During special occasions, Facebook releases something unique on their site. Just last month, they have given us the ‘Thankful’ reaction in a form of a flower for Mother’s Day celebration. This time around, Facebook has something for the LGBTQ community.
Since the LGBTQ community is celebrating the Pride Month, Facebook gave birth to a new reaction — a Rainbow Flag. The colorful flag is famously known to represent LGBTQ and if you want to make us of it on reacting to anyone’s Facebook posts and comments, you just have to follow a simple step.
We believe in building a platform that supports all communities. So we’re celebrating love and diversity this Pride by giving you a special reaction to use during Pride Month.
To access the Pride reaction, you just have to like the LGBTQ@Facebook page and it’ll be turned on automatically. No hint if the reaction will be permanent but it’s most likely temporary, just like the ‘Thankful’ reaction.
Source: Facebook
What?? First they steal the rainbow, then they steal the word gay, now they steal the month of june. These fanatics are a cancer. And facebook has gone full psycho, they should not be promoting sins, next thing you know they will be having an adulterers pride month or a pornographers pride month ,maybe even a plunderers pride month for politicians like erap. Lol