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CAAP now allows in-flight use of text and internet

The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) recently announced that it is now allowing plane passengers to use their phones, tablets, and laptops inside the plane but with a few limitations.

According to the CAAP’s Memorandum Circular No. 52-13, it is now allowing “the use of transmitting portable electronic devices specifically laptops and cellular phone including MP3 and Global System for Mobile Communication On-Board Aircraft (GSMOBA), on a conditional basis, on all commercial aircraft operating within or en-route over the territorial jurisdiction of the Republic of the Philippines.”

in flight calls text internet
Photo by Daniel Morial

Below are the conditions and limitations:

* When aircraft doors are still open, passengers are allowed to use laptops, cellular phones, internet, SMS, and voice calls unless the Pilot-In-Command and Senior Cabin Crew would specifically announce on the public address system (PAS) its prohibition. All electronic devices, however, must be turned off when the aircraft is re-fuelling.

* When aircraft doors are closed, electronic devices must be put on silent mode and may be used only for SMS or internet. Voice calls are not allowed except for the GSMOBA.

* MP3 players should always be used with earphones or headphones on. The use of speakers and amplifiers are not allowed.

Cebu Pacific and Tigerair Philippines were the first ones to express their compliance on the new policy.

The Memorandum Circular No. 52-13 shall take effect 15 days after compliance with the single publication in a newspaper of general circulation and a copy filed with the UP Law Center-Office of the Administrative Register (ONAR), UP Diliman.

{via: Rappler – 1 , 2} {source}

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This article was written by Louie Diangson, Managing Editor of YugaTech. You can follow him at @John_Louie.

12 Responses

  1. Avatar for Fireice2 Fireice2 says:

    IMHO setting it to flight mode (Turning off all the radios), defeats the purpose.

  2. Avatar for GSM GSM says:

    GSMOBA? churry po hindi ako masyadong techie, pero ano ang ibig sabihin nito?

    thanks :)

  3. Avatar for Analog Analog says:

    they should follow to rules of FAA instead. setting the phones to airplane mode.

  4. Avatar for click click says:

    Good news for suicide bomber..

  5. Avatar for Q Q says:

    How are they supposed to make sure that everyone would abide to these ground rules?

    • Avatar for Cindy Cindy says:

      These are not preventive rules. They can only notify an offender after he/she already completed the act or about to do the act.

  6. Avatar for Bobmarlo Bobmarlo says:

    Ung sat phone keya?

  7. Avatar for Denmark Denmark says:

    How you can send sms and use internet if nasa ere ka? You cant use it till the airlines provide it.

  8. Avatar for rockz rockz says:

    So just ti clarify we are now allowed to use our 3G/4G internet kahit sa himpapawid provided na may signal doon? If so this is exciting … may in-flight internet na …

  9. Avatar for countrymouse countrymouse says:

    oh well, thats good. at sana wala ngang tatawag kapag nasa himpapawid ang airplane, thats annoying.

    • Avatar for Mon Mon says:

      Agree, since required mag headset kapag nakikinig sa MP3 player, baka pagbawal na rin yung calls.

      Gusto ko nga naman may freedom tayo na gawin yung gusto natin, but since most people doesn’t know the meaning of respect or courtesy, better have these kinds of rules than let others be a-holes during the flight.

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