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Sciphone goes for Android Dream 2

Maybe this is what Google wanted all along — for every small-time phone manufacturer not to worry about their mobile OS. China-based Schiphone is said to be coming up with Android Dream 2 soon.

The Sciphone Dream G2 will run Android Home edition V1.0, and will come with GSM/EDGE support, up to 16GB memory on microSD. Smaller than the G1, the G2 has a 2.8-inch displayscreeb, WiFi, FM tuner, but no 3G {via }. Has this weird 4MP camera.

Pre-installed apps include Google Maps, Gmail and YouTube applications. The G2 could be the 2nd phone to run the venerable Google Android OS. The G2 will be priced at US$174 or Php8,500 when it ships out in a couple of weeks.

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Avatar for Abe Olandres

Abe is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of YugaTech with over 20 years of experience in the technology industry. He is one of the pioneers of blogging in the country and considered by many as the Father of Tech Blogging in the Philippines. He is also a technology consultant, a tech columnist with several national publications, resource speaker and mentor/advisor to several start-up companies.

6 Responses

  1. Avatar for hello hello says:

    2 potato

  2. Avatar for iPhone China iPhone China says:

    This sciphone is a better replica and I hope all of the clones have an Android OS.

  3. Avatar for Newton Newton says:

    will it ever land on Philippine soil? still nice features even without 3g.

  4. Avatar for Lyle Lyle says:

    Hopefully, it reaches Philippine soil with the same price tag.

  5. Avatar for BrianB BrianB says:

    Good-bye Windows CE?

  6. Avatar for phitski phitski says:

    wow android phones invading us!lol.. its their time:)is this phone also a open source?

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