Forbes has reported that Google Buy (GBuy, Google Payments, Google Purchases or Google Wallet, whichever) is due to be released to the public on June 28, 2006.
Consumers using GBuy, which is set for release on June 28, will be taken off the merchant’s site to complete the payment. This will enable Google (nasdaq: GOOG – news – people ) to capture e-commerce transaction data, driving more precise targeting in future searches.
On its core search results pages, Google will designate each merchant accepting GBuy as a “trusted GBuy merchant.” If consumers view this as a mark of safety and security, Rohan believes this should increase click-through rate.
Previous speculations on this have been blogged here and here which touted the new Google service to be a Paypal killer.
If and when Google will leverage on other existing services like Froogle, AdWords and Adsense is yet to be seen but considering that Google has had huge successes in integrating all its services into one user account (Google Account), much like what Microsoft did then with MSN Passport, I think this is an easy guess.
We will soon find out come June 28.
[tags]google, ebay, paypal, online payments[/tags]
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if this will be the alternative payment option for adsense income, i will be happy to have this since our country is not supportd by paypal. they said that will never compete with paypal, but i guess in the near future, the answer is yes!
I’m with Migs, since PayPal doesn’t work here in the Philippines, maybe Gbuy or whatever it’s going to be called will.
I hope they allow you to “buy” even without a product – another remittance option to beat PayPal.