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Cell sites do not cause any known health risks, says expert

An independent scientific organization has affirmed that proximity to cell sites does not cause any known health risks, contrary to what many homeowner associations (HOAs) in the Philippines believe.

Dr. Rodney Croft, chairman of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) High-Frequency Guidelines Project Group addressed key stakeholders at the recently-held Philippine Telecommunications Summit last March 9-10, 2017.

Croft emphasized that cell sites do not cause any known health risks. “We have no reason to think that anyone getting exposed to cell site towers are going to be adversely affected in terms of their health. Large amount of research has failed to find any evidence that anyone has been hurt just because they were exposed to these telecom facilities,” said Croft.

According to Croft, the Philippine government requires adherence to ICNIRP guidelines so that exposure to radio frequency radiation is below what ICNIRP says is safe.

Health Assistant Secretary Dr. Agnette Peralta, who is currently a member of the Main Commission of ICNIRP also added that “The Philippines standard was made even lower than the established guidelines – up to 4 times lower and the exposure is only thermal or heat.”

According to Globe , they were not able to provide some villages and subdivisions with sufficient mobile and internet coverage as some HOAs and/or barangays won’t allow them to build cell sites.

“We hope that our stakeholders will come to terms with the varied issues besetting the industry. At this time when customers’ demand for bandwidth and coverage are increasingly greater, we really need to build the right amount of infrastructure if we ever want to experience first world internet in the country,” said Globe Senior Vice President for Corporate Communications Yoly Crisanto.

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3 Responses

  1. Avatar for del del says:

    “The Philippines standard was made even lower than the established guidelines – up to 4 times lower and the exposure is only thermal or heat.”
    ….so mas matagal ka lang ‘maluto’?

  2. Avatar for rusure rusure says:

    Put the cell towers near the Zobels and Ayalas homes first. Then we will believe them

  3. Avatar for convair52 convair52 says:

    Dito sa atin meron pa ring health risk kasi kumukulo dugo mo o na-high blood ka sa sobrang inis dahil sa bagal ng internet na mahal pa.

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