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More paid services are being prepared by Meta for Facebook Instagram and WhatsApp

Meta is now creating a team focusing on looking and crafting ‘paid features’ for Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp.

Meta Facebook Instagram Whatsapp Feature Image

Different platforms are now releasing premium features for a price to cope with their loss, especially with companies like Apple implementing the tracking changes on iOS that really rippled to the Ads business of Meta.

The new product organization is called New Monetization Experiences – which will be led by Meta’s previous head of research Prariti Raychoudhury – handles this exploration with premium services based on an internal memo sent to Meta’s employees which were acquired by The Verge last week.

Paid features on Facebook and Instagram are actually not new because they already have them for creators like Stars, paid events, and other subscription products, but this new team will plan to create a whole new batch of premium features away from this section.

It’s still unclear what kind of paid features they’ll be planning to release but the VP for Monetization John Hegeman said to The Verge that they’re keeping an eye on their peers in the industry and that they’re willing to learn and emulate how others did it.


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I'm a frustrated stoic, generalist and tech enthusiast. Service to humanity is the best work of life.

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