, I tweeted: @martyburagay

    Hope I get lucky. Share some love, please. Merry Christmas! :D

  392. Avatar for IC DeaDPiPoL IC DeaDPiPoL says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    I’d call my friend “Mike” so he can collect/delete my pr0n collection before anyone finds them on my PC.

  393. Avatar for sirenspeaks sirenspeaks says:


    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Since I have been using Globe Tracker for quite sometime now, I’ll call our Globe landline and inform any of my family members who will answer my call to check their cellphones so they can track my current location since we are all Globe subscribers( Our family are all connected indeed-Globe Tracker users). This is the fastest and surest way I’ll get rescued. This is assuming I’m in dire straits.

  394. Avatar for pao pao says:

    eeee! merry tweetmas yuga! i retweeted you already, my twitter account is @geekdope. :) pick me! pick me!

  395. Avatar for jonharules jonharules says:

    Wow naman, galing na traffic strategy. Panu pag nakalink yung Twitter sa Facebook ko, tig wa one point ba yun? tsk tsk..haha

  396. Avatar for Andew Mercado Andew Mercado says:

    Answer: I will call my Credit Card Company and advice them that my payment for this month might be delayed because I’m stuck in nowhere Island and at the same time I’ll tell them also that we might not see each other again. So, consider to forget about my debt…

  397. Avatar for MV MV says:


    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?


    I will call my mom and tell her that I have her new Louis Vuitton bag with me and I’m stuck in an island. For sure, she’ll come running to rescue me.

  398. Avatar for Litlit Litlit says:

    Q: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    A: I’ll call my mom and tell her that I’m two months pregnant with my ex-boyfriend. It’s either to accept my condition or lose me with their apo. ^_^

  399. Avatar for Bea Bea says:

    Q: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    A: I would call my mom… To tell her to pick me up and oh I don’t have load, please send me load also :p

  400. Avatar for Mike Mike says:


    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?


    First, I will activate my Globe GPS system and call my best friend, telling him to track where my call is coming from and call for rescue.

  401. Avatar for PaulC PaulC says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    I will call Globe and say this, WTF! I could make a call in the middle of nowhere.. I may not be smart but I could reach anywhere in the world! Abot ko ang mundo eh! :) (then will lay down as I view the sky)

  402. Avatar for Lowell Aguirre Lowell Aguirre says:

    Here’s my entry: http://escaflownie14.tabulas.com/

    Hope you like it!

    Thanks much Abe! ^_^

  403. Avatar for Mike Mike says:

    here’s my blog entry:


  404. Avatar for Ronnie Ronnie says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    i’ll call my lawyer and tell him”
    “first relative who rescues me wins the estate!”

  405. Avatar for L@nn L@nn says:

    Q: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    A: I will call GLOBE and ask to give me unlicall so I can call my family and friends for help to get me out of this island. Which GLOBE will let me coz I am their loyal subscriber.hehehehe

  406. Avatar for Jack Jack says:

    Who will I call ? My wife and naturally I will ask her to send for help to rescue me. Hope I’m not late to join your contest.

  407. Avatar for Mike Mike says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call my wife and tell her to go that island with me because we haven’t been on a romantic date for a few months now. Haha! But of course we’ll just stay for a few days and go home eventually to get the prize from Yuga!

  408. Avatar for Pete Pete says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    first i’ll try figure out where is my location and find some landmarks to be easily found. Call 911 for rescue and ask them to tell my family what happen to me. :D

  409. Avatar for Mike Mike says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call my wife and tell her to go that island with me because we haven’t been on a romantic date for a few months now. Haha!

  410. Avatar for Arun kumar Arun kumar says:

    Sir Abe,
    First i like to thank you for giving this cool opportunity to win some exciting prizes. I like to say this to all Yugatech readers: ‘Try hard, make a passion,work for that- you will get it’. once more thank you sir for your contest and for your writings.

    Here is my Blog post link

  411. Avatar for Rene Rene says:


  412. Avatar for Rene Rene says:

    my blog http://ranujblogspot.blogspot.com/

  413. Avatar for AnyBits AnyBits says:

    Ok, I’m having my luck here by posting a blog entry at:


  414. Avatar for l2o1v1e l2o1v1e says:

    I’m taking the bait…
    Count Me In! LOL!

    Here’s my blog entry:

    Thanks to Sir Abe and Globe.
    Merry Christmas!

  415. Avatar for Jejo Jejo says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    I’ll be calling my mom. Not being cliche or something, but I believe she has enough connections to get me out of that island, whether it be by rescue chopper, boat, plane, or maybe even a rescuer. And she’s the one I completely trust, so even if I don’t get to call anyone else after, I believe I’ll be saved just in time.

  416. Avatar for hutch hutch says:

    i will call the owner of globe tlecommunications and ask for load for me to be able to call anyone whom i can seek help

    -Sent via YugaTech Mobile App

  417. Avatar for Sanctuarian06 Sanctuarian06 says:

    Goodluck po sa ating lahat!

    Maya ko pa post answer ko sa question, hehe, papagandahin ko pa para maging creative…!

    Godbless us all!

  418. Avatar for daddy joey daddy joey says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    i’ll call yuga and tell him that’s it’s ok to let others win the minor prizes and reserve the netbook for me. hehe!

  419. Avatar for minor minor says:

    my blog entry http://janicerulloda.blogspot.com/2009/12/yugatech-great-gadget-giveaway.html


    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    I’ll call my mom to say I’m ok and say no need to rescue me.

    I’ll figure out how to survive and get out to that island all by myself it’s been my dream to stuck in an island and do all that Les Stroud and Bear Grylls technique I’ve learn.

  420. Avatar for Student Athlete Student Athlete says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?”

    I’d call my friend Jason. He’s subscribed to Super-Unli so he can patch me through and make my one call into a virtually unlimited call to whomever I choose to speak with. That’s of course, until I discharge my battery.


  421. Avatar for deric deric says:

    here’s my entry abe in twitter.


    for that question:

    I’ll call God. I know he’s there. He will surely help me. :)

  422. Avatar for gio gio says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    i’ll call Jessica Alba and i’ll build another civilization with her ^_^

    and we’ll name that island yugalandia hahaha!

  423. Avatar for Francis Francis says:

    alone in an island and one last call to go……

    good thing naka globe ako, super unli pa! walang tigil na usapan at sweet nothings with my honey until i am rescued. Buti nalang may kuryente at dala ko ang charger ko :-)

  424. Avatar for leo23 leo23 says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    I will call sir Abe Olandres,sa dami ba naman ng hightech na gamit nya ewan ko nalang kung di nya ko matunton,dami nya kaya connection nandyan ang Globe,Modu Phone,MSI etc..Sir Abe hintayin kita sa Island ha??

  425. Avatar for domob domob says:

    Kung gamit ko ang Smart ko, baka eto ang sumagot sakin, sabihin:

    “The number you dialed is out of coverage area, please try your call later”

    “You only have zero pesos in your account… magload ka na!”

    di na lang ako tatawag, sayang.

    buti pa ang Globe, ang Star ng aking Pasko! :)

  426. Avatar for dale liwanag dale liwanag says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    si tom hanks. nakayanan niya ng 4 years sa isang island sa cast away eh. siguro naman may tips siya para sa akin.:/ kahit raft lang.

  427. Avatar for carloxy carloxy says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    ill call the balance inquiry to really check if i have enough load to make a call ahehehehe

  428. Avatar for enrico enrico says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call my richest friends and I’ll ask him to bring a helicopter at the island. :)

  429. Avatar for dale liwanag dale liwanag says:

    http://boredka.blogspot.com/2009/12/yugatech-great-gadget-giveaway.html haha:D

  430. Avatar for Jerome Hidalgo Jerome Hidalgo says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    I will definitely call my dad give my location (thru GPS) and coordinates so he can locate me and pick me up because he is a Captain of a Cruise Ship and maybe spend the next day on the cruise ship:) now a days you can’t rely on authorities and ask for help just to find me but my dad surely will go and find me:) Love you daddy!:)

  431. Avatar for Jay Ar Jay Ar says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will dial 211 on my phone. Siyempre sa Globe customer service yun. Ang unang sasabihin nya eh “Hi this is (name of CSR), how may I help you?” Then ayun ikkwento ko sa kanya na I need help na makaalis sa island na yun and for sure i-escalate nya yung request ko sa higher support group until sa mahanapan nila ako ng solution. Hahaha XD

  432. Avatar for chris chris says:

    Here’s my entry sir Yuga 3 yan..hehehe


    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Answer: I would call Globe first and ask them to share me a load at least Php 16 and register it to IMMORTAL 15 now I can have 5 mins call and text. I will also call Yugatech if I won.lol

  433. Avatar for chinesemafia chinesemafia says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call an autobiographer and tell him about my life story to be written into a book. There I will state my last will and testament, all my personal secrets, confessions, opinions, discoveries, dreams and aspirations.

    It will go on to be the biggest bestseller because I have such an interesting life/imagination. Bigger than Harry Potter, Dan Brown and Twilight combined.

    A quarter of the proceeds of my book will go to my family members, and the rest to various charitable institutions including my very own trust fund set up to support politicians with genuine good intentions. This is in the hope of enabling the political change that we badly need.

    Only then will our OFWs, who have brought out with them precious knowledge, return to our Motherland to rebuild it and bring it to first-world status. Where construction workers get to live in the condos they build, where programmers run their own multimillion dollar software companies, where maids care for their own families, where bankers manage their own wealth, where entertainers bring joy to their fellow men, where artists create in their own cities, where – you get the idea.

    We were great once and we shall be great again.

    I will dominate the world from the afterlife.

  434. Avatar for cojo cojo says:

    i’d rather not join.mas nakakatuwang basahin ang entries nila.ahaha sir yuga, pwede ba maging co-judge mo na lang ako? ;)<just kidding..pero kung seseryosohin mo, pwede rin)

  435. Avatar for Ghie Ghie says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?


    I will call my sister because she uses globe and can share a load. I will ask for additional load in case I need to make another call. I will also ask her to call the authorities so they can help locate and finally rescue me!. Once I’m rescued I’ll thank the rescue team, my sister, God (of course) and Globe for having a very strong signal which enabled me to call! :-)

  436. Avatar for Francis Francis says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call Globe customer service at 211 and ask for help! for sure they will be more than willing to help me and share- a -load for me :-)

  437. Avatar for Patrick Patrick says:

    Tweeted and Blogged:

    Twitter: paty_cee

    Blog: http://dyutay.blogspot.com/2009/12/yugatech-great-gadget-giveaway.html

  438. Avatar for Patrick Patrick says:

    Tweeted and Blogged:

    here’s my Blog Post:

  439. Avatar for domob domob says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Answer: Sir Yuga, ikaw ang tatawagan ko! Andami mo kayang prepaid load cards, hello? ;) The send me a Modu phone! di ba free delivery? :D :D :D :D

  440. Avatar for domob domob says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Answer: Sir Yuga, ikaw ang tatawagan ko! Andami mo kayang prepaid load cards, hello? ;) The send me a Modu phone! di ba free delivery? :D :D :D

  441. Avatar for Ian Ian says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    one call? oh no! no battery or load left. 6.50 for globe to globe call and 7.50 for other networks. hehe. I’ll do text one important message to my friend and call to my family using 232 using the remaining loads.Save wisely,Spend wisely. =)

  442. Avatar for sherwin sherwin says:

    Answer: I will call my 9 year old son to use Globe Tracker to locate me. ;)

  443. Avatar for Prosti Prosti says:

    Tweeted and blogged.

    Here’s the link to my post:


    Now all I need is to keep my fingers crossed. :)

  444. Avatar for ralphbalena ralphbalena says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    – my friends! i’ll ask them to come in the island and party! WOOO :)) :-bd the more the merrier!

  445. Avatar for ralph Sales ralph Sales says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?


  446. Avatar for blankPixels blankPixels says:

    I tweeted and blogged about this giveaway.

    Here’s the link to my post:

    I hope I win. I’m wishing myself luck! Yayy!

    Thank you so much for this giveaway :)

  447. Avatar for eman eman says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?


    What will I do? I will call my tour guide or the Manager in the Hotel where I am staying ask for help then request to conference me to my girlfriend and globe customer service to tell them my status and how can they extend assistance to me too.

  448. Avatar for simplynice93 simplynice93 says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    1. If it was within the Philippines, I would call PGMA and tell her WHERE IS YOUR PROMISED RORO??!!!

    2. If it was outside of the Philippines, I would call Somalian pirates and I tell them they can rescue me and ask the Philippine government for ransom (it will serve as a payment for their gratitude). Ok di ba?

  449. Avatar for chris chris says:

    what are we waiting for guys, let’s blog it.

  450. Avatar for Paul Allanic Paul Allanic says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    I’ll call my girlfriend. Tell her where I am.
    And sing “all I want for Christmas is you” :)

  451. Avatar for Andew Mercado Andew Mercado says:

    I mean guess not guest. Sorry po! He he he

  452. Avatar for ed ed says:

    I hope i win a prize. :-)

    -Sent via YugaTech Mobile App

  453. Avatar for Bryan Chua Bryan Chua says:

    Blog Entry

    Twitter Entry

    Q: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    A: I think I’ll save the call first, and go around the island to explore and be adventurous and go for a Mountain climbing, Rappeling, Hiking, and other

  454. Avatar for Andew Mercado Andew Mercado says:

    Answer: I’m gonna take a picture of myself (wl particular part of that Island background on it) and tweet Sir Abe instead with that picture (link to twitpic.com) and ask Sir Abe to do me very special favor for the last time before I die, that is to include my picture to be part of his contest that anyone who can guest my exact location will WIN prizes from Globe. At least twitters will remember me forever!!!! LOL

  455. Avatar for xpactor xpactor says:

    blogged at: http://xpactor.com/?p=291

  456. Avatar for xpactor xpactor says:

    blogged at:

  457. Avatar for Rommel A. Rommel A. says:

    question — “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    Answer: I will call my brother and to give me a load worth 300 from Globe and will avail for Globe Unli..and using my satnav from my high tech mobile phone, I will give my location and ask for rescue from the Coast Guard for help!

  458. Avatar for ChefTonio ChefTonio says:

    Here is my blog entry:

    Here is my comment entry:

    Followed you and Globe on Twitter already and posted the said message:

    Advanced Merry Tweetmas! :)

  459. Avatar for kirby guillera kirby guillera says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    i will call GLOBE costumer service!
    abot mo ang mundo!

  460. Avatar for Paulo Avila Paulo Avila says:

    Q: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    A: First, has anyone heard about Immortal call? (http://tattoo.globe.com.ph/product/immortal-call) I’ll definitely do this first. I get to call anyone for 5 minutes and text 50 of my relatives and friends and ask them for more GLOBE PREPAID LOAD! Convenient and will surely make me calm for the rest of my days on the island. But only if I got stuck until December 20, 2009.

    If it’s convertible to a GPRS connection, I will tweet instead.

  461. Avatar for BernilB BernilB says:

    Q: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    If I’m stuck, I’ll call my honey using my Modu phone from Globe and tell her to change her number to Globe because I’m Globe now. And load me an immortal text so we can get me out of the island and thanks the Globe for the best phone network in the Philippines once I’m save.

  462. Avatar for Rey Pajarillo Rey Pajarillo says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?


    I’ll call my GF and of course, tell her what my current situation is. And though funny, I’ll ask her to send me load for me to keep in touch with her to seek for rescue. I won’t call anyone who I don’t really know because for sure I also don’t know what their number is. I’ll just call my GF since I know her contact number very well.

  463. Avatar for Leonardo T. Platon Leonardo T. Platon says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    I would definitely call a family member or relative and have them told that I am still alive and to have the coast guard search all islands which are nearest to my last known location.

  464. Avatar for vepa814 vepa814 says:

    Another entry:

    Q: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    A: I’d call up National Bookstore, Powerbooks or Fuly Booked and ask for complimentary copies of the ‘Martha Stewart’s Island Living’ or ‘Living Off the Grid for Dummies’. Haha. :)

  465. Avatar for Kevin Cheng Kevin Cheng says:

    blogged: http://jkevinc.blogspot.com/2009/12/yugatechs-great-gadget-giveaway.html

  466. Avatar for Arne Arne says:

    1 call in an Island?,. Oh my God, I’m on Sun Cellular theres no signal.. Next time I’m stuck on an Island I’ll make sure to bring a Globe powered phone,…
    (Sa Globe Abot mo ang Mundo) jejeje

  467. Avatar for ChefTonio ChefTonio says:

    Followed you on Twitter! :)

    Here is my commenting entry:

    Q: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    A: Knowing how rescuers respond to emergency calls (s-l-o-w), I’d call NBI and tell them I’m with the self-confessed mastermind of the recent killings in Maguindanao. I’d be out of that island in no time.

  468. Avatar for raldy raldy says:

    tatawagan ko yung pamilya ko para malaman nila kung ano na nangyari tapos sasabihan ko sila na humingi ng tulong at kung mawalan man ng ako ng load yung cp ko na lang ang kokontakin ng mga rescuers para malaman ang mga detalye kung nasan ako atleast kahit di ako ma rescue nakausap ko yung pamilya ko.

    thnx globe and abe for this contest..

  469. Avatar for Beeps Beeps says:

    done -> http://beeps.blogspot.com/2009/12/yugatech-contest-1-merry-tweetmas.html

  470. Avatar for Mikhail Mikhail says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call Yuga and tell him that the Modu Phone with Globe simcard which I won in his blog still gets good signal even in a deserted island. Thanks Yuga!

  471. Avatar for Onynz Onynz says:

    Q: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    A. I will dial 8-mcdo, order a big mac meal go big time and a sundae… if they cant deliver the food on time (30 min) i believe i could have it for free… yey!!!

  472. Avatar for rheythm rheythm says:

    blogged here”:


  473. Avatar for rheythm rheythm says:

    blogged here: http://notyour.wordpress.com/2009/12/14/the-yugatech-great-gadget-giveaway/

  474. Avatar for Paulo Avila Paulo Avila says:

    Hey master yuga,

    My blog is now updated! check it out:


    as well as my twitter:


    hoping to win,
    PMA, webpoga

  475. Avatar for Pat Lee Pat Lee says:

    Question: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    Answer: I will call my friend to log-in to my facebook account and harvest my crops in farmville before they die. :D

  476. Avatar for Andew Mercado Andew Mercado says:

    Answer: I will call my wife and instructed her to tweet Sir Abe and his followers on twitter to also follow me on twitter (it’s andrew_mercado) because those Guys are great since they talk all about “gadgets and gizmos”.

  477. Avatar for panaon panaon says:

    manalo o matalo :D


  478. Avatar for michael michael says:

    i’ll call my bestfriend and i’ll ask him kung nanalo ako ng gadget sa YugaTech Great Gadget Giveaway hahaha!

  479. Avatar for Ellen Joy Castel Ellen Joy Castel says:

    For the win (another entry in another blog of mine)


  480. Avatar for Ellen Joy Castel Ellen Joy Castel says:

    Another entry:


  481. Avatar for Ann Ann says:

    hi! just finished twitting!



    just followed
    @abeolandres and @talk2globe

  482. Avatar for butch butch says:

    joined through twitter abe. hope i win something… need the dongle so bad… my current dsl is unstable lately, and let me just say it’s not globe broadband! thank you globe for handing out prizes for abe to distribute! haha

  483. Avatar for Carl Carl says:

    I’m In!


    Thanks Yuga!

  484. Avatar for erwin macalalad erwin macalalad says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call my wife, so that she can call coastguard to send a rescue team for me. :) hahaha. :)

  485. Avatar for wingatu wingatu says:

    Q: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    A. I will not call anybody. I will just a send text messages to my parents and friends that I need help. It is much better to send text than making a call considering the cost and the battery usage of a call compared to text.

  486. Avatar for Andew Mercado Andew Mercado says:

    Answer: I will call my wife and instructed her to open my twitter account (wl my username & password of course)in order to tweet Abe Olandres (Philippine Blog Awardee) since he has thousands of followers on twitter and I have a big chance of being rescued and also, I will tell my wife to tweet also my followers about the latest “YugaTech Great Gadget Giveaway” and visit www.yugatech.com for more info.

  487. Avatar for Bryan Bryan says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    I would call President Obama and ask him to send his Navy Seals to rescue me because they can track my location via gps (because I’m using Nokia N96). Also, they have more advance and super fast submarines and helicopters.

  488. Avatar for Bruno Bruno says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?”

    Oh!… Em!… Gee!…

    I think I’m gonna call my DERMA. I’m so not ready for this! I reckon I don’t have enough sunblock or cream! My gosh!

  489. Avatar for renato zuniga renato zuniga says:

    here sir


  490. Avatar for Ger Ger says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’d call Globe and ask where is the cell site on this island and ask to arrange for rescue there. It has to be somewhere accessible to them so they could go to it for maintenance.

  491. Avatar for renato zuniga renato zuniga says:

    sir check this out


  492. Avatar for Rich Rich says:

    I will spend the last call to any of my closest friends and ask them to post a comment on Yugatech telling Sir Abe that one of his blog-fan is having the time of his life in isolation, far, far, far away from his near-contagious blogs every christmas. Maybe there’s gonna be some cure prizes out there to ease the addictive disease.

  493. Avatar for frozenpyro frozenpyro says:

    I’ll call my mom and tell to help me to get off this island…

  494. Avatar for incredibleDNA incredibleDNA says:

    Q: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    A: I would call the famous host of Wowowee Willie Revillame so he can lend me his yatch to pick me up at that island. Also, I chose him because he can easily spread out the word through his show. =)

  495. Avatar for Ryan Rey Ryan Rey says:

    Please see my blog entry below.

  496. Avatar for vepa814 vepa814 says:

    Q: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    A: I’d call Disney so they can send me Aladdin’s flying carpet. O diba, i wasn’t just rescued, i got a free ride home pa! Isn’t that a shining, shimmering splendid idea??! Haha! :)

  497. Avatar for Franz Xyrlo I. Tobias Franz Xyrlo I. Tobias says:

    Question: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    Answer: Magrerelax muna ako sa island kasi naka IMMORTAL CALL naman ako kaya walang expiration date.


  498. Avatar for renato zuniga renato zuniga says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    First things first. I’ll call my bestfriend dahil post paid subscriber siya, since postpaid nga i’ll ask her to put me on hold then dial my sisters number after that put me on para conference kami.tpos my sister will put my bestfriend on hold and call my other sister then put everyone back on. This is the mximunm number of people na na try ko sa far.So na maximize ko yung last call ko i will give them all tHe details na kailangan to rescue me and more importantly pagbibilin kona pag may prize na dumating galing kay sir Yuga ibibilin ko not to open/check/touch dahil ITS MINE!!!MINE!MINE! BASTA GAGAWA AKO NG PARAAN TO GET out of this island.

  499. Avatar for florencio p jusay jr florencio p jusay jr says:

    iTweeted: fpjjr




    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will Call PGMA (or the present president if she is still not evicted), since I never talked to her ever and I’ll also utter the magic words “GIBO” in which she may order the marines, navy and air force to rescue me. I’ll also try to do a little experiment on the phone conversation as if I’m recreating the “Hello Garci”.

  500. Avatar for Andew Mercado Andew Mercado says:

    Answer: I will call my wife and instructed her to use or open my twitter account and facebook account for me to tweet my friends and send my facebook friends messages that I am in trouble stuck in a particular island. Perhaps thru the built in GPS of my smartphone I can give accurate information about my real time location to my wife and she will tweet and send facebook messages to my friends about my location.

  501. Avatar for pop_beans pop_beans says:

    blog blog blog


  502. Avatar for Pauline Marie Ablang Pauline Marie Ablang says:


    Question: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    Answer: With one last chance to call someone for my rescue or I’ll be stuck on this wretched island until damnation, I’ll ring RICHARD GUTIERREZ to come save me with such drama with his speedboat ala “CHRISTINE REYES STYLE”.


  503. Avatar for Cy Cy says:

    Great giveaways!

    Re-tweeted and blogged.


  504. Avatar for JM of icproxy JM of icproxy says:

    by the way, here’s my entry

  505. Avatar for JM of icproxy JM of icproxy says:

    by the way, here’s my entry

  506. Avatar for jm jm says:

    here’s my entry

  507. Avatar for Jayson Jayson says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    I’ll dial 4-6-3 and ask for His help..

    I just hope hindi qwerty yung keypad ng fone..haha!

  508. Avatar for dongv dongv says:

    I will call 117 which is the emergency number on every sim, or 112 anywhere else in the world, which is the roaming telco info numberit should be free of charge.

  509. Avatar for Patrick Patrick says:



    I’m gonna leave the island question to those who don’t tweet or blog. Hope I win a Tattoo! ^_^

  510. Avatar for thomasmmm thomasmmm says:


    Thanks @abeolandres + @talk2globe!

  511. Avatar for KarL KarL says:

    I’ve just followed abeolandres and talk2globe, retweeted and blogged. Here’s my entry:


  512. Avatar for jm jm says:

    this is my blog http://icproxy.blogspot.com/2009/12/want-to-have-globe-tattoo-modu-phone.html

  513. Avatar for jm jm says:

    eto pala yung blog

  514. Avatar for jm jm says:

    Nice. Daming prizes.

  515. Avatar for RHo RHo says:


    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and a one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call KRIS AQUINO and ask her what did JINKY PAQIAOU text message to her.


  516. Avatar for Beeps Beeps says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?


    I will call Yuga, penge load!

  517. Avatar for Lirio Lirio says:

    Hi Yuga, here is my blog entry :-)


    I wish I hope I win ;-)


  518. Avatar for mark mark says:

    hmmmmmmmmm astig tlaga yugatech hmmmm sir yuga anu poh ung special prize koh??……

  519. Avatar for ramon maglabe ramon maglabe says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?


    im gonna call 911,so that they can trace my call and send a rescue right away,

  520. Avatar for Glenn Ong | Glich Glenn Ong | Glich's Life says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call my driver. Since our driver has been with us for so long, he has already been considered to be part of the family. If I tell him I’m stuck in an island, he’d be able to think quick, contact my parents and start driving at once to fetch me from wherever I am.

  521. Avatar for arlene arlene says:

    followed and blogged!


  522. Avatar for Pusang Kulog Pusang Kulog says:

    Here’s the link to the post I’ve made on my blog about the contest:


    Globe tattoo! Globe Tattoo! Globe Tattoo! Ahihihi!

  523. Avatar for eman eman says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?


    What will I do? I will call my tour guide or the Manager in the Hotel where I am staying ask for help then request to conference me to my girlfriend and globe customer service to tell them my status and how can they extend assistance to me too.

    I hope I can win! hehe!

  524. Avatar for marvin marvin says:

    Question: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call the Globe’s Customer Service and request them to allow me to call to all my family members for free to share that last moments of my life till my phone battery dies.

    Thanks yugatech!

  525. Avatar for Cesario B. Bruan, Jr. Cesario B. Bruan, Jr. says:


    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?


    Jack Sparrow. So I could ask him to teach me how to lash together a couple of sea turtles, using human hair as cordage, to build a raft so I could escape this god forsaken island. :)

  526. Avatar for anna anna says:

    I’d call oprah para international exposure. at kung na rescue na ako, sasabihin kong “dahil sa globe, abot ko ang mundo”

  527. Avatar for Dennis G. Dennis G. says:

    Question: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Answer: I’ll call my best friend and tell him to post on his Facebook and twitter account that I’m stuck in an island. In that way all of our friends,relatives, and the whole world will get to know and will be able to call for help.

    That’s the power of technology (,”)!!!

  528. Avatar for Robert Robert says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    My Answer: I will call my Dad to load my Globe so I can tell all the people and spread the word, “ANG TAAS PA DIN NG SIGNAL DITO — LAKAS TALAGA NG GLOBE”!!!

  529. Avatar for Karls Karls says:

    Answer: tatawagin ko family ko para hanapin ako at sasabihin ko na pumunta sa isla with friends to sPend some time. Reunion ba.

  530. Avatar for Narwin Narwin says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    I will call a certain senators . For one, they will surely rescue me with lots of media behind them, documenting every scene of my rescue. They will be there personally, for sure, so that the whole nation would witness their so called commitment to public service. Lastly, it won’t cost them at all, by using the tax payers money. Who knows… me on TV with the interviews and etc… might start my showbiz career.

  531. Avatar for john galsim john galsim says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    — I’ll call? no way. I’ll text! 6peso per minute call will give ma a chance to text 6 people. so ill text 6 of my closest friends to come pick me up before dark asap! I’m not a fan of man vs wild.

  532. Avatar for john galsim john galsim says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    — I’ll call? no way. I’ll text! 6peso per minute call will give ma a chance to text 6 people. so ill text 6 of my closest friends to come pick me up before dark asap! I’m not a fan of man vs wild. hehe

  533. Avatar for pop_beans pop_beans says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    Pwede bang text na lang at hindi call? isu subscribe ko na lang sa unlitext para mas madami kong makausap and tipid pa sa battery :)

  534. Avatar for dante noe dante noe says:

    sa wakas i have my entry weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee….


  535. Avatar for tetchie tetchie says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I would call may husband to rescue me because I know he would move heaven and earth to have me back (he simply can’t handle our kids alone). Dialing 911 sometimes takes ages to be answered and baka low bat na phone ko by that time.

    Luckily I have gps on my phone….and have postpaid plan with globe (so hindi mauubusan ng load, has the most reliable signal pa)!

  536. Avatar for Paul Pisig Paul Pisig says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    My Answer: I will call the Account Manager who handles my Corporate Account with Globe. My Account Manager is always there for me to attend to all of my concerns. Kudos to Globe for giving corporate clients such a wonderful support system!

  537. Avatar for Leo Leo says:

    Q: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    A: imbes na ipangtawag ko yun load eh, mgsubscribe muna ko sa unlicalls, para madaming tawag, hehehe

  538. Avatar for flash flash says:

    Here’s my blog entry:


  539. Avatar for Marty Girl Marty Girl says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    i will call my girl friend who is always assign to GM the tropa during gimik nights. will tell her that i’m in this great island, with lots of hunk and sexy ladies in bikini (para sure na sasama ang mga boys!) and ask her to text the whole tropa. Sky is the limit at sagot ko lahat! This is if i know where i am :)
    if not, add the suspense by asking them to guess where i am. Saying a hint that they can always track where i am. Sa dami ng friends ko, im sure may dadating! may kasama na ako :) hahaha!

  540. Avatar for Rica Rica says:

    here’s my entry:

  541. Avatar for mhon mhon says:

    This will be for the Modu phone!!!


    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    My answer is!!!

    I will call the customer representative of Globe so that the remaining load of the phone will not be consume by that call. I will ask for help and I’m sure at a chance the customer service representative will understand my situation and going to help me.


  542. Avatar for JohnLloy JohnLloy says:

    Answer: I will call Fedex to send me a WILSON volleyball why to keep me company.

  543. Avatar for L.R. L.R. says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call my kabit and tell her that our affair is over. I choose my family over her.

    Huling tawag na eh… magbago na!

  544. Avatar for Glen Glen says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    If Im stuck on an island with a phone and only have one call left I’d call “SANTA”, so that he can give me a ride back home with his sleigh :)

    Merry Xmas Everyone! :)

  545. Avatar for mark mark says:

    Q: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    A: just to make sure i’ll be saved, i’ll call 211 instead, advised them and request if they can convert my call to text messages coz im not sure if my family and friends can be reached coz they might be also stuck in another island figuring out also who to call to receive a new modu phone…lol

  546. Avatar for Glenn Santos Glenn Santos says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’d call up my friend in Globe and ask turn on my Super-Unli so I can call everyone to tell them how I’m stuck on this awesome island with no one to bother me. :D

  547. Avatar for JiaMei JiaMei says:

    just followed you on twitter
    also retweeted! :)

    i want that Modu phone! hahaha!!
    (goes well with my Globe Tattoo and Globe postpaid plan! weeeeeee!!)

  548. Avatar for J Rosauro J Rosauro says:

    i’d probably not use it at all; one last call left on a desserted island, i would not want anyone to be worried on my last days on earth. I’d just probably pray that it would not be a slow and painful death…tragic!

  549. Avatar for Pusang Kulog Pusang Kulog says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    With the assumption that the last single call can connect to anywhere in the world, I would probably make an SOS call to 911 or its Philippine counterpart. I think safety and rescue is the most needed thing when you’re isolated on an island…

  550. Avatar for chardsnet chardsnet says:

    Q: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    A: I will call my girlfriend and tell her to check my email if my client has an urgent problem with his website. Because my day is not complete without opening my email to talk with my clients.

  551. Avatar for petken petken says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    Tatawag ako sa Customer Service Hotline ng Globe at dun ako hihingi ng tulong sa kanila para hindi maconsume ang last call ko dahil free naman ang tawag dun. Alam ko naman na matutulungan ako ng CSR para matrace ang simcard ko kung saan located via sa Tracking System. Alam kong hindi ako papabayaan ng Globe dahil tayo ay “Sama-sama sa iisang langit, iisang Globe. Ang worldwidest.” =)

  552. Avatar for flash flash says:

    Q: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    A: In this sad situation, Im going to call my friend who is a globe load retailer. I will ask him to give me P500 worth of load. After receiving the load, I will call my GF to pack her things up and go with me in the island and have a great vacation!! :)

  553. Avatar for jumper jumper says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call Jaime Grubbs (see: Tiger Woods) and leave a voicemail, cuz I know it’ll get picked up and broadcast real quick on the news, blogs, youtube, and talk radio! :D

  554. Avatar for liz liz says:

    Here’s my blog entry…


  555. Avatar for Engelbert Engelbert says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    tatawagan ko ung kaaway ko at sasabihin ko sa kanya n khit malayo ako, maaabot ko pa rin sya. DAHIL SA GLOBE ABOT KO ANG MUNDO…

  556. Avatar for melvin melvin says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    I will call our kapit-bahay sari-sari store at uutang ng 150 pesos n autoload max para maka register sa GLOBE SUPER-UNLI promo 

  557. Avatar for kaye kaye says:


    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.


    I will call my bestfriend and as her to join yugatech’s merry tweetmas promo.

  558. Avatar for melvin melvin says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call our kapit-bahay sari-sari store and uutang ng autoload max na 150 pesos para makapag GLOBE SUPER UNLI PROMO :)

    Thanks Yuga.

  559. Avatar for melvin melvin says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call our neighbor store and uutang ng autoload max na 150 pesos para makapag GLOBE SUPER UNLI PROMO :)

    Thanks Yuga.

  560. Avatar for bryan bryan says:

    hi master abe, retweeted. here’s the link:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    I’ll call my other phone, whoever answers it, owns it, along with my bills and debts. Congratulations to the lucky respondent!!! =))

  561. Avatar for RyanRey RyanRey says:

    Hello, it seems that I encounter errors when posting this. Hope that you got my blog entry.

  562. Avatar for catherine catherine says:

    blogged –> http://studentbohol.blogspot.com/2009/12/yugatech-greets-you-merry-tweetmas.html

    Merry Tweetmas!

  563. Avatar for Pat Lee Pat Lee says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    911? :D Why? Because it’s an emergency number? :D

  564. Avatar for Ryan Rey Ryan Rey says:

    Hello, please follow link below for my blog entry.


  565. Avatar for mark mark says:

    @yuga salamat poh!!…anu kaya ung prize excited na ako! hehehehe

  566. Avatar for Ryan Rey Ryan Rey says:

    Please follow below link for my Blog Entry:


  567. Avatar for marcelino marcelino says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    i will call the costumer service of globe and tell them that,,(can you loan me a load so that i can make another call) PS: make it unli call and unli txt..

  568. Avatar for carlo1em carlo1em says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call yuga/abe. I’ll ask him if I won a price, yet.

  569. Avatar for rsa1 rsa1 says:

    i will probably call my bestfriend. i will tell him my Facebook and Twitter account’s password and request him to change my status to “I am stuck and lost!”. Also, I will ask him to visit yugatech.com and text me If I won the yugatech great gadget giveaway contest. That would be a nice thought before I die. =))

  570. Avatar for Terbee Terbee says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?


    I’ll call Tom Hanks (Castaway). Patulong ako gumawa ng balsa..hehe…para makaligtas sa island…

  571. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

    @mark – isa ka pang sipsip! may special prize ka saken. hehehe

  572. Avatar for Olyver Digg Olyver Digg says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?


    I’d call Ronald McDonalds. Just before I die, I’m gonna have peace of mind on what really Grimace is. Because until now i feel Grimace is an Ube Blob, but mcdo doesn’t serve ube…

  573. Avatar for mark mark says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Answer: i will call the management of the other company “SMART” and tell them that GLOBE TELECOM IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!

  574. Avatar for liz liz says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call my boss and tell her “Bahala na kayo dyan sa buhay nyo! Mag-a-unwind muna ako dito sa island!”

    Time to relax… hehehehe

  575. Avatar for raul raul says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Answeri’ll call my trusted houseboy to take some cash in my room and buy me some globe prepaid cards…so i can be able to make a call again to nessesary person who can rescue me…hheheWhy my Houseboy?coz i live alone….;)

  576. Avatar for DYOS DYOS says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    kung pedeng maka tawag ibig sabihin me cellsite tower, mlapit lang sa sibilisasyon, so ang gagawin ko di ako tatawag para di maubos baterya ko at mag text na lang ako sa nanay ko kung ano sitwasyon ko at kung saan last know location ko at nang ma ipa triagulate nila ung location at nang mailigtas nila ko saka ko tatawagan ung iba pang na stuck rin sa mga isla at sabihing “oist na iligtas nako daanan ko kayo?”

  577. Avatar for Sherwan Sherwan says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    I would call my bros and tell them 2 things.
    1st Try to find me after i share all the details of how i got there
    2nd my last words and final words in case they dont find me

  578. Avatar for engelbert engelbert says:

    sana manalo…

  579. Avatar for Jim C Jim C says:

    Stuck on an island… I will call..
    Globe and check if ever they will be able to provide me signal and after that call il use Globe’s FREE text where it will charge P2.50 to my relatives but i get to txt for free

  580. Avatar for eddd eddd says:

    1) Leave a comment on this contest page with the answer to this question — “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    I would call my girl friend. Why? Because she can’t leave without me.(assuming ko ha JOKE). Our phones are both registered in GLOBE “FRIEND FIND from Globe Tracker”. She used this to locate me when she is busy at work (Wise noh! I got no escape from her). She will not stop looking for me (baka ano na ginawa kong kalokohan. HAHAHAHA) and with the aid of the phone network capability she could help me out.

  581. Avatar for daryl daryl says:

    yuga ito po ung url


  582. Avatar for ewancoo ewancoo says:

    Here’s my blog entry:


  583. Avatar for anonymous anonymous says:

    i’d save my last call in the next few days or weeks! life has been busy and being stuck in an island alone is like winning the lottery! after i get enough of clear blue sky and the white sand beach, i’ll call my dad and ask him to pixk me up using a helixopter! hehe :)

    -Sent via YugaTech Mobile App

  584. Avatar for leo leo says:

    @Jazmine, you don’t have the monopoly of “calling-a-friend” idea. actually, i want to post that same idea too but i saw gcol’s post and your reply complaining the same idea. peace.

  585. Avatar for catherine catherine says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call my MOM because
    1. i’ll tell her to contact a Rescue team for me
    2. i’ll tell her to give the phone to my dad, brothers, friends and even dogs! (unlimited call naman dba? hihi)
    3. if the rescue team can’t find me, at least i’ve talked to the most important creatures in my life..maybe for the last time..

    then I’ll wait for miracles to happen nah, hihi ;)

  586. Avatar for Calvin Calvin says:

    abe, posted about it on my tech blog. Good luck na lang sa akin. :P http://www.pinoywebsurfer.com/2009/12/yugatech-great-gadget-giveaway.html

  587. Avatar for moimoi moimoi says:

    Question: “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?”

    nothing…..wala naman signal/cellsite sa island eh, pano ako mag call?hehehe
    unless yuga give me a satellite phone…hehhee

  588. Avatar for Calvin Calvin says:

    Abe posted about this contest on my tech blog. good luck na lang sa akin. hahaha.

  589. Avatar for moimoi moimoi says:

    Question: “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?”

    nothing…..wala naman signal/cellsite sa island eh, pano ako mag call?hehehe

  590. Avatar for Calvin Calvin says:

    abe posted about it on my tech blog.

  591. Avatar for Terbee Terbee says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    i will call hiro nakamura(HEROES TV), and tell him to teleport me.



  592. Avatar for Carlo Dimaandal Carlo Dimaandal says:

    Blogged about this. =)

  593. Avatar for Bryan Onglatco Bryan Onglatco says:

    Question: “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?”


    I’ll call Yugatech and say I’M HERE! WHERE’S MY PRIZE?!?!?

  594. Avatar for Terbee Terbee says:

    posted on my blog:


  595. Avatar for Jonathan Loresca Jonathan Loresca says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call 1800-BRO. “Bro, kaw na bahala saken.”
    In times like this, you need a miracle. ;)

  596. Avatar for bendell bendell says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call my wife, first tell her where i might be, if i don’t have an idea where the island is. then i’ll tell her to go create a twitter account and post an update asking for help in rescuing me. and also to update her facebook status to seek the same help. and finally to ask popular bloggers like yugatech to also find ways to help me. I’m sure i’ll be rescued in no time.

  597. Avatar for ewancoo ewancoo says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“


    I’ll call my girlfriend and will tell her that it will be the last time we’ll be talking and i might not be able to get out of the island. So i’ll have my last request. “Pa-harvest naman ng crops ko sa Farmville!”

  598. Avatar for Albert Albert says:

    Make a call to Jack Bauer from 24 so that they can triangulate my location and attempt a rescue operation just like on TV. Good hunting to you Jack Bauer, I know he can pull this one of, before rescuing the world from terrorists.

  599. Avatar for Demeson L. Blankas Demeson L. Blankas says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call Sec. Ermita to coordinate the rescue. Share a load to me if the call is not enough. While discuss matters on search and rescue operations…lol

  600. Avatar for doreen doreen says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    answer: i’ll call my friend who owes me money and tell him to buy me the unli calls and unli txt. so i would be able to talk to anyone even the rescue.

    after getting the load i will call the one who i owe money and tell him that i have his money but im stuck in an island and the only way he could get the money is to pick me up. hehehe

    not only i got out of the island i still have unli load.

  601. Avatar for Terbee Terbee says:

    Thanks yugatech, i followed you on twitter…

    hope to win one of your prizes…more power…

  602. Avatar for Mike Mike says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Ans: I will call Santino, sabihin ko na ipagdasal ako kay BRO. Ipagdasal din ni Santino kay BRO na sana manalo ako.. DAHIL SIR ABE, IKAW ANG STAR NG PASKO… =)

  603. Avatar for Carlo Dimaandal Carlo Dimaandal says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I would call Tiger Woods and tell him to stay away from my girlfriend and my lady relatives. Or I’d swim all the way back to civilization and kick his ass haha

    tweeted this contest too

  604. Avatar for Ramon Chan Ramon Chan says:

    I would call 911, if I call my wife, she might just hang up on me!

  605. Avatar for jerby129 jerby129 says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and a one call left, who would you call and why?
    Answer: i would call my bestfriend to locate me using globe tracker in that way they would where i am. Now that’s cool
    my bestfriend who is so techie like me would do anything just to search me

  606. Avatar for Yoe del Barrio Yoe del Barrio says:

    I’d call 211 and ask for help. Wouldn’t it be nice to see a headline like: “Man gets saved by 211 call” =))

  607. Avatar for rsa1 rsa1 says:



  608. Avatar for Noe Ramirez Noe Ramirez says:

    blog entry here


  609. Avatar for Terbx Terbx says:

    count me in sir… posted in twitter…:)

  610. Avatar for TeamPilipinas.info TeamPilipinas.info says:

    Blog Entry:




  611. Avatar for Ellen Joy Castel Ellen Joy Castel says:

    tweeted the contest :) I lost my phone and I want a Modu… can I blog and tweet at the same time? :)

  612. Avatar for agham agham says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    My wife. I’ll tell her “wish you were her…here pala.” :-)

  613. Avatar for Efren Jan Corpuz Efren Jan Corpuz says:



  614. Avatar for bintoy bintoy says:

    Don’t really care for Tattoo’s spotty performance, but that Modu and netbook look sweet!

  615. Avatar for iLove iLove says:

    Sorry about the double post. My pc browser warned me that my comment was caught by an anti-spamming utility of sir yuga’s site so I reposted via my phone.
    Also retweeted. Thanks sir yuha.=)
    -Sent via YugaTech Mobile App

  616. Avatar for Kristel Ko Kristel Ko says:

    posted a link :)

  617. Avatar for Efren Jan Corpuz Efren Jan Corpuz says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    I will call for help… and dial 911..
    because I think they have machines that can locate me because of my call… If they locate they can save me and I will be going home alive..

  618. Avatar for 1timnatupa 1timnatupa says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    If i were stuck in an island with only one call left, I’d call my life partner and tell him all about the island—how it has luscious banana and coconut trees, with white sands and a gorgeous mountain range. I won’t ask to be rescued, but instead ask him to join me in this island and get stuck here forever. hahaha! just him and me in an island paradise.

  619. Avatar for iphonedevpinoy iphonedevpinoy says:

    my blog entry


  620. Avatar for Engelbert Engelbert says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    i wiil call my mom and tell her how much i love her, and i will tell her that if i will not survive in this island, i will always be with her where ever i am..

  621. Avatar for Noel Noel says:

    ok nakapag-post na ko sa twitter, at inadd ko na rin po ung talk2globe. :D

  622. Avatar for iLove iLove says:

    Q: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    A: May signal ba globe dun? Hahaha! If meron, then I’ll call sir Yuga and ask him nicely (wink wink) to send me a 3G-capable MSI Wind so that I can update my facebook account of my whereabouts (most of my family and friends are always online in facebook anyway and some would notice feeds faster than receiving calls LOL!). Atleast lahat sla updated in just one message better than calling or texting them one by one) and whoever gets to read it first may rescue me right away or whoever is nearer in the vicinity. Pag wala signal globe dun, ibig ba sabihin nun naka-satellite phone ako? OKs na yun, may satellite phone na ko e… =)

    -Sent via YugaTech Mobile App

  623. Avatar for Raf Raf says:

    @Zirdaj: that was funny!!!

  624. Avatar for pierre tan pierre tan says:

    If i were stuck in the island with one call left, i’ll ask globe for the nearest cellsite, it should not be so far that i can’t go in a makeshift raft and there has to be people there

    -Sent via YugaTech Mobile App

  625. Avatar for whaâ„¢ whaâ„¢ says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    i’ll call my grandma coz shes my friend, mother and confidant and let her know that i’m stuck in an island and will ask help to rescue me from the government.

  626. Avatar for Melissa Melissa says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I would call my sister. She’s in the Coast Guard and I know she would use all the manpower her branch has to coordinate a search and rescue to find and save me from spending the rest of my days alone on that island.

  627. Avatar for Muslimen Muslimen says:

    I followed you already on twitter and tweeted this post. My username on twitter is khennon

    Sent on a phone using T9space.com

  628. Avatar for sprakanitezz sprakanitezz says:

    yuga heres another :) hope youll like it too :)


  629. Avatar for Danny Ching Danny Ching says:

    Just posted your promo on my blog dannyching.wrodpress.com

  630. Avatar for Zirdaj Zirdaj says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    I’d call my one and only inaanak, greet her Merry Christmas, and tell her how much I love her, then say, “Good luck sa paghahanap kay ninong. 0:-)”

  631. Avatar for Raf Raf says:

    I am assuming i could call any person in the world, then i would call Tom Hanks. I’ll probably have a higher probability of being save since he’s also been stuck in an island before (Castaway – movie) and he knows how it feels ;-)

    I’ll then ask some pointers/tips on how to survive! ;-)

  632. Avatar for LunaTech LunaTech says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    answer: i’ll call my wife since malakas ang signal ng Globe sa cabanatuan and tell her that to call me right after since nakaunlimited naman sya sa globe and in that way we can talk longer while waiting for the rescue para hindi sya mag-alala sa akin. heheheheheh

    sana manalo ako.. ahihihihihihih

  633. Avatar for paynjo paynjo says:

    Question: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and

    I would call my ever reliable best friend about my current situation so we could laugh about it. So even if I don’t get rescued, I still had my last laugh :)

  634. Avatar for iLove iLove says:

    Q: If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    A: May signal ba globe dun? Hahaha! If meron, then I’ll call sir Yuga and ask him nicely (wink wink) to send me a 3G-capable MSI Wind so that I can update my facebook account of my whereabouts (most of my family and friends are always online in facebook anyway and some would notice feeds faster than receiving calls LOL!). Atleast lahat sla updated in just one message better than calling or texting them one by one) and whoever gets to read it first may rescue me right away or whoever is nearer in the vicinity. Pag wala signal globe dun, ibig ba sabihin nun naka-satellite phone ako? OKs na yun, may satellite phone na ko e… =)

  635. Avatar for Danny Ching Danny Ching says:

    Just blogged about your promo on my blog at http://dannyching.wrodpress.com

  636. Avatar for Kenneth Tecson Kenneth Tecson says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    i would not call but only text my relatives, sayang naman kung tatawag ako mauubos kaagad ang load at battery., hehe.,

  637. Avatar for jepz jepz says:

    If I were stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call Paris Hilton. Sasabihin ko ang ganda ng island na napuntahan ko.. mas maganda pa sa Boracay. Then, ask ko siya na pumunta kasama mga kabarkada niya… tapos magpaparty kaming lahat.

    Yeah!! Party People! Wish Granted. lolololol

  638. Avatar for Brian_B Brian_B says:

    Lots of traffic this Christmas for you.

  639. Avatar for gcol gcol says:

    @ jazmine, sorry for that, but when I posted I did not even read the comments- honestly – not one comment before I posted!

    Anyway peace :)

  640. Avatar for calvin calvin says:

    pina-tweet ko na si tia. wala akong twitter eh :P

  641. Avatar for kaye kaye says:

    my blog entry


  642. Avatar for Jazmine Jazmine says:

    gcol— next time try coming up with your own ideas! Please!

  643. Avatar for sprakanitezz sprakanitezz says:

    hello yuga heres the link of the promo i made


  644. Avatar for rbsoriano rbsoriano says:

    Question: If you’re stuck in an
    island with a phone and
    only have one call left,
    who would you call and

    I will call the owner of Twitter so he can tweet “Somebody is lost in an out-of-nowhere-island. CAN SOMEONE GIVE HIM A DAMN RESCUE!!”

    Thanks :D

  645. Avatar for jv jv says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call my professor to ask for an extension of deadline for my paper. I would definitely not finish it if I’m stuck in an island without my laptop.

  646. Avatar for gcol gcol says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    Well…I’ll probably call Abe for more Load, lolz. I, actually would call a friend to load my phone So I can make all the calls I need. That what I would do.

    Hpoing to get a tattoo, yay….

  647. Avatar for Aldrin Aldrin says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?


    I would probably call my mom to apologize for all the trouble I caused her for twenty years and that I might not have the chance to see her for dinner. I’ll tell her that her seafood recipes will finally be put to good use and might even ask her for a survivor-esque substitute for the sampaloc mix she often uses.

  648. Avatar for Jazmine Jazmine says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    I would call a friend of mine, ask him to autoload me P2000, and then id call everyone, even my entire phonebook to get me the hell outa here…

  649. Avatar for Tin Tin says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call my girlfriend and tell her how much i love her and then tell her to join the “YugaTech Great Gadget Giveaway” and pass it to others that we may win lots of Gadgets, then tell her to call someone to rescue me so that we can claim our prize! :D LOL. Hoping to win any gadgets especially the MSI WIND!! waa..

  650. Avatar for Tim Tim says:

    If I were stuck on an island with only one person I can call, it would of course be my fiance. She’s at the top of every list and it’s only natural I call her. And I’m sure she’ll be the one to cascade my messages to everyone. And besides, there are things I can only tell to my fiance alone, but nothing I can’t tell her that’ll be for everyone else.

  651. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

    @dy – nice! sipsip! hehehe You win another Php500 load! :D

  652. Avatar for Astreon Astreon says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call Santa Claus and I will ask if he could give me a boat as my Christmas gift. :D:D:D

  653. Avatar for Dy Dy says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    Response: Since it would be my last phone call, I’d give it a shot to call Globe customer service and ask assistance. I’ll ask them to triangulate my location and have the authorities rescue me! :-P

  654. Avatar for drew drew says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“

    -i’ll call 112 because i don’t have load. hopefully, after i post this, i will have load.

  655. Avatar for Troy Samia Troy Samia says:

    just tweeted now.

    will try to post a blog entry later. hehe

  656. Avatar for jun jun says:

    twitted, blogged and pinged-back =) http://magandangbalita.com/2009/12/14/the-great-yugatech-globe-giveaway/…


    If i get stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would I call and why? I will cal Yuga and tell him where he can deliver my prize =)

  657. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

    @kiko – you can always sign-up with Twitter. Only takes 15 seconds. ;) How easy is that?

    Btw, nice answer! You automatically get Php500 load card! Yay!

  658. Avatar for Raf Raf says:


  659. Avatar for I Wei (not my real name) I Wei (not my real name) says:


  660. Avatar for jepz jepz says:

    Just entered via Twitter.

    Blog entry:


  661. Avatar for RJ RJ says:

    Whew! Tweeted and Blogged this!
    Sir Yuga, please check my Blog
    http://all-about-rome.blogspot.com/2009/12/yugatech-contest-1-merry-tweetmas.html …with effort yan! Hehehe! Merry tweetmas! :)

  662. Avatar for Tin Tin says:

    Here’s me blogging “YugaTech Great Gadget Giveaway”!! :D Hope I’ll win. hehe. Thanks Yuga!


  663. Avatar for Spidey Spidey says:

    “Just entered to win a Modu Phone. Quick! Go follow @abeolandres and @talk2globe and retweet: http://bit.ly/6e2q7O #thanks2yugatech”

    – on my twitter

  664. Avatar for janncris janncris says:

    BLOG entry:


    ewan ko lang kugn di pa ako manalo hehe 3 entry na… hehe ^_^

  665. Avatar for sylv3rblade sylv3rblade says:

    Whoops spoke too soon. Used ping.fm to tweet :D

  666. Avatar for Kiko Kiko says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I would call the person who decided that non bloggers/twitterers can only win prepaid loads and not gadgets. Then tell him how unfair that is for most of us. :)

  667. Avatar for sylv3rblade sylv3rblade says:

    Blogged here.

    Gah twitter is blocked at work >_>

  668. Avatar for arnold arnold says:


  669. Avatar for janncris janncris says:

    “If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?“.

    My mom errrrrrrrrrrr…no! I will dial a RESCUE number… so I can be with my mom and all my love ones in the end… =P everyone will think their mom first.. but hmmm so many rescue numbers to dial!

    hope I will win! hehe ^_^

  670. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

    @kenneth – we’ll have a separate round for Facebook. ;)

  671. Avatar for Kenneth Tecson Kenneth Tecson says:

    pwede po ba kahit post sa wall ng facebook?,


  672. Avatar for Nhestor Nhestor says:

    Just posted a tweet! :)

  673. Avatar for arnold arnold says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    answer: I’ll call for help. :-)

  674. Avatar for sprakanitezz sprakanitezz says:

    To yugatech..

    I know this may sound funny or what, but one thing for sure the thing that comes to my mind is to ASK FOR A RESCUE, hello im stuck on and island and desperate to escape and that 1 call left is my life saver i don’t wanna celebrate my new years or xmas on an island ALONE! in today’s world we should be practical and we should use our brains to overcome such obstacles in life. that’s it.. good day!

  675. Avatar for Andrew E Andrew E says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?


    I will call my wife to ask her to Share-A-Load with me so we can talk more, and get me out of this ridiculous island!

  676. Avatar for Meryl Meryl says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call Noynoy, Gibo, Erap, or Villar. Who knows, baka yung boto ko pa magpapanalo sa kanila.

  677. Avatar for Ronnie Ronnie says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I will call the authorities who are capable of helping me out of that island.

  678. Avatar for neva | manilamommy neva | manilamommy says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call my husband, para magbilin to buy milk and diapers for the baby! and then i’ll ask him to pass the phone to our baby so i can sing to him our favorite lullaby and then i’ll talk again to my husband to let him know that no matter what happens, he and our baby will always be loved and that they should live their lives to the fullest and with no regrets.

  679. Avatar for Andre Marcelo-Tanner Andre Marcelo-Tanner says:

    wow medyo complicated pero daming options, although i see the point, usually the simplifying it works best

  680. Avatar for daddy joey daddy joey says:

    followed, retweeted and blogged. :)

  681. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

    Fixed some of the typo links. Thanks!

  682. Avatar for Chris Fulgar Chris Fulgar says:

    Just entered via Twitter, Abe! :-)

  683. Avatar for Chris Fulgar Chris Fulgar says:

    Just entered via Twitter, Abe! :-)

  684. Avatar for edelweiza edelweiza says:

    yuga, your link for @abeolandres in Follow @abeolandres is the same as the link for @talk2globe. fyi. :)

  685. Avatar for Kristin Kristin says:

    oooh! count me in, abe!
    wonder what that MSI ditty is… mysterious much? =D

  686. Avatar for edelweiza edelweiza says:

    If you’re stuck in an island with a phone and only have one call left, who would you call and why?

    I’ll call my mom. As cliche as it may sound, but, she’s not only my mother, she’s my best friend. The past years we’ve been separated by distance and as such were deprived of special moments that shoud’ve been shared together.I love mom so much and there’s no more opportune time to tell her that than when i get stuck in an island.

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