Samsung has launched in India a new color variant of its Galaxy S8 and S8+. The Orchid Grey option is the fourth addition to blue, black, and gold models available in their country.
There’s a catch, though, if local customers want to get this new color since the grey variant is only available for the 4GB RAM and 64GB storage option. The beefier 6GB/128GB tandem is still exclusive in black. Nothing has changed for the pricing so it’s just really a matter of preference.
Wala na ba maisulat na article ang YugaTech? Anong pakialam natin sa variants ng India?
More than 200,000 of our monthly readers are from India. That’s why.
it says in india
Matagal na available to sa PH. Copy paste lang talaga sa gsmarena.
Yep, old color. Just got one today too.
Orchid Gray is one of the 3 colors launched in the Philippines. I got one on June 15 ?