Yesterday, we showed you a gallery of photos we took using the Sony a7R III, which just launched in SEA. It included shots of models, landscapes, even a couple of low light photos, all of which were taken at the National Gallery Singapore.
The results were definitely very impressive, and today we would like to show you even more amazing photos. This gallery includes shots taken at Gardens by the Bay, a massive nature park in Singapore.
Do note that all images in this gallery are not edited in any way, shape, or form, and came straight from the SD card. We, again, used the Sony FE 24-70mm f/2.8 GM lens. Check it out.
The camera is undoubtedly amazing, and the images you can get with it definitely shows that. Loving the a7R III so far? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment down below. Click here to see yesterday’s gallery, and here to see our first impressions of the a7R III.
Battery life?