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Windows XP fans petition for OS to stay

Apple isn’t the only one who has gazillions of fanboys. Windows XP has its own following too — in the hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions. By June 2008, Windows XP will no longer be an option for new PCs.

First, let me state that I’m a Windows XP fan myself and I was frustrated that my recent laptop purchase forced me to go with Windows Vista. The vendor says they no longer offer XP bundled with the new units and there’s no option to downgrade from Vista unless you buy your own XP license and install it yourself.

The main problem I had with Vista is that it’s slow and 1GB of RAM just wouldn’t cut it (I decided to ramp up the memory to 4GB).

Anyway, according to an article on MSNBC, over 110,000 supporters of Windows XP has sent in a petition online to save the OS from expiring on June 2008.

The “Save Windows XP” drive aims to do just that. Microsoft originally planned to stop selling XP to retailers and computer manufacturers at the end of 2007, but extended that deadline to June 30 of this year.

In May 2007, XP had 82.25% of the OS market — still an overwhelmingly huge chunk of the pie. Microsoft’s push to cease support for XP may not guarantee that all those 80 plus percent XP users will migrate to Vista. They might just settle for other OSes like Ubuntu or OS X.

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Avatar for Abe Olandres

Abe is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of YugaTech with over 20 years of experience in the technology industry. He is one of the pioneers of blogging in the country and considered by many as the Father of Tech Blogging in the Philippines. He is also a technology consultant, a tech columnist with several national publications, resource speaker and mentor/advisor to several start-up companies.

17 Responses

  1. Avatar for Abc Abc says:

    Also i bought a windows xp laptop at 2011 in singapore so some shop still sell it although i doubt they are selling them now.

  2. Avatar for Abc Abc says:

    Actually windows embedded standard 2009 and windows embedded posready 2009 which is based on xp pro sp3 ends support at 2019, only one year before windows 7 sp0 ends support

  3. Avatar for Chris Jones Chris Jones says:

    Aw man, Thanks for this… seriously!

  4. Avatar for Codename bosero Codename bosero says:

    Hmm I think XP is the best OS for all purpose

    XP needed only 32mb to 3 Gb o ram
    Its affordable in hardwares and can be called as a common one

    I dont care if vista’s appearance is good and its direct-x 10

    I dont care about that aero glass(I used it in my XP using windows blinds)

    I prefer to use XP hehehe
    I am agreeing wat u said

    VISTAe naman yan eh

    Just wait for Windows Vienna and see the downfall of Vista

  5. Avatar for kiuwenay kiuwenay says:

    you can still use XP OS while using vista thru VMware Workstation.

  6. Avatar for JC John SESE Cuneta JC John SESE Cuneta says:

    GNU/Linux for-the-win!

    My personal choice -> Ubuntu for pros; Kubuntu for newbies!

  7. Avatar for deuts deuts says:

    I prefer XP over Vista. And now I’m starting to like Ubuntu even better! :D

  8. Avatar for neis neis says:

    i used 4gb of ram on vista, it only detects 3gb because its 32bit… :(

    if you switch to 64bit, it should detect the entire 4gb

  9. Avatar for orgl orgl says:

    I’m enjoying with my xp + crystal xp :)

  10. Avatar for jhay jhay says:

    They should just extend support for XP for another year or until Windows 7 comes out or Vista gets overhauled. Seriously. LOL

  11. Avatar for pinoy websurfer pinoy websurfer says:

    im a windows xp fan myself. i always tell my relatives not to switch to vista if they can help it.

    dell now offers windows xp as part of their pc or laptop package.

  12. Avatar for BrianB BrianB says:


    Nice advertising alternative. I’ve applied to Federated Media, Abe. Hope the traffic is within their standards.

  13. Avatar for icy icy says:

    They both run well on my laptop and pc. Xp is more stable and you have more support on hardwares and software drivers. Vista pushed hardwares so much that these hardware vendors can’t keep up. Vista even downgraded itself.

    I prefer vista but I just can’t convince myself to migrate from xp pro to vista as development platform. I’m afraid my softwares will not run well on vista.

  14. Avatar for Aja Aja says:

    I’m not a Windows fanboy, but I sure hope XP would live longer. I think I’ve heard and read so many people “upgrade” to XP from Vista. I meant the performance, stability, unobtrusiveness and ease of use, not just the version number and eye candy.

    BTW: Ditto @Ade.

  15. Avatar for Ade Ade says:

    Will MS listen, though?

  16. Avatar for joseph joseph says:

    Almost all calls that I get in our call center for a brand of notebooks, they want to downgrade from Vista to XP. BTW abe, is the full 4 gig recognized on vista?

  17. Avatar for Kinnison Kinnison says:

    XP fanboy here! :)
    Vista just isn’t my cup o’ tea.

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